Bug 3545 - Using the remote disables the knob
: Using the remote disables the knob
Product: SB Transporter
Classification: Unclassified
Component: SB Server
: unspecified
: PC Other
: P2 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Dan Sully
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Reported: 2006-06-14 04:11 UTC by Richard Titmuss
Modified: 2006-10-11 14:21 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

reset irholdtime on knob (406 bytes, patch)
2006-08-18 22:57 UTC, KDF
Details | Diff

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Description Richard Titmuss 2006-06-14 04:11:37 UTC
When browsing using the slimserver, if you use the remote to change the item displayed then the knob now longer updates the display. The 'changepos: newpos: ...' debug is still updated on the server.
Comment 1 Dan Sully 2006-08-11 14:25:20 UTC
Who should this belong to?

Comment 2 KDF 2006-08-17 23:43:48 UTC
probably has something to do with the direction being wrong, or the knob params.  updateKnob seems to require knobPos == listIndex for one.  INPUT.* uses knobPos-listIndex to determine direction.  Direction is intended to be 1 or -1, so it might have strange effects if 0, -2, 2, etc.
Comment 3 Chris Owens 2006-08-18 10:29:53 UTC
Dean promises to pitch in when he gets a transporter!
Comment 4 KDF 2006-08-18 10:37:57 UTC
heh, now I feel lame.  I know I have been kept waiting for one for a long time, but I didn't think I'd end up with hardware before important fulltime ppl. I can hopefully test out my theory tonight (more IR avoidance because I'm still waiting for inspiration).
Comment 5 KDF 2006-08-18 10:38:26 UTC
heh, now I feel lame.  I know I have been kept waiting for one for a long time, but I didn't think I'd end up with hardware before important fulltime ppl. I can hopefully test out my theory tonight (more IR avoidance because I'm still waiting for inspiration).

erk...buggy wireless mouse strikes again.
Comment 6 KDF 2006-08-18 22:57:12 UTC
Created attachment 1446 [details]
reset irholdtime on knob

the problem that disabled the knob is Common::scroll.  when there is an irholdtime, the routine is different.  Knob does not have a holdtime, so reset it from the slimproto handler and it works again.
Comment 7 Dan Sully 2006-08-18 23:51:27 UTC
Subject: Re:  Using the remote disables the knob

Ok - sounds good. Can you please add the patch, and the comment describing
what & why?


Comment 8 KDF 2006-08-19 00:09:26 UTC
fixed at change 9056