Bug 16621 - Text scrolling on older player platforms is broken
: Text scrolling on older player platforms is broken
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Display
: 7.5.x
: PC Windows XP
: P1 normal with 2 votes (vote)
: 7.5.x
Assigned To: Adrian Smith
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Reported: 2010-10-19 00:14 UTC by Yuly Milner
Modified: 2011-01-13 13:34 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

Debug version (25.18 KB, application/octet-stream)
2010-11-20 03:33 UTC, Adrian Smith

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Description Yuly Milner 2010-10-19 00:14:33 UTC

The issue is discussed here: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=82728

In my specific case, upgrading the SBS from 7.5.1-30720 to 7.5.2-31425 has broken the scrolling function; so the bug was introduced somewhere in between.

The scrolling of longer text (e.g. in Now Playing screen, or RSS screensaver) stops after some random time (for me its usually less than a minute).
In case of an RSS screensaver, powering the device (SB3) on and off again brings back the RSS feed scroll. Then, after some time it freezes again.
Comment 1 Adrian Smith 2010-11-15 10:40:47 UTC
Could scrolling stopping correlate to any user input such as fwd/rew commands which would trigger an update to the display?

If not - how reproducable is this?
Comment 2 Nigel Birch 2010-11-15 14:03:46 UTC
Not that I'm aware of - when it happens it does so by itself. It seems to happen to most tracks. It players are responsive when it happens - IR, button and web can all control the player (and the screen updates and works normally when the user input happens).

I've been building of a VM with Squeezebox Server to try and reproduce it, then to try flying back and forth through SVN revisions to see if there's a checkin that caused it. I've not had time to get far with that.

Is there any other logging that I can enable to debug it? Thanks.
Comment 3 Adrian Smith 2010-11-15 14:31:32 UTC
If you have a test server could you try the latest 7.6 svn.  I fixed a bug which caused scrolling to stop a couple of days ago, but I am not convinced this the same as you are seeing.  If not we can add some more logging into 7.6 to try and find it as I can't reproduce.
Comment 4 Nigel Birch 2010-11-18 15:35:11 UTC
I tried 7.6 and I still see the problem.  I simply stopped 7.5.2, checked out 7.6 in to a different folder and ran it (so it had the existing plugins and preferences from ProgramData).

I reverted back to the original ProgramData and 7.5.2 since there's a couple of plugins that don't work yet (and I'm not sure how far off 7.6 is from release - don't mind running beta software when it's close to release).

I didn't have time to do things like starting with a fresh ProgramData folder - got to get the old system working before morning!

So, if there any more logging you can give then let me know. Thanks.
Comment 5 Nigel Birch 2010-11-18 15:35:58 UTC
I did get a VM built with 7.5.2 but I couldn't repoduce the problem (hence trying 7.6).
Comment 6 Adrian Smith 2010-11-18 15:57:03 UTC
So you can reproduce on one machine, but not in a VM?  Begins to suggest this is machine specific?  I wonder if there is a problem with repeating timers in some specific case..  Will add some debug to 7.6 tomorrow for you.
Comment 7 Nigel Birch 2010-11-19 01:02:49 UTC
Could be machine-specific. This was tested with SoftwareSqueeze too (not a hardware player) as I'm having problems with getting networking working (VM bridged on to the LAN) with Microsoft XP Mode.
Comment 8 Adrian Smith 2010-11-19 10:29:10 UTC
So can you reproduce the problem on a hardware player with 7.6?  It is not a reproducable problem for me, so I think we need to understand where is occurs first.
Comment 9 Nigel Birch 2010-11-19 12:39:33 UTC
Sorry - I'm confusing things here.

- The problems happens with 7.5.2 on a physical computer running Windows Vista with hardware players.

- I built a Windows XP virtual machine to test with but as I couldn't get the virtual networking working properly, I only tested with SoftSqueeze. I copied all the plugins over but not the preferences (I tied but I got lots of wierd errors - perhaps due to different OS/paths). I did re-configure a log of preferences to be the same, but I couldn't reproduce.

