Bug 10940 - SC looking to wrong path for sha file
: SC looking to wrong path for sha file
Product: SB Touch
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Settings
: unspecified
: PC Other
: -- major (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Matt Wise
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Reported: 2009-02-02 19:53 UTC by Ben Klaas
Modified: 2009-09-08 09:32 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Ben Klaas 2009-02-02 19:53:21 UTC
my SqueezeCenter reports this failure trying to get a Fab4 sha file:

[09-02-02 21:32:24.4147] Slim::Utils::Firmware::downloadAsyncError (565) Warning: Firmware: Failed to download http://update.squeezenetwork.com/update/firmware/7.4/fab4.version.sha (404 Not Found), will try again in 10 minutes.

it should be looking in the hidden directory .7.4. Andy, do you know where that is set?

Further, the only sha file in that dir right now is called fab4_7.4_r4011.bin.sha  

This problem is likely caused by the manual upload (and thus incorrect filenames) of the directories' current contents
Comment 1 Andy Grundman 2009-02-02 20:59:09 UTC
No, it shouldn't be, there is some Apache config stuff Matt did to fake this.
Comment 2 Matt Wise 2009-02-03 07:47:04 UTC
All of the files look correct now. You should never be able to see fab4 files in the 7.4 directory -- they're hidden in another location. Apache does a regex match, and then redirects you to the /.7.4/ directory here:


Furthermore it looks like the files were replaced at 7am this morning, so this issue is resolved. 
Comment 3 Ben Klaas 2009-02-03 07:58:28 UTC
The issue is not that the file is in the non-hidden directory, it's that SC is looking in the non-hidden directory. This is still an issue:

[09-02-03 09:57:21.6417] Slim::Utils::Firmware::downloadAsyncError (565) Warning: Firmware: Failed to download http://update.squeezenetwork.com/update/firmware/7.4/fab4_7.4_r4030.bin.sha (404 Not Found), will try again in 10 minutes.
Comment 4 Ben Klaas 2009-02-03 08:02:54 UTC
and to be clear, what's happening is that SC detects the firmware and version file in the hidden directory, fully downloads them, then dumps the firmware from the cachedir when it can't find an sha file because it's looking in the wrong path.
Comment 5 Matt Wise 2009-02-03 08:09:40 UTC
Wait ... we WANT SC looking in the public directory, even if the files don't show up under a directory listing. The whole point is that SC needs to look in a normal public location, otherwise it would give away our hidden directory structure.

That being said, somehow I missed this morning that there was no .sha file for the binary, only for the .version file. I've created the sha1sum, so now you should be all set. I'll poke at the parabuild config to see why that wasnt generated. 
Comment 6 Ben Klaas 2009-02-03 08:13:02 UTC
So you're doing some sort of apache URL redirect then? Sorry, that was never made clear.

r4030 successfully downloaded to my cachedir.

Parabuild publishing still needs fixing, but since you're on that already, this can close. Thanks for the help.