Bug 10038 - No scroll option in SC on a mini pc
: No scroll option in SC on a mini pc
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Display
: 7.2.1
: Other Debian Linux
: -- enhancement (vote)
: Future
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2008-11-17 15:59 UTC by Julius Dauz
Modified: 2008-11-18 08:26 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

A_PC_7.0.1.jpg (108.33 KB, image/pjpeg)
2008-11-17 16:00 UTC, Julius Dauz
B_PC_7.0.1.jpg (107.28 KB, image/pjpeg)
2008-11-17 16:00 UTC, Julius Dauz
C_eeePC_7.0.1.jpg (135.61 KB, image/x-png)
2008-11-17 16:01 UTC, Julius Dauz
D_eeePC_7.0.1.jpg (100.90 KB, image/x-png)
2008-11-17 16:01 UTC, Julius Dauz
E_PC_7.2.1.jpg (152.23 KB, image/pjpeg)
2008-11-17 16:01 UTC, Julius Dauz
F_eeePC_7.2.1.jpg (134.41 KB, image/x-png)
2008-11-17 16:02 UTC, Julius Dauz
Version 7.0.1 eeePC nokia skin (135.40 KB, image/x-png)
2008-11-18 04:23 UTC, caris

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Description Julius Dauz 2008-11-17 15:59:26 UTC
Customer explaination below (He's also included a bunch of screen shots that corresponds with this description of the issue):

Right Now Ticket # 081110-000759

The explanation is as follows.

1.       Starting with SqueezeCenter (SC) 7.0.1 with a PC as the client, shot A_PC_7.0.1 shows the point at which I have loaded a song-cycle by Gerald Finzi for playing and I've just expanded the file information for the second track. This is shown on the LHS of the screen shot. Not all of the lyrics of the poem are visible, but there is the ability to scroll down the entire LHS screen as shown in . . .

2.       Screen shot B_PC_7.0.1. Note that the entire LHS has scrolled, the picture has disappeared (well, it's on the RHS anyway) and you can see all of the lyrics of the second song.

3.       And on an eeePC screen shot C_eeePC_7.0.1 is the equivalent of A_PC_7.0.1 . . .

4.       As is D_eeePC_7.0.1 the equivalent of B_PC_7.0.1. So even on an eeePC with version 7.0.1 it was possible to get the lyrics up on screen. (NOTE: on the eeePC it is possible to press F11 to get a full screen display of the web browser. I can't show  that in the screenshots because I lose the ability to operate the screen-saver. But obviously, the display is then much more useful).

5.       But now let's see what happens with SC7.2.1. Picture E_PC_7.2.1 is the equivalent of A_PC_7.0.1. Note now that the lyrics tab can only be scrolled on the bottom portion of the screen. OK, you can still get at the lyrics tab, but

6.       On an eeePC what you get is F_eeePC_7.2.1. The lyrics tab can't even be seen! Now if I press F11 I do get to the lyrics tab - just! I get four lines of it! And yes, I can scroll down it, but it's very poor compared to what I got as shown in D_eeePC_7.0.1,
Comment 1 Julius Dauz 2008-11-17 16:00:36 UTC
Created attachment 4283 [details]
Comment 2 Julius Dauz 2008-11-17 16:00:56 UTC
Created attachment 4284 [details]
Comment 3 Julius Dauz 2008-11-17 16:01:13 UTC
Created attachment 4285 [details]
Comment 4 Julius Dauz 2008-11-17 16:01:43 UTC
Created attachment 4286 [details]
Comment 5 Julius Dauz 2008-11-17 16:01:58 UTC
Created attachment 4287 [details]
Comment 6 Julius Dauz 2008-11-17 16:02:12 UTC
Created attachment 4288 [details]
Comment 7 James Richardson 2008-11-17 16:41:23 UTC
What Screen Resolution is used on the eeePC

NOTE: SC/SN needs a minimum of 800x600
Comment 8 KDF 2008-11-17 16:52:36 UTC
Eee PC 701 is 800x480, 7" screen
Eee PC 90x is 1024x600, 8.9" screen.  Most current netbooks, are similar spec with the 8.9"
Comment 9 James Richardson 2008-11-17 16:57:11 UTC
Maybe we need to come up with a eeePC skin?  Kevin do you think another skin would look good at those resolutions?
Comment 10 Michael Herger 2008-11-18 01:57:59 UTC
Just go to full screen (F11 or something) and the skin will be ok. Or use an alternative skin. Nokia770/Tablet had been developped specifically for the eeePC's 800x480px.
Comment 11 caris 2008-11-18 04:00:08 UTC
(In reply to comment #10)
> Just go to full screen (F11 or something) and the skin will be ok. Or use an
> alternative skin. Nokia770/Tablet had been developped specifically for the
> eeePC's 800x480px.

No I'm sorry, I don't agree - it's not OK if you press F11. As I said in my original 'complaint', you only get four lines of the lyrics tab, which is hopeless for viewing libretti or poems.

Why have you blocked full scrolling of the lyrics window - I don't see what we gain from doing this. If that is done then the eeePC 701, even with a smaller screen size, is quite OK displaying SC.
Comment 12 Michael Herger 2008-11-18 04:12:05 UTC
As James mentioned the Default skin has been designed for a minimum of 800x600 or larger resolution. That's not a bug, but a design decision.

