Bugzilla – Bug 9102
Netgear NAS Hibernation problem.
Last modified: 2010-01-25 04:09:59 UTC
RAIDiator 4.1.3-T120 [1.00a042] and SqueezeCenter 7.2~22491 Hi I've just uploaded 7.2~22491 to the ReadyNAS NV+. It all works well but whenever the Logitech remote is powered up (and sitting in its cradle) the NAS refuses to hibernate. I've highlighted this issue before (both in the Slim forum and the Netgear forum) and have noticed that other people are having the exact same problems, but nobody has commented on why this might be happening. It really needs to be addressed as it's ecologically very poor practice to have the disks continuously spinning for something which is only occasionally used. Incidentally, 7.0.0 and 7.0.1 caused the NAS to hibernate for 20 minutes then wake up, then hibernate for 20 minutes etc etc. 7.2~22491 permitted hibernation for 4 minutes, then after the hour (the set hibernation period) it permitted hibernation for 15 minutes. After the 15 minutes, it spun the disks up and kept them spun up for 3 hours (until now). When the Duet remote is powered off, the NAS hibernates without issue. For information, I've tried 7.0.0 and 7.0.1 on my ReadyNAS NV+ and on two ReadyNAS Duos; all three experience similar hibernation problems when the Logitech remote is switched on, and all three hibernate fine with it switched off (it doesn't matter if the receiver is on or off) Bri
Matt: Can you pass this on to our friends at Netgear?
Justin: Not sure where this problem is, it could be in the controller. What happens in the ReadyNAS to make the disk spin down/up?
Hi I wondered if it's something silly like the Logitech remote updating its clock every 20 minutes and either directly or indirectly waking the NAS (via SqueezeCentre) in the process? This is just a wild guess though! Bri
The ReadyNAS just tells the disks to spin down, then queues up all write requests while the disks are down. A read request that misses buffer cache will go down to the disks to automatically spin them up. We're pre-reading in a lot of commonly-used files so that they'll be in buffer cache when the OS needs them. SqueezeCenter doesn't appear to hurt the cause much, except when a Duet remote is on and connected. Any idea why SC7 is doing uncached reads only with Duet?
Could this be related to bug 8300? Ben?
I really doubt bug 8300 has anything to do with this. Briain's comment #3 sounds like a good guess though, although the Controller polls once per hour for clock alignment, not once every 20 mins... FYI, date request being a poll and not a SC subscription push is also a bug, bug# 8646
Hi For your info, I have looked at bug 8300 and it probably isn't the same issue. On all my tests, I ensured that the playlist was empty; I even tried emptying the playlist and selecting a radio feed to 'distance' it as far as possible from process of accessing FLAC files on the NAS. Bri
Is there any way for me to stop the handset polling at all (or change it to several days) just to eliminate that from the list of possibilities? The NAS was set to 60mins hibernation so I've just dropped it to 20 minutes. Once I've checked it hibernates stably for 2 hours at that setting, I'll switch on the Controller, then view the logs after 3 hours and report back.
Looks like it is the clock update polling which interrupts hibernation. Set to 20 minute hibernation, the NAS hibernated for 2 hours. Switching on the Controller spun the disks up after a few minutes, it then hibernated after 20 minutes (as expected) and spun them up after a further 40 minutes which points to a 1 hour interrupt cycle. I'll monitor it over the next few hours to get a few more cycles then report back.
Hi Below are some accurately recorded activities showing the relative event timings when the Controller is active (in charging cradle), removed and placed on bench, lifted and placed in cradle then finally switched off. It's very interesting to see how it impacts on the hibernation cycle: Updated to RAIDiator-4.1.3-T136 and SqueezeCenter_7.2~22588 NAS hibernation set to 20 minutes Controller playlist empty Controller switched on and sitting in charging cradle (until Event 8 + 03 minutes) Drive mappings disconnected NAS rebooted and Frontview closed All below times in minutes and relate to previous event in line above (as opposed to being referenced to T=0) T0=0 minutes Everything fully settled after above reboot. T0+20 Spin down (Event 1) E1+00 Spin up (E2) E2+20 Spin down (E3) E3+26 Spin up (E4) E4+20 Spin down (E5) E5+18 Spin up (E6) E6+20 Spin down (E7) E7+17 Spin up (E8) (E8+03 Logitech Controller lifted out of cradle and placed on shelf) E8+20 Spin down (E9) E9+17 Spin up (E10) E10+20 Spin down (E11) E11+103 Hibernated for 103 minutes then Logitech Controller lifted and placed into cradle. E11+104 Connected to NAS and gone into Screensaver mode. E11+107 Spin up (E12) E12+03 Controller switched off E12+20 Spin down E12+840 NAS hibernated until now (activated by myself re-mapping drives)
Note that after just over the first hour (Event 4 onwards), it settles into a very steady pattern; accessing the NAS drives every ~37 minutes before I break the cycle by changing something (probably the Controller going into standby mode just after E10): E4 ~ E6 = 38 mins E6 ~ E8 = 37 mins E8 ~ E10 = 37 mins Can anyone think of any process which could be linked to that period?
