Bug 5281 - SlimTray disappears when clicked.
: SlimTray disappears when clicked.
Status: CLOSED DUPLICATE of bug 5659
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Slimtray
: 7.0
: PC Windows (legacy)
: P2 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Squeezebox QA Team email alias
Depends on:
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Reported: 2007-08-17 08:30 UTC by Wallace Lai
Modified: 2008-12-18 11:12 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Wallace Lai 2007-08-17 08:30:30 UTC
Gateway, P4, 1.97 GHz, 1.25 GB of RAM, Win 2K SP4 ENU

Steps to Reproduce:
1.  Download SlimServer 7.0a1 build of today - 2007-08-17.
2.  Install it.
3.  Upon completion, mouse over the SlimTray.  The tooltip indicates SlimServer is running.
4.  Right click it to try bringing up the menu.
5.  Notice SlimTray simply disappears.

Work Around:
Double click the DeskTop icon to start the web interface.
Comment 1 nicketynick 2007-11-02 14:46:08 UTC
I've just had it happen to me running the 10/31 nightly on XP, after a fresh restart of XP as well. Which is funny, because when I checked yesterday, the slimtray worked fine. I was watching Task Manager Processes, SC was still pulling a lot of cycles, maybe related?
Comment 2 Michael Herger 2007-11-07 07:05:08 UTC
Change 14456 - use a sub instead of <DATA> to access the strings. ActiveState support meant this _might_ be the cause for random crashes. Please test.
Comment 3 Michael Herger 2007-11-15 22:53:06 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 5659 ***
Comment 4 Chris Owens 2008-03-07 09:04:52 UTC
This bug is being closed since it was resolved for a version which is now released!  Please download the new version of SqueezeCenter (formerly SlimServer) at http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads.html

If you are still seeing this bug, please re-open it and we will consider it for a future release.