Bugzilla – Bug 18149
Ickstream support
Last modified: 2016-06-06 17:29:58 UTC
LMS 7.9.0-146986354 Fri Jun 3 on OSX10.11.5 - EN - utf8 Selecting Ickstream plugin (v0.1.1458289419751) results in indefinite "waiting for server." Resolved by restarting LMS. This work around makes bug low priority. Did not occur with previous installation of LMS 7.9 (from 2 - 3 months ago). ====== additional data ==== * Ickstream used only with Tidal * Logitech Tidal is also installed (no problem w/earlier build) * LMS is supporting 1 touch, 2 SB3, and 2 SBR. Both SB3 usually powered off (i.e. offline) * When issue is seen, LMS works correctly with Logitech Tidal plugin * Has occurred twice (5 June, 6 June). In both cases, LMS worked perfectly after restart but problem re-appeared overnight
Created attachment 7749 [details] LMS log file 1000 lines apologies if already attached - does not appear to be