Bugzilla – Bug 13826
Offer direct SN switch
Last modified: 2009-10-05 14:30:04 UTC
Reasons: Two User Scenario: two players, one could “switch” to MySB to resolve the issue of…. - each has their own Pandora, Napster, (pick your service) unique account - running off of a NAS or low powered computer, can’t handle the two independent steams (I don’t use a NAS so dunno if this is even an issue) - one users favorites are on MySB, not SC Single or Two User/Player Scenario: might want to “switch” to MySB to resolve the issue of…. - server is busy with other tasks (scanning large music library, playing video to TV, etc..) - computer is set to perform nightly maintenance routine which stops SC, needs MySB for alarm - wants computer to sleep/hibernate at night, needs MySB for alarm - usually uses MySB for most listening, switched to SC for infrequent personal music listening, now wants his player back on it’s usual MySB - reads in forum of a user having issues with MySB, wants to switch to MySB to see if he can help (without knocking out all his other players on SC) Maybe offer a Switch Server (call it what you will) Home Menu option that is hidden and must be "invoked" via the Settings > Home Menu selections? Those that want it can have it, those that have little or no need to switch can leave it in the Settings area untouched and unseen.
I'd like to add one thing: I don't care _that_ much for the discrete switch. However there is one thing that is essential for me with the SB and that is currently lost: Capability to alsways remotely control the device! Right now (7.4 beta), under the scenario that the server a player is connected to shuts down I have to go to the player and manually switch it over to MySB. I have no idea as to how this is supposed to work on the Receiver. To make the difference clear: pre-7.4 I could switch the player to SN BEFORE I shut down the server (or a plugin like SvrPowerControl could), this is currently lost with 7.4
OK, I tried this again and when I shut down my server I lose remote control capability with all my players. I can't connect them to SN without going to the player directly, in the case of the Receiver this means: not at all. This doesn't work with the web interface, it doesn't work with iPeng and it doesn't work with the Controller. I don't care about the controller, that's your issue, but please add the "connect" command back in, I don't want to piss off all my iPeng customers. This whole selection process is currently such a mess that I see zero chance to get it working in 7.4 otherwise, I don't even see how the process is supposed to be for remote control.
Just for the record: here's what happens to my players when I shut down my 7.4 SC: My Touch got completele lost and could not be seen by the Controller anymore. I could see my classic. I then tried to get it to SN (it wasn't there and I could now select it as a source, so I selected the shut down server as a source which was still shown). I then tried to get into "My Apps" because I hoped it would connect to SN but I got an error message and the player connected to my (other) 7.3.3 SC instead. When I started SC 7.4 again, my Receiver first connected to that server again and then disappeared, moving to the regular SN although 7.4 SC should be supposed to point to test.SN In no case was I able to control my players anymore.
I don't whether to add to this increasingly complicated bug or to file a new one. I'll document my observation here. My suggestion is somewhat addressed by Toby but not quite. It's an instance of turning off your PC while connected to it, and what options to present to the user to ease their transition: 1. Playing Pandora while connected to my PC 2. Turn off my PC 3. Pandora playing stops, blue icon displayed 4. Options listed: Try Again, Go Home, and Choose Player. 5. I Go Home, select Pandora from menu, and I can choose either my PC or mysb.com from the subsequent menu. 6. I choose mysb.com and I can restart my Pandora station again. Would prefer that in step 4 above, I can choose mysb.com. That would elimate step 5 altogether.
Of course if you knew you were going to turn off your PC then you'd just switch to mysb.com and start Pandora playback and be done. But there's no way to do that now.
Tom to investigate adding this option to SP devices in the advanced > network (switch to SN / Switch to SC) menu item. The option should only appear if setup has been completed. The auto-switch should take all of these cases into account, to make sure that each case is handled appropriately.
(In reply to comment #6) > Tom to investigate adding this option to SP devices in the advanced > network > (switch to SN / Switch to SC) menu item. > > The option should only appear if setup has been completed. > > The auto-switch should take all of these cases into account, to make sure that > each case is handled appropriately. Slight clarification, "Switch to SC" will not be offered, since this can be done my going to "My Music" when SC is connected. Also, users who wish to have quicker access to "Switch to SN" can add that item to the home menu via "Customize Home Menu". Autoswitch code does not need to do anything special to handle this new capability.
Hello you can add one more vote for me. But I cant do it ? for some reason i'm not allowed to vote on squeezeplay bugs. This bug is not visible as a choice if I press the vote link. On topic you should be able to choose server or network how and whenever you feel for it. What is the problem with manually choosing server or network ? switching the SBC does. The way it "works" now does not solve any problems for anyone it's is actually more confusing and inflexible, with this auto switching. I supose this is whats bugged the wol function.
== Auto-comment from SVN commit #7492 to the jive repo by tom == == https://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=7492 == Fixed Bug: 13826 - "Switch to SN" option now appears under Settings->Advanced->Networking when a) SP is registered with SN and b) there is a currently selected player and c) the current server is not SN.
Note: You can also show the "Switch to SN" item on your home menu by selecting it via the Home Menu customization screen: Settings>Home Menu
Does the CLI "connect" command work again?
(In reply to comment #11) > Does the CLI "connect" command work again? This change does not effect the CLI connect command. It sounds like you are saying connect is broken. If so, please point me to the related bug or create a new one describing the brokenness and assign to me.
Thought this would be covered by this bug. https://bugs-archive.lyrion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13938 At least for me, this was the whole point of the issue
Out of curiosity: If "connect" doesn't work, how does the controller switch the player to SN then? I mean: I could use something else although I fail to see why there need to be different mechanisms between 7.3 and 7.4
This bug has been marked as fixed in the 7.4.0 release version of SqueezeBox Server! * SqueezeCenter: 28672 * Squeezebox 2 and 3: 130 * Transporter: 80 * Receiver: 65 * Boom: 50 * Controller: 7790 * Radio: 7790 Please see the Release Notes for all the details: http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/Release_Notes If you haven't already, please download and install the new version from http://www.logitechsqueezebox.com/support/download-squeezebox-server.html If you are still experiencing this problem, feel free to reopen the bug with your new comments and we'll have another look.