I don't use a ReadyNAS but have my own home-brew server and am following this topic with interest. I've been capturing network traffic to/from the Squeezebox Controller with tcpdump and inspecting it with Wireshark, and so far I've observed playlist information being sent by SqueezeCenter every 30 seconds (that'll be bug 8300), and something else which looks like a settings update every minute, but these are clearly not causing the problem here. I've also noted that once every 100 minutes, the Controller makes a POST request to SqueezeCenter: POST /cometd HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Jive/7.0.1 r2448 Content-Length: 129 Host: Content-Type: text/json Accept-Language: en [{"id":559,"data":{"request":["00:04:20:16:58:ab",["date"]],"response":"\/c26fa2 68\/slim\/request"},"channel":"\/slim\/request"}] and gets the reply: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: SqueezeCenter (7.0.1 - 19705) Cache-Control: no-cache Pragma: no-cache Content-Length: 72 Content-Type: application/json Expires: -1 X-Time-To-Serve: 0.00476694107055664 [{"clientId":null,"id":559,"channel":"/slim/request","successful":true}] Now, if there's a time update happening every 60 minutes (which I haven't yet spotted in the packet trace), and the above every 100 minutes, and both cause HDD spin-ups, I can well imagine the pattern of spin-ups looks like something every 20 or 40 minutes, and perhaps we have 2 bugs to fix here.
OK, now I've spotted the time update once an hour, and also on a 60-minute period, but not at the same time as the time update, SqueezeCenter is sending the Controller what looks like a notification of a firmware update: [{"data":{"relativeFirmwareUrl":"/firmware/jive_7.0.1_r2448.bin","firmwareUpgrade":0},"id":"393","channel":"/c26fa268/slim/firmwarestatus/00:04:20:16:58:ab","ext":{"priority":""}}] So I guess it's possible SqueezeCenter is looking for updated firmware once an hour as well, which could certainly cause discs to spin up.
Is it possible that this is because of the Swap space on the ReadyNas? Does the Readynas ever use its swap if the system is not running SC?
Hi Matt No, it works fine even with SC fired up: testing has shown the NV+ (1GB memory / 4.1.3 T136) hibernating for over 80 hours with SqueezeCentre and TwonkyMedia running (and indeed with Sonos, Linn and Logitech Duet receivers all switched on, but, of course, not streaming any music). As soon as the Logitech Controller is switched on, the hibernation is interrupted, then follows the wake-up cycles as described above. Switching the Controller off again enables the hibernation to function normally (without a NAS re-boot). Incidentally, the 80h mentioned above isn't any sort of technical limit; it is simply the time limit I put on the test. Bri
Hi I’m just setting up the latest nightly build of SC7.3 and I noticed that there is an option to turn off software updates (it might have been there before, I probably just didn't notice it) so I'll try that and see how it impacts on the hibernation cycles. It'll be interesting to see if it changes into an hourly wake-up cycle (as per the time updates). Bri
7.3~23122 beta accesses disks every few minutes (even with Controller switched off) but scanner and Controller navigation are fantastically fast compared to 7.2; will be an excellent product when finalized and hibernation issues addressed.
I think that the issue with 7.3 was simply that I didn't have the correct firmware and that it was writing to the logs every 10 minutes. I ought to have used the 7.2.1 Jive firmware to see if it cured the issue but to be honest, 7.2.1 runs so well that I don't see the need to change until the Jive/hibernation issue has been sorted.
