Bugzilla – Bug 17866
stream.mp3: transcoding of flac to mp3 not starting
Last modified: 2012-01-21 20:30:25 UTC
logitechmediaserver_7.7.2~33765_all.deb ubuntu 11.10 - oneiric - 64bit My audio files are stored using flac. If I try to use mpd to listen to http://slimserver:9000/stream,mp3 and start to play a song via web interface the song seem to start and stops visually after 4 seconds. No sound appear on the client side. I can see no flac or lame process on the server. flac and lame are installed... If I use an internet mp3 stream via "Logitech Media Server" - mpd plays it without problem. I cannot see any transcoding messages in the logfile.
FWIW, stream.mp3 still works for me when streaming from my Windows server to either Winamp or Windows Media Player. Just thought I'd mention that it isn't completely broken on all platforms. Try enabling debugging for the logging option 'player.source' (Settings > Advanced > Logging) to see detailed transcoding messages in the server log.
Hi, thanks for your hint... I missed this logging option... [12-01-22 04:12:31.7207] Slim::Player::Song::open (408) Transcoder: streamMode=F, streamformat=mp3 [12-01-22 04:12:31.7225] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::tokenizeConvertCommand2 (553) Using command for conversion: "/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/i386-linux/flac" -dcs -- "/media/audio/music/ABBA/Gold - Greatest Hits/15-Does Your Mother Know.flac" | "/usr/bin/lame" --silent -q 0 -v -B 320 - - & | [12-01-22 04:12:31.7232] Slim::Player::Song::open (558) Tokenized command: "/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/i386-linux/flac" -dcs -- "/media/audio/music/ABBA/Gold - Greatest Hits/15-Does Your Mother Know.flac" | "/usr/bin/lame" --silent -q 0 -v -B 320 - - & | [12-01-22 04:12:31.8127] Slim::Player::SongStreamController::new (31) live=2 That is the problem... I've got a plain 64bit system... After renaming the 32bit binary it works with flac command from the system. Now I installed ia32-libs and I can use the binary which comes with "Logitech Media Server".