Bug 10821 - Italian translation feedback
: Italian translation feedback
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: L10N: Translation (Inappropriate or wrong)
: 7.3.2
: PC Other
: P5 normal (vote)
: 7.4.0
Assigned To: Software Localization Team
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Reported: 2009-01-25 01:17 UTC by Michael Herger
Modified: 2009-10-05 14:28 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: Bug

diff file showing the changes and their original translations (46.42 KB, application/octet-stream)
2009-01-25 01:19 UTC, Michael Herger

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Description Michael Herger 2009-01-25 01:17:50 UTC
An Italian user sent me his translation of SC strings. Here's his original comment:

I've updated the strings for the italian language. I would like to know if the work is useful (and if you'll use it).
I'm not a professional translator, but italian is my first language *and* I'm a squeezebox/squeezecenter user, so I think that my translation is better than the original one :-)
I've used the last strings.txt available from
(revision 24752)
The patchfile has been created this way:
diff strings.txt custom-strings.txt > patch.diff
I have a question:
What's the difference between PLAYLIST_MODE_OFF and PLAYLIST_MODE_DISABLED?
In some languages they are translated the same way...
Some notes:
I've changed "elenco di riproduzione" with "playlist", which is an english word, but it's a well know concept (and nobody knows what an "elenco di riproduzione" is) :-)
I've changed "riproduzione" with "lettura", a more natural word.
Comment 1 Michael Herger 2009-01-25 01:19:28 UTC
Created attachment 4706 [details]
diff file showing the changes and their original translations
Comment 2 Michele Conte 2009-01-25 01:42:01 UTC
I didn't check the party mode related strings because I haven't got time to find them in my squeezebox, but I'm pretty sure that "Party" should be leaved as is, and not translated as "Mix".
Comment 3 Software Localization Team 2009-01-30 06:10:26 UTC
Based on the feedback received from our Language Service Provider, the Software Localization Team has decided to not perform any change on the actual translations because the given translations are widely used in the localization industry and are used as well in many Microsoft softwares.
Comment 4 Michele Conte 2009-01-30 14:10:12 UTC
I agree that using a bookish translation is usually a better choice for you, but please note that:
1) Microsoft is not, in any way, an authority about the Italian language.
2) As as I can remember Microsoft is neither an authority in the mp3 players market. 
3) Apple doesn't translates the word "playlist" in Italian. If you have to follow someone, I don't think that Microsoft is the best choice.
if you don't believe me: http://manuals.info.apple.com/it_IT/iPod_nano_4th_gen_Manuale_utente.pdf
4) The display of the squeezebox is very small, and "elenco di riproduzione" is much longer then "playlist".
Anyway, the choice is up to you, obviously.

There are 300 phrases translated in the patch file that I've sent. 200 are unrelated to the playlists. Are you ignoring them too? Users who contribute to free software projects don't like to lose their time. And I'm no exception.

Some samples of plain errors from the original strings.txt file:

English: "Slim Devices/Logitech"
wrong translation: dispositivi Slim / Logitech
it should be: "Slim Devices/Logitech"

English: "Remote Controls"
wrong translation: Controlli telecomando
right: Telecomandi

Sometimes Folders are translated as "Cartelle", sometimes as "Directory" (i.e.: "Directory del SqueezeCenter per il salvataggio degli elenchi di riproduzione")

bitrate is translated "velocità di bit". It should be left "bitrate".

"shorten is a file format accepted as it is. The translation "accorcia" is a verb meaning "shorten it!"

"Sample Size" should be "Campionamento", but it's translated as "Dimensione esempio" (="dimension of the example"!) Is this babelfish's work?

"Track Artist" should be "Artista Brano", but is translated as "Trova artista" (which means "find artist")

I really appreciate the squeezecenter, and I like my squeezebox. In my opinion a poor translation damages the software, which is on the other hand a great product.
I like even more the community around the squeezebox (without plugins like Trackstat I wouldn't have even bought it). I think it a waste that a native user's contribution goes ignored.

Best Regards,

Comment 5 Michael Herger 2009-02-01 23:35:32 UTC
There's more to do than the playlist issue.

SLT - could you please look at the other cases too. The Slim Devices issue looks like even a very ugly and serious case.
Comment 6 Software Localization Team 2009-02-02 00:50:53 UTC
Hello Michele,

Thank you for your feedback! Of course our goal is to provide the best translation possible. We were not aware there was any other feedback than the "Playlist" or "riproduzione" in the given patch.

We will of course have a closer look. Please be assured that we are always looking for feedback.

Thank you,
François and the SLT team
Comment 7 Michael Herger 2009-02-10 07:06:05 UTC
change 24953 - thanks a lot!
Comment 8 James Richardson 2009-05-04 11:38:12 UTC
(In reply to comment #4)
> I really appreciate the squeezecenter, and I like my squeezebox. In my opinion
> a poor translation damages the software, which is on the other hand a great
> product.
> I like even more the community around the squeezebox (without plugins like
> Trackstat I wouldn't have even bought it). I think it a waste that a native
> user's contribution goes ignored.
> Best Regards,

Michele: Can you have a look at the latest 7.3.3 beta version of SC, and verify that Italian is translated less 'bookish' now.
Comment 9 Michele Conte 2009-05-04 15:11:37 UTC
(In reply to comment #8)
> Michele: Can you have a look at the latest 7.3.3 beta version of SC, and verify
> that Italian is translated less 'bookish' now.

