Bug 2964 - SlimServer should provide feedback about scan to user.
: SlimServer should provide feedback about scan to user.
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Player UI
: 6.2.2
: PC Windows XP
: P2 critical (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Chris Owens
Depends on: 4294
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Reported: 2006-02-09 07:59 UTC by Nico
Modified: 2008-12-18 11:12 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Nico 2006-02-09 07:59:48 UTC
A first time user may have a negative experience with the player during a library update.  Music may not immediately appear or UI performance may be sluggish.

The client UI should also notify the user of the library update operation.  This will provide feedback.  This feedback may be helpful to a positive user experience.  If no feedback, the user may have a negative review of the client's performance.

Note, I experienced mentioned performance during a library update.  I thought the sluggish UI (and slow queued response to button presses) was normal for the box.  For a day, was ready to return the box back to Slimdevices.  An informative message would have been helpful in my decision making.
Comment 1 Blackketter Dean 2006-04-23 09:57:21 UTC
Agreed, we need to improve this.
Comment 2 Dan Sully 2006-07-23 18:16:01 UTC
Quite agreed - this is targetted for post 6.5 though.

For both the player ui and the web ui.
Comment 3 KDF 2007-01-10 00:18:53 UTC
I suppose this goes along with bug 4294, but as this is player UI it could be kept separate?
Comment 4 Ross Levine 2007-05-24 16:12:51 UTC
Works in 7.0a1
Comment 5 Chris Owens 2008-03-07 09:03:43 UTC
This bug is being closed since it was resolved for a version which is now released!  Please download the new version of SqueezeCenter (formerly SlimServer) at http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads.html

If you are still seeing this bug, please re-open it and we will consider it for a future release.