Bugzilla – Bug 7687
Show Buffer Fullness is coupled with Spectrum Analyzer
Last modified: 2008-04-02 06:42:00 UTC
This is with SqueezeCenter Version: 7.0.1 - 18260 - Windows XP - EN - cp1255: I go to Players tab in SC settings and select Show Buffer Fullness The SB3 displays the buffers but it also shows the large spectrum analyzer Other display modes work as expected I noticed that 'show buffer fullness' is now cycled using the 'display' button of the remote - maybe this bug is a result of that change
Effectively it is as if 'show buffer fullness' state changed into 'spectrum analyzer and show buffer fullness' state
It's a direct result of change 18139 - the display of buffer fullness was changed to include the spectrum analyser... Quess this is now andy's preference, though I am not so sure I like it...
My change only added the spectrum analyzer to the buffer fullness display because I thought it looked odd without it. Show Buffer Fullness is still not a default option, right? I am not sure what the problem is.
Well there is no longer a preference associated with showing buffer fullness - its just one of the options you can cycle through. I don't care too much but will leave it for people to express an opinion as to whether they prefer the old way or the new way.
But how did my change affect that? I did nothing but add vis to the buffer fullness mode.
Andy, "show buffer fullness" is very informative but IMHO spectrum analyzer is a visual distraction which overlays the text I guess it's a matter of taste, but is there any way for you to bring back "show buffer fullness" on its own as it used to be (as an additional option maybe ?)
I will revert my change, no problem. :)