Bug 3760 - If Music folder is root - wrong Folder will be saved
: If Music folder is root - wrong Folder will be saved
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Web Interface
: 6.5b1
: PC Windows XP
: P1 major (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Dan Sully
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Reported: 2006-07-15 03:21 UTC by Jens Boettiger
Modified: 2008-09-15 14:39 UTC (History)
0 users

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Category: ---


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Description Jens Boettiger 2006-07-15 03:21:56 UTC
If the music folder is a root folder under Windows XP (I have only tested Windows XP), Slimserver will save a wrong folder name, so next rescan will fail.

Example: My music folder is m:\
After stopping and restarting slimserver service, slimserver shows me my music folder in web interface as m:\m:
I have tested this with c:\ also, after restart the folder is c:\c:

If you show the pref file you will see the wrong entry.
I have also used a clear installation (killing pref file), the result is the same.

Used slimserver version: 6.5b1 - 8453 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252 

Comment 1 Chris Owens 2006-07-17 14:23:33 UTC
I had no trouble reproducing this once I noticed that it said to stop and restart slimserver.
Comment 2 Dan Sully 2006-07-18 18:07:51 UTC
Fixed in change 8497