Bugzilla – Bug 5566
Jive inside Charging Station: When full, the symbol is half battery.
Last modified: 2008-01-09 09:53:06 UTC
Firmware Version: 1r474 Steps to Reproduce: 1. When the battery of Jive is running low, insert it into the chaging station. 2. A symbol of half full battery shows on the bottom of Jive's screen. 3. Notice this half battery symbol remains there for a whole day. It goes away only after this user took the Jive out of the charging station. At that point, the full battery symbol replaced the half full one. 4. A week ago, it was an electric plug symbol when the battery was full while Jive was still in the station. 5. The charging operation worked. It is the symbol that I have problem with. Note: I am trying to reproduce this right now. It could have been a one time bug.
Wallace, please try with a newer firmware. Firmware 1 r550 is the most current at the moment. Also what Jive rev do you have?
It might be a screen update problem. If this happens again can you scroll up or down and see if the icon updates correctly.
wallace to update status
On the PQP3 hardware with FW build from 2007-10-29, Jive goes to the language selection screen when plugged into the charging station. In a way, this bug as written is gone. There is no charging symbol at all. This user does not like it. The battery is fully changed. The charging station is working fine.
Wallace, it sounds like your Jive is not configured. What happens once it's connected to a player.
I recently fixed a bug where the icon bar did not always update correctly. Please reopen the bug if you see problems with firmware >= r908.
Verified with FW version 1r1275. The symbol is now a battery with a plug inside. It is very cute. Bug as written is no longer seen. Marking as "VERIFIED".
Regress tested other symbols of Jive. Nothing seems to be broken because of this fix. Closing.