Bug 2415 - Remember current playlist name when saving a modified playlist
: Remember current playlist name when saving a modified playlist
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Playlists
: unspecified
: All All
: P2 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Dan Sully
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Reported: 2005-10-29 00:21 UTC by Hans Palm
Modified: 2008-09-15 14:37 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

use standardTitle if currentPlaylist is known (553 bytes, patch)
2005-10-29 19:20 UTC, KDF
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Description Hans Palm 2005-10-29 00:21:04 UTC
Using the web interface, I often find that when playing a certain playlist, I 
want to add a new song and SAVE. The problem is that when I select SAVE, the 
name of the playlist is always Untitled. I then have to manually enter the 
existing playlist name and also have to confirm overwrite. Change this so that 
the currently selected playlist name is transferred and Save works without 
confirmation. Confirmation may be applicable if another playlist than the 
currently played is selected.
Comment 1 KDF 2005-10-29 13:31:07 UTC
when you start the playlist, does it report the name of the playlist correctly
at the top of the current playlist on the right in your browser?  When you add a
song, does it then report the name correctly, with an added "(modified)"?

Which skin are you using? 
is this with the latest 6.2.1 builds? (please try if you haven't already)
does this happen with all playlists?
how are you starting playback of those playlists?

This is actually a bug, since a known playlist should be coming up named on save.
Comment 2 Hans Palm 2005-10-29 14:03:45 UTC
The name of the playlist appears correctly on the right. The playlist name is 
also reported correctly when a song is added, with modified.

I haven't changed the skin, I use the default.

I'm currently using 6.2b2 but I've had this problem with all 6.x.x versions.

I start playback from the playlists either using Play from web interface (left 
side view) or from the Squeezebox unit.
Comment 3 KDF 2005-10-29 19:20:52 UTC
Created attachment 966 [details]
use standardTitle if currentPlaylist is known

should be self-explanatory.
Comment 4 Dan Sully 2005-10-29 20:07:23 UTC
Looks good.
Comment 5 KDF 2005-10-29 21:00:55 UTC
fixed in trunk at change 4939
fixed in 6.2.1 at change 4940
please update to oct 30 nightly when available or update svn.
Comment 6 Dieter 2005-10-30 09:10:57 UTC
Shouldn't the player UI (on the Squeezebox) behave in the same way? If I play a
saved playlist, add one or several tracks and press and hold PLAY to save the
modified playlist, at the moment I always have to enter the playlist name (which
is some effort on the remote). It would be great if in this case the name of the
modified playlist would already be shown after pressing and holding PLAY that I
had only to confirm the name by pressing RIGHT. Is that possible?
Comment 7 KDF 2005-10-30 11:32:55 UTC
good point.  done in change 4949, and in 6.2.1 at change 4950
Comment 8 Hans Palm 2005-10-30 11:44:37 UTC
Using the latest 6.2.1, the name of the playlist seems to be remembered and 
appears to the left in the web interface when saving a modified playlist. But 
I don't understand why I have to confirm the overwrite, when I press save, I 
already know the name of the playlist and that I have changed it. It's not 
them same if I'd chosen another playlist name than the one I modified, another 
existing playlist that is. So I'd suggest getting rid of the superflous 
confirmation in this case.
Comment 9 KDF 2005-10-30 11:52:53 UTC
sorry.  that confirmation is by design, and is there to make sure you want to overwrite a modified 
version.  This is by request of other users, so I'm afraid it is just one step you will have ot live with. I'm 
totally with you, I personally think it shoudl have been obvious when you know the playlist, but I already 
lost that fight.  

Comment 10 Hans Palm 2005-10-30 12:23:40 UTC
OK, so why not add another button to the web interface, "Overwrite" in 
parallel with "Save"?
Comment 11 Dieter 2005-10-31 02:21:45 UTC
Great that you so quickly enhanced the player ui that the present playlist name
is shown as default. That makes playlist handling much easier on the Squeezebox.

Could it be also possible to position the cursor at the end of the playlist name
(instead of at the beginning) so that it is only necessary to press RIGHT once
to step forward to the confirmatino screen (at the moment you have to press
RIGHT several times all through the displayed playlist name)?