Bugzilla – Bug 7084
Wallpaper: No difference between Stone and Black
Last modified: 2009-09-08 09:19:21 UTC
When looking at the different wallpaper options availble on the Jive (7.0 R1901) I can't tell the differance between the BLACK and STONE wallpaper. It looks like the Image for STONE is missing.
You are right, they are very close. Too close. Let's fix that stone image in 7.0.1
FWIW: Stone was designed to make the background on the status bar disappear, however, I have no objection to it being retired. I would also remove "Sun Light," from the wallpaper settings. It is very close to "Fade to Black". The only difference is it is a 45degree gradient. All of the other 45d gradient color schemes have already been removed...
So if we retie the wallpapers, what happens if someone has it selected?
We write a little code that says if it's "Stone" set it to "Black". :)
Or, we fix the images so that they look different on the device. Noah?
Is the issue we cannot remove wallpapers from the firmware? If so, we could also consider replacing "stone," with an actual image [think MAC river rock wallpaper]...I am sure there is a flickr image floating around. Personally, I am agnostic about the request. Has anyone else commented about this wallpaper being an issue?
I think replacing the stone color with a stone image is perfect. (Didn't we have one before?) Noah: please attach an image and reassign to Ben for adding to the Jive build.
Created attachment 3166 [details] Wallpaper- Stone artwork replacement Artist: jens.lilienthal via Flickr http://flickr.com/photos/21532948@N04/sets/
Comment on attachment 3166 [details] Wallpaper- Stone artwork replacement The image is not under Creative Commons license...
Created attachment 3169 [details] Wallpaper- Stone artwork replacement Artist Credit: Ryan McD http://flickr.com/photos/mcdnry/383100760/sizes/l/
Created attachment 3170 [details] Wallpaper- Stone example of artist screen
Created attachment 3171 [details] Wallpaper- Stone example of albums screen
Created attachment 3172 [details] Wallpaper- Stone example of now playing screen
Attached is the replacement artwork for the "Stone," Wallpaper.
fixed in trunk r2161
Verified fixed in R2166