Bug 12065 - Duet remote freezing on now playing
: Duet remote freezing on now playing
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 10199
Product: SB Controller
Classification: Unclassified
Component: UI
: unspecified
: PC Linux (other)
: -- normal (vote)
: 7.3.3
Assigned To: Squeezebox QA Team email alias
Depends on:
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Reported: 2009-05-15 10:22 UTC by Icebird2000
Modified: 2011-03-16 04:39 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Icebird2000 2009-05-15 10:22:55 UTC
My duet remote's screen freezes on Now Playing of a song, but will continue on through the play list of playing each given song. When I pause or stop and hit play again, it plays but the screen is still stuck. When I advance to the play list I can see the songs artwork that the screen is stuck on is listed as playing in the list, but of course it is not the song playing.

More for this is on http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=59889

It's no connection problem. I think the controller get no information for the next song and did no update for Now Playing.

Version: 7.3.3 - 26488 @ Fri May 8 03:06:40 PDT 2009
Betriebssystem: Linux - DE - utf8
Plattformarchitektur: i686-linux
Perl-Version: 5.8.8 - i686-linux-thread-multi
MySQL-Version: 5.0.21-standard
Anzahl erkannte Player: 2

Controller Firmware; 7.3 r5577
Comment 1 James Richardson 2009-05-15 10:52:11 UTC
Try changing your When Playing; Screen Saver on the Controller to NONE

Does this change the behavior?
Comment 2 Icebird2000 2009-05-15 14:53:07 UTC
Partly, it still freeze but I can select another Track and the Now Playing is refreshed. 
Description what happen: 
Select an Album -> Tracks played -> after some Tracks the Audiooutput stopped at the end of the Track and on the controller count the time from -59:59 down and add the seconds and minutes to the played tracktime, but the next Track did not start playing.
Comment 3 Icebird2000 2009-05-16 00:27:57 UTC
Additional: After this Hour the Controller goes from play to paused.

This happens with almost every Album. 

Please fix this before 7.3.3 goes stable.
Comment 4 Icebird2000 2009-05-16 01:00:24 UTC
One additional note: if i select none as screensaver the display goes still off, same as the turn lcd off option.
Comment 5 James Richardson 2009-05-18 09:29:23 UTC
QA to reproduce and comment
Comment 6 Icebird2000 2009-05-18 10:10:01 UTC
OK, after some hour of research.
This Bug is related to Bug #10199, all Tracks where this happend are Tracks with non-ascii characters. But I think, if squeezecenter could not transcode the next song it must skip this track and continue playing the playlist and must not freeze the screensaver.

btw. is it right that turn LCD off and none is the same.
Comment 7 James Richardson 2009-05-18 10:17:25 UTC
Thanks for the extra effort in researching this one, I'll mark your bug as a duplicate then, you should get notified when a fix is made.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 10199 ***