Bug 2169 - Player fails to move to next item in playlist after resuming a song paused near the end.
: Player fails to move to next item in playlist after resuming a song paused ne...
Product: SB 2/3
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Audio
: unspecified
: PC Windows XP
: P2 normal with 2 votes (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Blackketter Dean
Depends on:
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Reported: 2005-09-22 14:40 UTC by Mick
Modified: 2008-12-18 11:38 UTC (History)
10 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

Zip archive of log files capturing behaviour (8.99 KB, application/octet-stream)
2005-09-22 14:43 UTC, Mick
possible solution (961 bytes, patch)
2005-10-31 23:19 UTC, KDF
Details | Diff

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Description Mick 2005-09-22 14:40:32 UTC
I played an mp3 until there was < 1 minute remaining. I'm assuming the remainder
of the song was in the SB2's buffer. I then paused.

I enabled d_source, d_slimproto_v & d_stream_v and resumed.

The player plays the end of the track and does not proceed to the next item in
the playlist.

I then enabled d_playlist to see what was going on.

Here's what I captured in the logs when the song ends and the player "stalls"

Further log details are attached here

2005-09-20 21:26:01.7995 new state: OP
2005-09-20 21:26:01.7997 state: OP, framelen: 0, inbuflen: 0
2005-09-20 21:26:01.7999 attempting to read 4 bytes
2005-09-20 21:26:01.8000 no more to read.
2005-09-20 21:26:02.7968 Slimproto client readable:
2005-09-20 21:26:02.7971 state: OP, framelen: 0, inbuflen: 0
2005-09-20 21:26:02.7972 attempting to read 4 bytes
2005-09-20 21:26:02.7974 Got 4 bytes from client, 0 remaining
2005-09-20 21:26:02.7976 new state: LENGTH
2005-09-20 21:26:02.7977 state: LENGTH, framelen: 0, inbuflen: 0
2005-09-20 21:26:02.7979 attempting to read 4 bytes
2005-09-20 21:26:02.7981 Got 4 bytes from client, 0 remaining
2005-09-20 21:26:02.7983 new state: DATA
2005-09-20 21:26:02.7984 state: DATA, framelen: 41, inbuflen: 0
2005-09-20 21:26:02.7986 attempting to read 41 bytes
2005-09-20 21:26:02.7988 Got 41 bytes from client, 0 remaining
2005-09-20 21:26:02.7993 output size: 3528000
output fullness: 0
elapsed seconds: 250
2005-09-20 21:26:02.7995 new state: OP
2005-09-20 21:26:02.7997 state: OP, framelen: 0, inbuflen: 0
2005-09-20 21:26:02.7999 attempting to read 4 bytes
2005-09-20 21:26:02.8000 no more to read.
2005-09-20 21:26:03.7968 Slimproto client readable:
2005-09-20 21:26:03.7971 state: OP, framelen: 0, inbuflen: 0
2005-09-20 21:26:03.7972 attempting to read 4 bytes
2005-09-20 21:26:03.7974 Got 4 bytes from client, 0 remaining
2005-09-20 21:26:03.7976 new state: LENGTH
2005-09-20 21:26:03.7977 state: LENGTH, framelen: 0, inbuflen: 0
2005-09-20 21:26:03.7979 attempting to read 4 bytes
2005-09-20 21:26:03.7981 Got 4 bytes from client, 0 remaining
2005-09-20 21:26:03.7983 new state: DATA
2005-09-20 21:26:03.7984 state: DATA, framelen: 41, inbuflen: 0
2005-09-20 21:26:03.7986 attempting to read 41 bytes
2005-09-20 21:26:03.7988 Got 41 bytes from client, 0 remaining
2005-09-20 21:26:03.7993 output size: 3528000
output fullness: 0
elapsed seconds: 250
2005-09-20 21:26:03.7995 new state: OP
2005-09-20 21:26:03.7997 state: OP, framelen: 0, inbuflen: 0
2005-09-20 21:26:03.7999 attempting to read 4 bytes
2005-09-20 21:26:03.8000 no more to read.
2005-09-20 21:26:04.1827 currentPlaylistChangeTime : Tue Sep 20 21:17:49 2005
2005-09-20 21:26:04.1831 currentPlaylistRender : Tue Sep 20 21:17:54 2005
2005-09-20 21:26:04.1834 currentPlaylistRenderSkin :
2005-09-20 21:26:04.1837 currentPlaylistRenderStart: 0
2005-09-20 21:26:04.1840 skinOverride:
2005-09-20 21:26:04.1843 start: 0
2005-09-20 21:26:04.1847 Skipping playlist build - not modified
Comment 1 Mick 2005-09-22 14:43:40 UTC
Created attachment 845 [details]
Zip archive of log files capturing behaviour

