Bug 3407 - Possible Wireless Card Problem
: Possible Wireless Card Problem
Product: SB 2/3
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Hardware
: unspecified
: PC Windows XP
: P2 major (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Blackketter Dean
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Reported: 2006-05-11 08:40 UTC by Keith Ripley
Modified: 2006-05-11 10:39 UTC (History)
0 users

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Category: ---


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Description Keith Ripley 2006-05-11 08:40:55 UTC
I'm not sure this is a problem as yet but thought I may as well raise it just in case...

I've been trying to reolve the issue of songs that stop playing mid way through and decided to uninstall the server and reinstall it bringing one unit on at a time.

Running wireless and four units all SB2 although one was purchased when the SB2 was launched and the remaining three were purchased (along with a spare) when the SB3 was announced.

I managed to get three players (the new ones) running without a problem with FW48 and the 65b1 but when the oldest unit was brought online tracks on all players failed at some point.

I've now replaced the wireless card with the PCI card from the spare and everything seems to be working fine.

The two types of wireless card I have either have the connectors at the back or at the right hand side looking at the card from the front of the unit.

The apparent faulty card had the connectors to the right and I replaced it with a card with the connectors at the back. I know from looking in all the units that there is a mix of PCI cards so the problem seems doesn't seem to effect all the cards with the connectors on the right.

So far the units have run for 30 hours and I intend to leave them running for a couple more days before I replace the apparent fault card as it could be a dirty contact but to be honest I would expect that the card woud either work or not and certainly not interfere with the other units.

I only started having the problem of tracks stopping when more than two units were being used, for quite a while I had a SB2 and SB1 running without a problem.
Comment 1 KDF 2006-05-11 09:01:17 UTC
If you are unsure, it may help to contact support@slimdevices.com and have them walk through some diagnostics with you.  This bug database isn't really the most effective place for support-level assistance.  Contacting support will foxus the problem, or even help you with any settings that might be conflicting.  If any issues remain, they can be reported here and tracked for fixing if required.
Comment 2 Blackketter Dean 2006-05-11 10:39:53 UTC
Hi Keith.  Please do get in touch with support@slimdevices.com.

All the best,
