Bug 10284 - Clock (e.g. stopped) screensaver appears on pause
: Clock (e.g. stopped) screensaver appears on pause
Product: SB Controller
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Screensavers
: unspecified
: PC Debian Linux
: -- normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Richard Titmuss
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Reported: 2008-12-11 11:39 UTC by Marc Auslander
Modified: 2008-12-15 10:29 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Category: ---


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Description Marc Auslander 2008-12-11 11:39:04 UTC
7.3 R3476

screen settings - when playing, now playing
                  when stopped, classic clock

when I press pause while the now playing screen saver is engaged, it switches immediately to the clock.  If I pause when another screen (including now playing) is displayed, it delays the screensaver delay and then goes to the clock.

Bottom line, I think, is that the stopped screensaver is engaging on pause, which is not what I want and not what it used to do.
Comment 1 Ben Klaas 2008-12-11 11:46:14 UTC
Fairly certain that it's always worked that way and is also how it was designed.

Pushing to Richard for comment.
Comment 2 Marc Auslander 2008-12-11 12:05:10 UTC
Possibly.  Only with the 7.3 fixes to I find the not playing screensaver useful, so I haven't used it in a while before upgrading to 7.3.

However, not restarting the timer when you press pause while the now playing screensaver is engaged can't be right, can it?

And if the design that stopped means stopped/paused is kept, we really need different timeouts for the two.

Although the details are different, note that the SB3 only brings up the clock when its powered off - you never loose your screen while you are using it.
Comment 3 James Richardson 2008-12-15 10:29:23 UTC
As designed, won't fix for now.