I'm only guessing that this is a firmware bug as I would expect the player to
request the next track in the playlist and under the conditions described it

If the Server is responsible for "pushing" data to the player, then it's a
server side bug.
Comment 2 Blackketter Dean 2005-09-22 16:19:58 UTC
Vid, what do you think?
Comment 3 Ben Sandee 2005-09-23 06:30:42 UTC
I see this too, intermittently.  I've seen it since I had the SB2 (April?).  Not
sure if it happens on my SliMP3's or not -- sorry!  Every time I sit down to try
to replicate this it stops happening.  But it seems to always happen if I'm not
paying attention.

Debian sarge Linux, running svn nightlies.
Comment 4 Blackketter Dean 2005-09-26 14:11:23 UTC
Vidur: can you comment on this?
Comment 5 Blackketter Dean 2005-10-05 15:05:19 UTC
*** Bug 2214 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 Blackketter Dean 2005-10-05 15:56:04 UTC
Here's the issue.  When we pause and the playmode is playout-play, then resume,
the mode gets set back to play not playout-play.  I guess we need a
playout-pause mode.  ick.
Comment 7 KDF 2005-10-05 17:03:43 UTC
I recall that there was something siilar to this for an older bug, playe
stopping if a song is added to near the end of the last song.  Maybe something
similar can be used to test the restore condition after pause.  Does pause
actually change the playout-play mode to pause or stop?
Comment 8 Blackketter Dean 2005-10-05 17:24:42 UTC
it changes it to pause and then upon resume it changes it to play (and not playout-play, if it was that 
Comment 9 James Rome 2005-10-08 14:31:25 UTC
I don't think it is always happening just near the end of the track. I think it
also happens if you wait hours before trying to resume.
Comment 10 James Rome 2005-10-08 14:32:53 UTC
My last comment was not for radio streaming, which always plays the buffer ouyt
and then stops. It was for mp3 playing.
Comment 11 Joe Peterson 2005-10-31 18:03:42 UTC
I can reproduce this faithfully on both SoftSqueeze and SB2 - tried server 6.5b,
10/28 & 10/29.  I have tried several different MP3s in my library, and it
happens on them all.
Comment 12 KDF 2005-10-31 23:19:33 UTC
Created attachment 977 [details]
possible solution

I tried to accomplish this without the mess of creating a new playmode.  I
noticed that the condition to trigger playout-play was a chunksize of 0.  On
resume, by comparing song position with totalbytes, the playmode can be reset
to playout-play.  This needs a bit more testing as I was unable to try it under
enough conditions.  It does seem to go onto the next song where it had not
Comment 13 clumsyoik 2005-11-01 11:57:56 UTC
*** Bug 2459 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 14 Mick 2005-11-03 07:16:18 UTC
I tested out KDF's proposed patch  here
https://bugs-archive.lyrion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2169#c12 and it seems to fix the
issue I first saw. The player does now move on to the next song if
paused/resumed close to the end of the track.

I am seeing some Random Mix weirdness but that may be just down to the amount of
stopping and starting of the server I was doing. I'll keep testing.

If this is confirmed to work, can it be rolled into 6.21 for those of us who
would prefer to run the stable trunk.
Comment 15 Max Spicer 2005-11-03 07:25:54 UTC
I missed this patch before.  I've just applied it so will report back in due time.
Comment 16 Mick 2005-11-03 10:00:24 UTC
Ok, just adding to my previous comment. The patch works correctly and does not
interfere with Random Mix. Random Mix loops the playlist when you
shutdown/re-start the server.

