Bugzilla – Bug 11855
squeezecenter keeps scrobbling even though all players are off
Last modified: 2011-03-16 04:39:10 UTC
Created attachment 5143 [details] squeezecenter logfile while issue was present (This is more or less a copy of my forum post from last week.) http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=62389 I've been experiencing this problem for quite a while now, and this weekend I've been just annoyed enough to look into it. ;-) I have two Squeezebox Classics which I'm using almost exclusively with a squeezecenter 7.3.2 (24695) running on Gentoo Linux. I almost never use the SqueezeNetwork. So, last week I left for easter holidays. Both Squeezeboxes were off (confirmed today when I got home). However, when looking into my last.fm profile away from home, I noticed that I (or rather SC) had been scrobbling the same playlist over and over again. As I said, this happened a few times in the past, and I always "fixed" it by restarting SC. Today, I turned most of the logging facilities to "debug" and had a look at the log file. Unfortunately, I couldn't make that much sense out of it. It definitely looks like the newsongCallback() of the AudioScrobbler plugin is called with a new song every few minutes. So it doesn't seem to be the plugin's fault. However, it's unclear to me where that new song originates from. Another thing I can see from the log file is that both boxes ("galadriel" and "eowyn") are off, and that "galadriel" is the one that SC believes is still playing songs. It looks like I'm not the only person to experience this problem. There's at least one more forum member who has had the same issue in the past. http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=62238 Maybe someone with more knowledge of that area of the internals could have a look at the logfile. Let me know if there's any other information you need. Compressed logfile is attached. Thanks, Marcus
Just FYI, it's just happening again. I don't have much time right now to look into it, but I can say that the web interface is *not* reflecting the streaming progress, but it is showing the current title that's being streamed. Also, both of my players are affected this time. Using lsof, I can see that the files opened by SC match the files that are shown as currently playing. Also, I can say that this seems to have started on its own after both players had been off for at least a couple of hours. That's because I switched both players off last evening, and the scrobbling of the songs to last.fm started about 8 hours later this morning when I had already left. Let me know if there's anything you want me to do while it's in that state. Marcus
Some more observations: Turning one of the players (A) on, it immediately starts playing (it usually doesn't). The other player (B) is still turned off, but SC keeps on sending data to it. Turning player (A) off again seems to stop the playlist for that player, but not for (B).
Can you make a new log that only has the following options enabled? player.source INFO plugin.audioscrobbler DEBUG Also, please try with the latest 7.3.3.
Will try as soon as possible.
Sorry for not having replied yet. There are two problems. First, I had some trouble installing the 7.3.3 and no time to fiddle with that. So I enabled the debug options with 7.3.2. Second, this hasn't happened again since then. I will probably have some time this weekend to look into 7.3.3 installation again. However, I have no idea how to force SC into this weird behaviour. It just happens by itself from time to time. Sorry for the bad news, but you may be certain that I will keep my eyes on this. I dearly love my SBs and would really like this strange behaviour to be fixed. Just out of curiosity, was the initial logfile I attached of any use? I guess you're rather interested in a log of the transition phase.
Ok, so I tried installing 7.3.3 again today. I've been using the gentoo ebuild from the ephemeral overlay: http://github.com/joshuar/ephemeral-gentoo-overlay/tree/master I tried the squeezecenter-7.3.3-r26751.ebuild and after upgrading my whole installation to perl-5.10.0 (which was a prerequisite for one of the modules) and rebuilding all modules found that 7.3.3 (at least this ebuild on my machine) was completely unusabe. For some reason, it was incredibly slow. The firmware update took at least half an hour. Operating the squeezebox was impossible after the firmware update. The squeezecenter interface was also hanging the browser for minutes when loading a page. This was on a 1.8 GHz machine with 2 Gigs of RAM and priority set to -19 for the SC process. I noticed, however, that the mysqld was constantly busy, but it was only using about 5-10% of the CPU. Probably SC is fiddling with mysqld and this is somehow blocking the SC process? Anyway, I went back to 7.3.2, but kept perl at 5.10.0 and all other modules untouched. 7.3.2 runs perfectly smooth. I re-enabled the debug flags as you suggested and am hoping now for the scrobbling issue to reoccur.
Long time no see! But finally, squeezecenter is scrobbling again without me actually listening. I've meanwhile upgraded to 7.3.3 (27044) and I've enabled the debug output as requested. I haven't listened to any music today or operated any of my squeezeboxes. I'll attach the new log file (2009-07-28-server.log.bz2). The interesting part of the log starts at [09-07-28 17:43:32.9303] (line 32047). I hope you can make some sense of it. Let me know if you need anything else. I'll leave SB/SC in this state for a while. Thanks, Marcus
Created attachment 5531 [details] New 7.3.3 server log from 2009-07-28 with requested debug options
Moving 7.4 bugs to 8.0.