Bug 17263 - Now Playing screensaver not activated when on Idle screensaver
: Now Playing screensaver not activated when on Idle screensaver
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 17226
Product: SB Controller
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Screensavers
: unspecified
: Macintosh Linux (other)
: P1 major (vote)
: 7.6.0
Assigned To: Ben Klaas
Depends on:
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Reported: 2011-05-26 22:18 UTC by Michael Herger
Modified: 2011-05-30 00:02 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Michael Herger 2011-05-26 22:18:13 UTC
My Controller is controlling my Transporter. It usually sits on the date/time screensaver when idle. Now if I start playback on the Transporter itself, the Controller wouldn't show the NP screensaver, but keeps showing the time. Once I wake it up by shaking it, it would close the time screensaver and show the NP screen correctly.
Comment 1 Michael Herger 2011-05-27 08:53:07 UTC
Heh... maybe this is a dupe of bug 17226: I tend to restart my server quite often to update to the latest code.
Comment 2 Michael Herger 2011-05-30 00:02:11 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 17226 ***