I don't believe this bug is properly assigned. Unassigning and tagging for discussion in next bug meeting
Hi Priority: Probably needs assigned as quite high as it will probably impact all systems where HDD hibernation is deployed. It’s not just a power/cost issue but a significant disk stress and thus disk/PSU reliability issue (see below). Incidentally, I've installed 4 NAS/Duet systems and all have this problem (with all requesting a solution). Suggestion: If it is caused by the Jive time updates, a facility to disable them (maybe at the expense of the clock having to be switched off – to hide the displayed time drift – and a blank screen displayed instead) would be a welcome compromise. Current Status: To update where we are at, the latest 7.3 nightly causes no problem with Jive switched off (and Receiver left on); the NAS hibernates fine for days. If the Controller is left switched on (and in its charge cradle) the interruptions are still very regular (with a few exceptions as shown). Below are the results with the NAS hibernation set to 30 minutes. Incidentally, the NAS hibernates properly as soon as (well, 30 minutes after) the controller is switched off again: Oct 21 20:56:43 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hdc. Oct 21 20:56:45 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hde. Oct 21 21:09:07 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hdc after 12 minutes. Oct 21 21:09:07 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hde after 12 minutes. Oct 21 21:39:26 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hdc. Oct 21 21:39:28 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hde. Oct 21 21:46:54 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hdc after 7 minutes. Oct 21 21:46:54 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hde after 7 minutes. Oct 21 22:17:13 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hdc. Oct 21 22:17:15 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hde. Oct 21 22:25:12 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hdc after 7 minutes. Oct 21 22:25:12 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hde after 7 minutes. Oct 21 22:55:30 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hdc. Oct 21 22:55:32 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hde. Oct 21 22:55:41 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hdc after 0 minutes. Oct 21 22:55:42 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hde after 0 minutes. Oct 21 23:26:00 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hdc. Oct 21 23:26:02 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hde. Oct 21 23:40:39 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hdc after 14 minutes. Oct 21 23:40:39 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hde after 14 minutes. Oct 22 01:06:42 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hdc. Oct 22 01:06:44 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hde. Oct 22 01:33:58 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hdc after 27 minutes. Oct 22 01:33:58 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hde after 27 minutes. Oct 22 02:04:16 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hdc. Oct 22 02:04:18 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hde. Oct 22 02:05:14 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hdc after 0 minutes. Oct 22 02:05:14 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hde after 0 minutes. Oct 22 02:35:33 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hdc. Oct 22 02:35:35 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hde. Oct 22 02:49:57 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hdc after 14 minutes. Oct 22 02:49:57 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hde after 14 minutes. Oct 22 03:20:16 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hdc. Oct 22 03:20:17 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hde. Oct 22 03:27:14 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hdc after 6 minutes. Oct 22 03:27:14 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hde after 6 minutes. Oct 22 03:57:33 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hdc. Oct 22 03:57:34 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hde. Oct 22 04:05:31 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hdc after 7 minutes. Oct 22 04:05:31 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hde after 7 minutes. Oct 22 04:35:50 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hdc. Oct 22 04:35:52 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hde. Oct 22 04:42:43 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hdc after 6 minutes. Oct 22 04:42:43 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hde after 6 minutes. Oct 22 05:30:47 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hdc. Oct 22 05:30:49 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hde. Oct 22 05:58:48 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hdc after 28 minutes. Oct 22 05:58:48 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hde after 27 minutes. Oct 22 06:55:45 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hdc. Oct 22 06:55:47 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hde. Oct 22 07:14:50 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hdc after 19 minutes. Oct 22 07:14:50 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hde after 19 minutes. Oct 22 07:45:08 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hdc. Oct 22 07:45:10 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hde. Oct 22 07:52:02 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hdc after 6 minutes. Oct 22 07:52:02 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hde after 6 minutes. Oct 22 08:22:20 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hdc. Oct 22 08:22:22 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hde. Oct 22 08:30:19 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hdc after 7 minutes. Oct 22 08:30:19 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hde after 7 minutes. Oct 22 09:00:38 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hdc. Oct 22 09:00:39 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hde. Oct 22 09:07:36 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hdc after 6 minutes. Oct 22 09:07:36 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hde after 6 minutes. Oct 22 09:37:55 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hdc. Oct 22 09:37:56 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hde. Oct 22 09:45:53 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hdc after 7 minutes. Oct 22 09:45:53 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hde after 7 minutes. Oct 22 10:16:12 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hdc. Oct 22 10:16:14 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hde. Oct 22 10:23:35 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hdc after 7 minutes. Oct 22 10:23:35 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hde after 7 minutes. Oct 22 10:53:54 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hdc. Oct 22 10:53:56 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hde. Oct 22 11:01:22 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hdc after 7 minutes. Oct 22 11:01:22 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hde after 7 minutes. Oct 22 12:59:25 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hdc. Oct 22 12:59:26 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning down /dev/hde. Oct 22 13:00:48 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hdc after 1 minutes. Oct 22 13:00:57 BriServ noflushd[685]: Spinning up /dev/hde after 1 minutes.
