Bugzilla – Bug 14464
Audit of 10' UI skin for SB Touch
Last modified: 2010-04-08 17:26:13 UTC
I'm adding this bug because I think we need to take a second look at the 10' UI and what it is we want to deliver for SB Touch in this regard. There is a fair bit of discussions internally, on the beta forums, etc. that what we have for the 10' UI might not be release worthy. I want to make sure we have a bug open for everything that will take time between now and release, which is why I'm opening this now.
I will bring this up in today's post 7.4 meeting with Weldon. Please feel free to start adding points of interest to this bug as a working doc.
What's been decided for now: Now Playing - 2 screen states, "touch" and "remote." - The initial state is determined by the method used to enter the screen (touch command shows touch screen, remote command shows remote screen). - Touch NP is always a "temporary" state - after x seconds, the screen automatically transitions to remote mode. - Remote mode will probably have larger song/artist text in order to accomodate a 10' view. A basic spec for NP screen is evolving at http://embargo.wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/Now_Playing_design_spec Menu screens - 2 default screen states, ""touch" and "3 ft remote." The user will have the option to change their "remote" skin to "10 ft remote," but for launch this is a manual user selection. If/when the proximity sensor becomes acceptably reliable, we will consider auto-switching between 3-and-10 foot modes based on proximity. - Remote modes have no touch buttons. - 10' remote mode will be tricky - there are certain types of screens that will be tough to display well (screens with copy + options, for example). - Need to audit 10' mode. Icons probably need to go away to increase readability.
Burned 8 hrs
Burning a bunch of hrs off this one. Original estimate was very cautious/conservative, but we have since reduced the scope of this one.
We've gone back to basics on this one. Final plan for both Now Playing screens and "standard" screens: Default behavior: - if remote is used, text becomes large, menu icons do not appear, 3 lines of menu items per screen. - if user touches the screen, text becomes smaller, menu icons are displayed, 5 lines of menu items per screen. The user can override the default behavior by going to "settings -> screen -> select skin" and choosing large or small text. In this case the text and line sizes will be either large or small always, and will not change when the user switches between touch and remote use.
This bug has been marked fixed in a released version of Squeezebox Server or the accompanying firmware or mysqueezebox.com release. If you are still seeing this issue, please let us know!