Feel free to use one of the alternative skins which are better suited for small displays.
Comment 13 caris 2008-11-18 04:23:21 UTC
Created attachment 4289 [details]
Version 7.0.1 eeePC nokia skin

This shows the same display as the eeePC version 7.0.1 of SC, but using the nokia skin. There is hardly any display of the lyrics tab.
Comment 14 caris 2008-11-18 04:31:43 UTC
(In reply to comment #12)
> As James mentioned the Default skin has been designed for a minimum of 800x600
> or larger resolution. That's not a bug, but a design decision.
> Feel free to use one of the alternative skins which are better suited for small
> displays.

Yes, I can see it's not a bug. If I was going to switch I'd use the Classic skin on the eeePC as that, I hope, still allows full scrolling of the lyrics window. 

If the response to my query is to be be left at the position:' move to another screen because the default screen is OK' then I would like to know, if possible, why you decided to stop full scrolling of the LHS screen? What do we gain from this?
Comment 15 Michael Herger 2008-11-18 04:40:07 UTC
> If the response to my query is to be be left at the position:' move to another
> screen because the default screen is OK' then I would like to know, if
> possible, why you decided to stop full scrolling of the LHS screen?

This particular issue wasn't a decision we have taken deliberatly. It's a (negative) side-effect of an enhancement we did. We changed the trackinfo menu/page so it can be extended by plugins and use the same code on all interfaces we support (Web, player, Controller, CLI). This requested a simpler page structure to be generic enough to allow 3rd parties to hook into it. The cost of this improvement is a slightly worse experience in some conditions like yours.
Comment 16 caris 2008-11-18 04:50:19 UTC
(In reply to comment #15)
> > If the response to my query is to be be left at the position:' move to another
> > screen because the default screen is OK' then I would like to know, if
> > possible, why you decided to stop full scrolling of the LHS screen?
> This particular issue wasn't a decision we have taken deliberatly. It's a
> (negative) side-effect of an enhancement we did. We changed the trackinfo
> menu/page so it can be extended by plugins and use the same code on all
> interfaces we support (Web, player, Controller, CLI). This requested a simpler
> page structure to be generic enough to allow 3rd parties to hook into it. The
> cost of this improvement is a slightly worse experience in some conditions like
> yours.

I'm not sure what you mean by plug-ins but I guess I'll have to live with this. I've checked the Classic view on my eeePC and that still behaves 'properly'. God forbid this gets knobbled as well. I'll have to revert to using this view on the eeePC. That means that other users of this SC installation will only see the classic view, so all the artwork information is more or less wasted.
Comment 17 Michael Herger 2008-11-18 04:59:48 UTC
> I'm not sure what you mean by plug-ins

"Plugins" are extensions to SqueezeCenter, like eg. my Biography or Album Reviow plugins. They can hook into that page, allowing you to get an artists biography from the same page/menu.

> the classic view, so all the artwork information is more or less wasted.

You could still bookmark the trackinfo page to have it available outside the main window.
Comment 18 caris 2008-11-18 05:45:23 UTC
(In reply to comment #17)
> > I'm not sure what you mean by plug-ins
> "Plugins" are extensions to SqueezeCenter, like eg. my Biography or Album
> Reviow plugins. They can hook into that page, allowing you to get an artists
> biography from the same page/menu.
> > the classic view, so all the artwork information is more or less wasted.
> You could still bookmark the trackinfo page to have it available outside the
> main window.

> You could still bookmark the trackinfo page to have it available outside the
> main window.
I don't understand how you'd do this?
Comment 19 James Richardson 2008-11-18 08:18:40 UTC
Capell: As Michale has pointed out, this is a design decision.  I can appreciate your opinion on this matter and do understand the frustration you are experiencing.

Because this is not a bug, I am going to mark this report as an enhancement request.

To learn more about the Plug-In nature of SqueeszeCetner, please read our WiKi page article here: http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/SqueezeCenter_Plugins

Because SqueezeCenter is an open source application, anyone can and many people do, write plug-ins to our application.  This allows a community of people the ability to enhance or modify the application to suite their specific needs.

I would strongly suggest that you start a Forum Article asking the the community to design a specific skin or plug-in that would help address this issue, on the eeePC.  To access our forum, go to this web page: http://forums.slimdevices.com/
Comment 20 caris 2008-11-18 08:26:20 UTC
(In reply to comment #19)
> Capell: As Michale has pointed out, this is a design decision.  I can
> appreciate your opinion on this matter and do understand the frustration you
> are experiencing.
> Because this is not a bug, I am going to mark this report as an enhancement
> request.
> To learn more about the Plug-In nature of SqueeszeCetner, please read our WiKi
> page article here: http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/SqueezeCenter_Plugins
> Because SqueezeCenter is an open source application, anyone can and many people
> do, write plug-ins to our application.  This allows a community of people the
> ability to enhance or modify the application to suite their specific needs.
> I would strongly suggest that you start a Forum Article asking the the
> community to design a specific skin or plug-in that would help address this
> issue, on the eeePC.  To access our forum, go to this web page:
> http://forums.slimdevices.com/

It's more disappointment than frustration - just when things were going really well with 7.0.1 someone came along and 'fixed it'! I'll look at the forum pages but I sense that (a) the number of people using SC for classical music is the usual <5% of the population and (b) somewhat as a result of this that the number of peolpe interested in lyrics tab is similarly minute. And I still have 7.0.1 tucked away, not harming anyone!

But thanks, nonetheless, for all your replies and efforts in answering my query.