Bugzilla – Bug 16892
sirius not playing
Last modified: 2019-01-25 11:40:16 UTC
Customer a few weeks ago would get a 404 error when trying to access sirius app and now can browse through stations and can see artwork but when trying to play, timer does not move and no sound comes through. Has sb duet. We also tried it on the classic on his account. Have tried reinstalling app and credentials. Has no issues with any other apps.
Another cx with same issue. Had just changed accounts, can log in and can browse channels but when choosing station, it just says stopped. Have tried classic and touch.
To add to last one, cx has a boom with firmware 52 classic 132 touch 7.5.3-r9283 Have tried on both mysqueezebox.com and sb server.
Third cx with same issue. has a classic with firmware 132. Same symptons as last one. Can browse stations but when chooses one, says stopped although text still scrolls.
I have another customer who can not get any audio from the Sirius application even after the merging of Sirius and XM. The customer can see all channels but when tries to play one receives no audio. He has firmware version 7.5.3-r9283
Another customer who has numerous Squeezebox products. This problem began yesterday for him.
I had a customer who encountered issue with Sirius. When trying to listen to any station, continuously obtaining streaming information occurs. Cx was using SB Radio, latest retail firmware. We tested via mysb.com as well as SB Server 7.5.3. Ensured customer changed accout to non-email username as well, issues persist.
April, 25, 2011 Signed-up for a free 7-day on-line account with Sirius Canada. Symptom: Squeezeplay works perfectly with the (not so) Sirius plugin - sound & graphics from the computer. But the Duet displays only Sirius channel and graphic info without starting to play any sound. Could the bytes/sec on a 7-day trial be too low for the Duet and Squeezebox receiver?