Bug 16604 - No way to back up to previous menu
: No way to back up to previous menu
Product: Controller App
Classification: Unclassified
Component: User Interface
: unspecified
: PC Windows (legacy)
: P2 normal
: 1.0
Assigned To: Michael Herger
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Reported: 2010-10-11 16:24 UTC by Kris Murphy
Modified: 2011-09-14 00:07 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Kris Murphy 2010-10-11 16:24:43 UTC
If you are using the web remote from mysqueezebox.com there is a directory structure at the top of the window allowing you to click back to the prior menus.  This does not exist in the Juilliard app, so if you are two levels deep in the Internet Radio selection your only option is to return all the way to the Home menu.  There's no way to go back up one menu level.

When at the Now Playing screen you are presented with a different button in place of the Home button which takes you back to the previous screen.  Can this be done on each menu screen as well?  Or maybe this button to go up one level plus the Home button so the user has more freedom to move around in the menus?
Comment 1 Kris Murphy 2010-10-11 16:26:46 UTC
This is especially annoying if you are doing a search in a service like Deezer and your search returns no matches.  You actually have to go all the way back to the Home menu, then back into the service to search again.
Comment 2 Michael Herger 2010-10-13 01:13:31 UTC
We used to have that button for the previous level. I removed it at George's request. Use the Back hard-button on the device instead.
Comment 3 Kris Murphy 2010-10-13 08:13:45 UTC
On my Nexus One the hard back button takes me back to the Home screen regardless of where I am in the app.  I'll check the Samsung Galaxy and report back.
Comment 4 Kris Murphy 2010-10-13 09:35:40 UTC
Kris to retest with updated app.
Comment 5 Kris Murphy 2010-10-13 10:30:46 UTC
Installed new app version (1.1?) and the hard Back button now takes me up one menu level.  The Menu button takes me to the Home screen of the app.

Closing defect.
Comment 6 Michael Herger 2011-09-14 00:07:07 UTC
Product was prototype. Remove category.