If this is in tommorrows nightly, I'll retest with Slim.exe and the bug can be
closed unless anyone can think of a scenario he new code would break.

Nice one KDF.
Comment 17 James Rome 2005-11-03 11:25:14 UTC
How does one apply the patch? Or when will it be in the nightly build?
Comment 18 KDF 2005-11-03 12:05:50 UTC
I'll put this into the 6.5b1 nightly build so that it can be available for
windows testing tomorrow. 
Comment 19 James Rome 2005-11-03 12:22:39 UTC
Put it in the 6.2.1 build too.
Do I really want to upgrade to 6.5? I just got patches for the softsqueeze
brightness and slimserver displayed labels fixed in 6.2.1. Did they also get put
into 6.5?
Comment 20 Mick 2005-11-03 12:43:29 UTC
"Put it in the 6.2.1 build too." Eh!

Would you mind adding it to the 6.2.1 nightly please?

Since this is someone giving up their personal free time to fix a issue that's
annoying you, some manners wouldn't go astray.

To test the patch above, you would need to alter the Slim/Player/Source.pm and
run  slimserver.pl at the command prompt using perl.exe.

Thats what I had to do as I don't run subversion. Since I reported this bug, I
thought I should at least be willing to spend the time to download perl
(downloaded 5.6.x first DOH!) and spend 30 mins testing it.
Comment 21 KDF 2005-11-03 12:54:51 UTC
ALL fixes are in 6.5 as well as future features.  6.2.1 is strictly for critical
and STABLE fixes.  As I am unsure about this one, I am only going to put into
6.5 builds until it is approved by Slim Devices for adding to 6.2.1.  

Please try to be patient. It will get there eventually, since this is targetted
for 6.2.1.
Comment 22 Mick 2005-11-03 13:20:27 UTC
I've been working from home today and playback has been solid with your patch
applied to last night's 6.2.1 nightly for the last 9 hours or so. I've
paused/resumed a number of times near the end of songs and playback has continued.

One thing I have just noticed. If I ffwd to about the last minute of a song
(this could happen if I ffwd to any point in a track but I was trying to break
the patch) and then let the remainder of the song play out, the time remaining
goes -1:12, -1:11, -1:10 etc then the playback "gauge" jumps back to near the
start of the song (when I started ffwding) and the time remaining displays -4:50.

However it's only a graphical glitch and the player moves on to the next track
in the playlist as normal.
Comment 23 KDF 2005-11-03 21:07:39 UTC
committed to trunk for 6.5 build as of change 5027.  This will be in the Nov 4
nightly build of 6.5.  

I'd be interested in knowing whether the ffwd glitch described can be triggered
without this update in place.  If it is caused by this change, it won't make it
into 6.2.1 (6.2.2 perhaps)
Comment 24 Sue Chastain 2005-11-03 21:17:42 UTC
I can confirm that the ffwd glitch has been around for a while. Several weeks 
at least.
Comment 25 KDF 2005-11-03 21:21:28 UTC
Thanks Sue,
could you please file a bug report for that one (unless I'm forgetting an existing report)

let me know if this is good for 6.2.1
Comment 26 Sue Chastain 2005-11-03 21:35:09 UTC
Bug 2486 Submitted for FFwd glitch.
Comment 27 Blackketter Dean 2005-11-03 22:10:14 UTC
I'd prefer to hold on this post 6.2.1.  
Comment 28 Blackketter Dean 2005-11-04 14:48:20 UTC
Patch has been in 6.5 nightly build.  Please confirm and reopen if there's still
an issue.  Thanks!
Comment 29 Blackketter Dean 2005-11-13 20:49:38 UTC
*** Bug 2537 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 30 VolkerOth 2005-12-19 09:59:31 UTC
*** Bug 2725 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 31 James Rome 2005-12-19 16:34:29 UTC
This works for me in the 12/19 build. It needs to be a patch in the current release too.
Comment 32 Richard 2005-12-23 05:34:23 UTC
*** Bug 2745 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 33 Mick 2005-12-23 08:46:39 UTC
The change 5027 from 6.5b1 has been merged into the 6.22 branch starting at the 22nd Dec.

It seems to fix this issue. There are some time remaining graphic glitches but that doesn't affect the actual playback.