Bugzilla – Bug 4442
Enhance Crossfading with dynamic count-back point
Last modified: 2011-01-24 00:25:09 UTC
I infer the crossfading currently works like this: Take the user-configured crossfade duration, halve it, and count that many seconds back from the end of Track A to find the point at which crossfading should commence. Instead of beginning the count-back from the end of the track, I propose the count-back begin from the point approaching the end of the track where the level falls below a user-configured level. This would elminiate situations where tracks that fade out over an extended period result in no discernible crossfading during the transition to the next track. The sqrsoft plug-in (http://www.sqrsoft.com.ar/en/index.html) for Winamp is an example of a cross-fader that can do this.
The primary difficulty for us is that crossfading occurs in our firmware, and code (and buffer) space there is tight, unlike a Winamp plugin. :) We'll investigate it, but I just thought I'd let you know.
This idea is too much at odds with the architecture of the system to stand any chance of being implemented.