One thing that I would like to say is... don't "overtranslate"! E.g.:"encoder LAME" is much better than "codificatore LAME".
I know, corporate policies are hard to change, but please remember that Apple doesn't translates the word "playlist" in Italian. :-)

(original) "Disattiva regolazione volume" -> "Disattiva correzione volume"
The word "correzione" explains better that the topic here is not the normal volume regulation (the one with the remote control)

"Regolazione volume" -> "Correzione volume"

"Regolazione volume album" "Correzione volume album"

"SqueezeCenter userà questo percorso per salvare gli elenchi di riproduzione:"
->"SqueezeCenter userà questo percorso per trovare i file musicali:"
Plain wrong. The topic here are the music files, not the playlists.

"Directory del SqueezeCenter per il salvataggio degli elenchi di riproduzione:"
->"SqueezeCenter userà questo percorso per salvare gli elenchi di riproduzione:"
"Directory del SqueezeCenter" is a nonsense

directory -> cartella
"Directory" should be translated consistently: "Directory" or "Cartella" (Folder). IMHO the term "Folder" is more user-friendly, "Directory" more "cross-platform".

Fare clic su Ripeti analisi per analizzare la libreria musicale e aggiunga nuova musica o aggiornare i brani che sono cambiati.
->Fare clic su "Ripeti analisi" per analizzare la libreria musicale e aggiungere nuova musica o aggiornare i brani che sono cambiati.
"aggiunga" is wrong

L'analisi è stata annullata. È necessario eseguire di nuovo un'analisi completa per avere accesso alla libreria musicale.
->L'analisi è stata annullata. È necessario eseguire di nuovo un'analisi completa per avere accesso completo alla libreria musicale.
The english string contains "full access", not just "access"

Memorizza elenco di riproduzione
->Ricorda elenco di riproduzione
"Memorizza" is often used as "Save". Here it would be misleading.

Non memorizzare elenco di riproduzione
->Non ricordare elenco di riproduzione

, -> .
1000 english: 1,000 italian: 1.000 (comma is the decimal separator) 

in -> -
English: Items 1 to 63 of 1277 
Italian: Elementi 1 - 63 di 1277
The right translation would be: "Elementi da 1 a 63 di 1277"
Actually it is "Elementi 1 in 63 di 1277" which is incomprehensible

Registrazione -> Log
Registrazione is used to translate the word "registration"

Selezionare un gruppo di opzioni di accesso...
->Selezionare un gruppo di log...
"Opzioni di accesso" here is completely unrelated to the topic

Registrazione -> Log

href="html/softsqueeze/index.html" -> href="/html/softsqueeze/index.html"
URL incorrect!

Gli album che contengono brani con Gruppo nei tag possono essere elencati sotto il nome del gruppo o sotto il nome degli altri artisti dell'album. Il tag Gruppo è conosciuto anche come TPE2 e in qualche programma può figurare come artista dell'album.
->Gli album con brani che contengono il tag "Gruppo" nei tag possono essere elencati sotto il nome del gruppo o sotto il nome degli altri artisti dell'album. Il tag Gruppo è conosciuto anche come TPE2 e in qualche programma può figurare come "artista dell'album".

The original translation is simply impossible to understand

Il formato del tag MP3 non rappresenta il metodo standard per specificare l'artista di un album. Alcuni strumenti per l'assegnazione dei tag MP3 utilizzano il campo TPE2 per specificare l'artista dell'album (iTunes, Winamp, Windows Media Player), mentre altri lo utilizzano per indicare il gruppo o l'orchestra. Selezionare il significato che si desidera utilizzare in SqueezeCenter. La modifica di questa impostazione avvierà di nuovo l'analisi della libreria musicale.
->Il formato dei tag MP3 non fornisce un metodo standard per specificare l'artista di un album. Alcuni strumenti per l'assegnazione dei tag MP3 utilizzano il campo TPE2 per specificare l'artista dell'album (iTunes, Winamp, Windows Media Player), mentre altri lo utilizzano per indicare il gruppo o l'orchestra. Selezionare il significato che si desidera utilizzare in SqueezeCenter. La modifica di questa impostazione avvierà di nuovo l'analisi della libreria musicale.

The original translation is simply impossible to understand

Registrazione -> Log

The other strings are much better now. Thanks.
Comment 10 Michael Herger 2009-07-30 22:23:41 UTC
SLT - any comment on this?
Comment 11 Software Localization Team 2009-08-27 06:21:41 UTC
I'll ask our LSP to comment the feedback
Comment 12 Software Localization Team 2009-08-27 06:22:27 UTC
and of course to change the translations accordingly :-)
Comment 13 Software Localization Team 2009-09-08 06:09:20 UTC
Most of the issues have been solved. Some of the proposed translations have not been integrated though.
Comment 14 Michael Herger 2009-09-08 06:25:27 UTC
applied in change 28462
Comment 15 James Richardson 2009-10-05 14:28:23 UTC
This bug has been marked as fixed in the 7.4.0 release version of SqueezeBox Server!
    * SqueezeCenter: 28672
    * Squeezebox 2 and 3: 130
    * Transporter: 80
    * Receiver: 65
    * Boom: 50
    * Controller: 7790
    * Radio: 7790  

Please see the Release Notes for all the details: http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/Release_Notes

If you haven't already, please download and install the new version from http://www.logitechsqueezebox.com/support/download-squeezebox-server.html

If you are still experiencing this problem, feel free to reopen the bug with your new comments and we'll have another look.