Bug 10662 - Alarm at volume 0 is possible ... produces silence
: Alarm at volume 0 is possible ... produces silence
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Alarm
: unspecified
: PC Other
: -- normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2009-01-12 13:24 UTC by JP Moins
Modified: 2009-01-13 01:05 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Category: ---


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Description JP Moins 2009-01-12 13:24:50 UTC
I have just reproduced this behavior on SC 7.3.1/linux with a Duet. I think I have seen exactly the same on a Boom (same SC version/platform but different machine). 

It is possible to set volume alarm to 0, so an active alarm will in fact not sound at all when it goes off.

Since on slow machines the slider in prefs for volume can be sticky, I suggest setting a minimum volume to avoid user error. Perhaps allow to override/customize what the minimum is.
The fact alarm volume is a shared property among all alarms is aggravating the problem, I think.

Steps to reproduce:
1) Program an alarm
2) Set volume to 0
3) Apply and wait

Alarm goes off, completely silent.

Thanks in advance!
Comment 1 James Richardson 2009-01-12 13:31:04 UTC
there may be a valid reason for a volume=0 alarm, maybe turning on a player triggers some plugin or something, but you don't want it to play anything.
Comment 2 JP Moins 2009-01-12 13:51:46 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> there may be a valid reason for a volume=0 alarm, maybe turning on a player
> triggers some plugin or something, but you don't want it to play anything.

Perhaps you can disclose such a case ? Personally I can't see any use for a mute alarm.
Reopen, please.
Comment 3 Andy Grundman 2009-01-12 13:58:37 UTC
If you were to fix this, how would you choose a 'minimum' volume.  If we removed 0, someone would file a bug that "volume 1 was too soft".
Comment 4 JP Moins 2009-01-12 15:15:28 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> If you were to fix this, how would you choose a 'minimum' volume.  If we
> removed 0, someone would file a bug that "volume 1 was too soft".
The abominable truth.

Then I would propose something like the ipod max volume lock, but reversed:

 - Minimum alarm volume [ 10 ] (editable field, click-to-focus should help avoid errors)
 - Alarm volume [ 0...100 ] (slider with cursor lowest position stuck at 10)
 - Lock minimum alarm volume setting: [x]
(when checked, the cursor would not go below 10; when uncheck, it could go down to 0)

Comment 5 Andy Grundman 2009-01-12 15:16:59 UTC
Editable field??  How about: if you choose 0, you should not be surprised at all when your alarm produces no sound.
Comment 6 JP Moins 2009-01-12 15:29:07 UTC
(In reply to comment #5)
> Editable field??  How about: if you choose 0, you should not be surprised at
> all when your alarm produces no sound.

Look at the combo in iTunes. Apple has resolved they can't say "you should not be suprised to turn deaf".

I am reporting about possible, inadvertent user action, not a conscious decision. 
Sarcasm is unwarranted. 
Comment 7 Andy Grundman 2009-01-12 15:42:16 UTC
I'm not being sarcastic.  Alarm volume defaults to 50.  I think it's completely clear from a UI perspective that if you move the slider to the left, the alarm will be softer, and if you move it to the right, it will be louder.  This setting does not require any hand-holding.
Comment 8 JP Moins 2009-01-12 16:00:29 UTC
(In reply to comment #7)
> I'm not being sarcastic.  Alarm volume defaults to 50.  I think it's completely
> clear from a UI perspective that if you move the slider to the left, the alarm
> will be softer, and if you move it to the right, it will be louder.  This
> setting does not require any hand-holding.

As I said in my 1st message: "Since on slow machines the slider in prefs for volume can be sticky..."
Case closed.
Comment 9 Andy Grundman 2009-01-12 16:05:29 UTC
Even so, you wouldn't leave the volume at 0 and expect it to actually be some other value.  I don't really understand your argument.  But I agree, case closed, if you want to discuss this in the forum and make a case with other users, please feel free.