This appears to be an issue with the SBC firmware. It's not clear to me from the discussion what the controller is doing to trigger the wake up. Ben?
It's already been flagged bug_meeting. I'd like to discuss this in our Monday meeting.
Briain, if you're willing and able, I have a test you can try to see if the issue is the date polling (which, incidentally, is bug 8646). 1. Turn remote login on in the controller, Settings->Advanced->Remote login. The IP address of your controller will be listed at the bottom after enabling 2. ssh to the controller as user root, password 1234 3. vi the file /usr/share/jive/applets/SqueezeboxJive/SqueezeboxJiveApplet.lua and find the line that reads: self.clockTimer:start() comment it out by adding two dashes in front of it like so: --self.clockTimer:start() 4. save the file and reboot the controller 5. re-run your hibernation tests to see if that fixes the HDD spin up problem Apologies for pushing work back to you, but I don't have a setup that can effectively test this. If this is more than you can or want to do, let me know and I'll get one of our ReadyNAS support help to assist.
FYI, I just fixed the date polling bug 8646, moving it to a comet subscription. I'm not sure if that will fix this problem, but to test it requires an update on both SC and Controller. In SC 7.3, change 23685 paired with Controller firmware 7.3 r3213. The 7.3 firmware should get pushed out to beta users soon, either tomorrow or early next week.
Hi Sorry for the delay, I missed the prompting email! I'll pick up any responses immediately next time and act upon them directly. I've looked at the file but cannot find that line (see below). Has Jive been radically changed (and thus this line removed) since you asked the question? Again, sorry for the delay! # vi /usr/share/jive/applets/SqueezeboxJive/SqueezeboxJiveApplet.lua -- stuff we use local ipairs, pcall, tostring = ipairs, pcall, tostring local oo = require("loop.simple") local string = require("string") local math = require("math") local os = require("os") local io = require("io") local jiveBSP = require("jiveBSP") local Watchdog = require("jiveWatchdog") local Wireless = require("jive.net.Wireless") local Applet = require("jive.Applet") local Sample = require("squeezeplay.sample") local Checkbox = require("jive.ui.Checkbox") local Choice = require("jive.ui.Choice") local Font = require("jive.ui.Font") local Framework = require("jive.ui.Framework") local Group = require("jive.ui.Group") local Icon = require("jive.ui.Icon") local Label = require("jive.ui.Label") - /usr/share/jive/applets/SqueezeboxJive/SqueezeboxJiveApplet.lua 1/1204 0%
Sorry, ignore last email (not used to Vi) trying this now
(In reply to comment #23) > Briain, if you're willing and able, I have a test you can try to see if the > issue is the date polling (which, incidentally, is bug 8646). > > 1. Turn remote login on in the controller, Settings->Advanced->Remote login. > The IP address of your controller will be listed at the bottom after enabling > 2. ssh to the controller as user root, password 1234 > 3. vi the file /usr/share/jive/applets/SqueezeboxJive/SqueezeboxJiveApplet.lua > and find the line that reads: > self.clockTimer:start() > comment it out by adding two dashes in front of it like so: > --self.clockTimer:start() > 4. save the file and reboot the controller > 5. re-run your hibernation tests to see if that fixes the HDD spin up problem Hi I've found local clockSynctimer:start but not self.clockTimer:start, his it been changed?
It appears that change 23685 does not improve the disk sleeping issue on ReadyNAS. Attempting to gather logs to pinpoint the issue.
