Bug 4143 - Failure to scan iTunes 7 music
: Failure to scan iTunes 7 music
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Scanner
: 6.5b3
: PC All
: P2 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Chris Owens
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Reported: 2006-09-18 14:08 UTC by Chris Owens
Modified: 2008-12-18 11:12 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Category: ---

A zip of my XML file that was created by iTunes 7 and does not seem parsable in SS (585.95 KB, application/xml)
2006-09-18 14:39 UTC, Peter Deslandes

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Description Chris Owens 2006-09-18 14:08:19 UTC
Some users are reporting that music in iTunes 7 is not being scanned properly.
Comment 1 Peter Deslandes 2006-09-18 14:39:13 UTC
Created attachment 1555 [details]
A zip of my XML file that was created by iTunes 7 and does not seem parsable in SS
Comment 2 Dan Sully 2006-09-19 14:51:20 UTC
iTunes 7 works fine for me.
Comment 3 miguel.bugzilla 2006-09-20 05:12:03 UTC
Not sure this is related (solely) to the XML file.  I have checked "Do Not Use iTunes" in server settings and I am unable to scan any m4a tracks that contain artwork EMBEDDED with iTunes 7 (tracks with referenced artwork scan & play).  M4a tracks with embedded artwork prior to v7 scan & play correctly as do any m4a tracks encoded under v7 without artwork.  Tracks with v7 artwork cannot be played by via "Browse Music Folder" (log indicates "ERROR: Couldn't open song") and tags are not readable.
Comment 4 Barry Klawans 2006-09-20 15:09:22 UTC
A clarification to Miquel's comment.  I've found embedding artwork via iTunes 7 causes problems, regardless of what version of iTunes ripped the file.  I used iTunes 7 to embed some artwork to an AAC (not lossless) file ripped with iTunes 4.1 and now SlimServer 6.3 won't parse it correctly. I'll try the latest 6.5 built tonight.
Comment 5 miguel.bugzilla 2006-09-21 05:41:00 UTC
This issue may be related to Bug #4151
Comment 6 Chris Owens 2006-09-21 10:52:24 UTC
Barry and Miguel, what OS are you using?
Comment 7 miguel.bugzilla 2006-09-21 16:18:38 UTC
Server running 6.3.1 under Debian Sarge stable.  Tracks ripped using iTunes 7.0 (QT 7.1.3) under OS X 10.4.7.
Comment 8 Barry Klawans 2006-09-22 08:40:39 UTC
My environment it a bit complex.  I'm running SlimServer on OS X 10.3.9, but all the media files are on a ReadyNAS, set to automount at boot time via NFS.  The files are also accessed by iTunes on two other computers, also mounted via NFS.  The machine that SlimServer is running on does not have iTunes installed, and is not using the iTunes integration feature.

I installed the released 6.5.0 last night and still have a few files that it can not parse correctly.  I opened up one in a tagging program and the embedded comments indicate it was ripped with iTunes v4.2, Quicktime 6.5.  I embedded the artwork file through iTunes 7.

When I was adding artwork via iTunes 7 I may have dragged the artwork directly from a browser, which in older version of iTunes would convert the jpg to a pict file, bloating it out.  I don't know if iTunes 7 still does this, and I stopped and went back to cut/paste once I remembered, but it is possible the artwork in the unscannable files was converted to a PICT.

I can attach a file that 6.5 can not parse, but I'm reluctant since it is copyrighted material.  Do you have a public PGP/GPG key so I can post an encrypted version?
Comment 9 Barry Klawans 2006-09-22 09:45:59 UTC
I just applied change 9938 to 6.5.0 as mentioned in bug 4151 and did a "clear and rescan", and all my files were scanned correctly.  Miquel, you might want to run the same test, and if it works for you as well this can be marked as a definite dup of 4151.
Comment 10 miguel.bugzilla 2006-09-23 13:08:03 UTC
Partially fixed but I am still experiencing problems.  See 9/23 comments in Bug #4151.
Comment 11 miguel.bugzilla 2006-09-23 13:15:01 UTC
Thinking about why it works for Barry and not me... perhaps Barry's tags are picked up through the iTunes XML.  I have selected "Do Not Use iTunes" in server settings.  Perhaps SlimServer needs to get the tags by reading the file directly vs. relying on the iTunes library data, and while the tracks are now playable, there is still a problem accessing the tag data.
Comment 12 Chris Owens 2006-09-25 09:10:28 UTC
Dan do we scan iTunes files for tag data at all, or do we get that all from the xml file?
Comment 13 Dan Sully 2006-09-25 09:14:01 UTC
We scan iTunes for the metadata, in addition to file tags, where we pick up additional data.
Comment 14 Barry Klawans 2006-09-25 11:32:36 UTC
Re: comment #11, I also have "Do not use iTunes" checked, and there is no iTunes XML file for the server to pick up.  (iTunes is using the same disk repository as the SlimServer, but the XML file resides on another machine in the network and the SlimServer is on a machine without iTunes installed.)

I did find one file that was not scanned properly after I installed the patch, so I was premature in saying it fixed everything.  It did make a big improvement, but left one file unscannable.  Unfortunately I re-ripped that file without artwork to fix the issue and don't have a copy to upload.  Probably unrelated, but it was the only file that both had artwork embedded via iTunes 7 and non-ASCII characters in both the folder name and the tags.
Comment 15 Chris Owens 2006-10-09 15:45:39 UTC
Well I'll leave this open and retarget for 7.0 to give any other users with the same problem a chance to attach the afflicted file.
Comment 16 Michael Herger 2007-12-21 04:33:02 UTC
I'd say iTunes import is working fine in SC7. Let's reopen a new bug with more details if new issues arise.
Comment 17 Chris Owens 2008-03-07 09:03:50 UTC
This bug is being closed since it was resolved for a version which is now released!  Please download the new version of SqueezeCenter (formerly SlimServer) at http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads.html

If you are still seeing this bug, please re-open it and we will consider it for a future release.