- I then checked out 7.6 on the same Windows Vista physical computer (and did migrate all preferencs over) and did reproduce with a hardware player. I've reverted back to 7.5.2 but can switch over to 7.6 at any time for more testing.
Comment 10 Adrian Smith 2010-11-20 03:33:57 UTC
Created attachment 7045 [details]
Debug version

I've attached a debug version of server\Slim\Display\Display.pm for 7.5

As you sound like you are running with a local version of perl and checking out via svn, could you try replacing the existing 7.5 file with this one and turning on play.display debugging - you should see more debug messages related to scrolling (one per update, so you may want to turn off all but one player)

Another thing to try would be to use the full 7.5 install including its own perl on your machine to check there is no incompatibility with your local perl install.
Comment 11 Nigel Birch 2010-11-20 14:48:55 UTC
Thanks. I did an SVN update for 7.5 before adding the debug version of display.pm, enabling debug logging and tried it - the scrolling didn't stop (i.e. all was fine). I played for 45 minutes or so (so it should have stopped by then).

I've reverted to the 7.5 SVN display.pm and turned off debug logging - I'll see how that goes tomorrow and give you an update.
Comment 12 Andy Grundman 2011-01-12 11:37:05 UTC
Triode: can you take care of this one for 7.5.3?
Comment 13 Adrian Smith 2011-01-12 12:38:22 UTC
Andy - I can't reproduce this bug.  I have tried to look at it and provided some debug code to Nigel, but not had any more details.

The original problem was reported against SB3 and so would now use firmware scrolling.

Nigel - can you update on the status from your perspective.
Comment 14 Nigel Birch 2011-01-12 13:05:31 UTC
Sorry - I've been meaning to give an update for ages.

I'm not seeing it now that I'm on the a recent 7.5 nightly (with hardware scrolling, I think).

I lot has happened since then (bad HDDn then changed from SVN to Windows installer for other reasons) but I'll try to remember what happened... I did try the debug version, and (if I remember correctly) the problem didn't seem to occur with it (or did so rarely), so I never got chance to get any output.

There's nothing for me to test at the moment, so I'm happy to close. Sorry for being a bad tester and thanks for your help.
Comment 15 Andy Grundman 2011-01-12 13:06:17 UTC
OK, thanks guys!
Comment 16 Jim McAtee 2011-01-12 15:11:08 UTC
I continue to see both scrolling and NP updating problems on ip3k players in Squeezebox Server 7.6.  Mostly on synced players but I have also seen the lack of scrolling on a Transporter when it was not synced.  I've seen:

- No scrolling within the NP screen.

- Track info doesn't update within the NP screen.  Navigating out to the Home menu and then back into Now Playing will update to the current information, but will fail to update on a track change.  When this happens it also doesn't scroll.

- Sometimes when playing music from the local library the NP screen will never appear.  Most recently I noticed this when playing Random Mix, Songs.

The above problems are intermittent, but happen regularly.  The sync group usually contains an SB2, a Transporter and a Radio.  Maybe unrelated, but I also notice that the Radio (and Touch) will often fail to go into the Stopped screensaver.
Comment 17 Adrian Smith 2011-01-13 13:34:31 UTC
(In reply to comment #16)
> I continue to see both scrolling and NP updating problems on ip3k players in
> Squeezebox Server 7.6.  Mostly on synced players but I have also seen the lack
> of scrolling on a Transporter when it was not synced.  I've seen:
> - No scrolling within the NP screen.
> - Track info doesn't update within the NP screen.  Navigating out to the Home
> menu and then back into Now Playing will update to the current information, but
> will fail to update on a track change.  When this happens it also doesn't
> scroll.
> - Sometimes when playing music from the local library the NP screen will never
> appear.  Most recently I noticed this when playing Random Mix, Songs.
> The above problems are intermittent, but happen regularly.  The sync group
> usually contains an SB2, a Transporter and a Radio.  Maybe unrelated, but I
> also notice that the Radio (and Touch) will often fail to go into the Stopped
> screensaver.

I you open a new bug for this.  If you get to the state where the NP screen is not updating, could you enable player.display debugging and see whether the server thinks it is sending updates?