Created attachment 4233 [details] ReadyNAS log
Created attachment 4234 [details] Jive log
Unfortunately I'm not seeing any smoking gun in the comparison between those two logs. I looked at 5 separate occurrences of the HDD spinning up on the ReadyNAS, at timestamps of: 9:42:01 9:56:09 10:05:36 10:16:39 10:27:51 at 9:42, I see jive getting playerstatus and serverstatus responses from SC at 9:56, I see more of the same along with a playerDelete and playerNew notification at 10:05 jive syncs its software clock to its hardware clock, which should not involve readyNAS at all, plus more status responses from SC at 10:16 more status responses So the common thread is playerstatus and serverstatus messages, but I should note that serverstatus messages are delivered once every 60 secs and playerstatus messages once every 30 seconds. Those events are showing up in the log at every one of those specified intervals, most of which are not causing a HDD spin up event. Or another way to look at it, no matter where I look in the log a playerstatus message is within 30 seconds of a given timestamp. I wouldn't quite rule out the playerstatus/serverstatus messages spinning up the HD, but it looks like a red herring to me right now.
r3376, checked in to fix bug# 8300, may help this issue. I moved the playerstatus subscription from a once/30 second request to one where SC generates it on demand. Previously with a controller connected to an SC-connected player, SC would generate a playerstatus message every 30 seconds regardless of the player's state. There is some possibility that these messages would eventually cause a NAS HD to spin up. Steven to test with controller firmware >=r3376
Ping steven
I have not been able to determine what in SqueezeCenter 7.3 is preventing drive spin down and or waking up the drives on ReadyNAS systems. Since bug 8300 may be one of the causes of this bug and it will most likely not make the 7.3 release I am changing the target to 7.3.1.
Bug 8300 is interestingly similar, however, it's worth noting that these hibernation interruptions happen whether there is anything in the playlist or not and thus might be throwing us a 'curved ball'. I looked at bug 8300 some time back and have always left the playlist empty; I can thus confirm that the NAS still cycles with the playlist empty. Hope that helps.
Michael, since you have been looking at bug 10137 for the ReadyNAS Pro, do you have any insight on what in SqueezeCenter might be causing the disks to wake from sleep on the ReadyNAS products?
I have no idea so far (haven't looked at it yet). But I'm a bit confused: Ben said he had checked in a change which _might_ be helpful. But nobody said whether this changed anything. Did you test a recent build?
Changing target to next release
It does not look like this will be resolved before the next release.
Steven, what's the state of this here? Are you trying to reproduce?
Dean, I was able to reproduce this issue easily when I last looked at it. Unfortunately I was having extreme difficulty pinpointing the cause and the logs don't seem to show a SC correlation for the disk spin up. Michael, do you have any time to look into this?
Steven - did you test this recently? See my comment #37
Steven? Did you test this after Ben's comment #37?
FYI, my fix for bug 8300 had to be reverted (see bug 10064), so if that fix helped this bug, you won't see it now.
I'm testing as I write this. Will report soon.
I am still seeing the issue with nightly 7.3.2 - 24638. With this build the drives are spun up every 30 minutes or so. This is with r3476 on the controller. Ben, what build can I use to see if your fix for bug 8300 would also fix this issue?
Created attachment 4768 [details] New Duet ReadyNAS log
Created attachment 4769 [details] New Duet ReadyNAS wireshark capture
I used SqueezeCenter 7.3.2 - 24695 and Controller 7.3 r3993 when creating the wireshark capture. The capture was done with the filter "host" so it only captured Controller traffic. The network consisted of a ReadyNAS Duo, Receiver, Controller, Netgear Ethernet Hub and a Linksys WRT54GS. The Duet was setup in the bridged configuration. Please let me know if there are any other logs and or logging options that would help pinpoint the issue while I have this test rig setup.
From the ReadyNAS log I identified several timestamps of when the NAS spun up its hard drive, then looked in the wireshark log for traffic from the controller at or just before the spin up. There is nothing in the network traffic that shows traffic from the controller at these spin up times. For example, the NAS hard drive spun up at 16:37:06 in the wireshark capture, there is nothing at that timestamp or for up to 23 seconds before it from the controller. 16:36:43 a serverstatus notification was sent from NAS to controller, and an ACK back from the controller (serverstatus messages are sent every minute and are found throughout the wireshark capture at expected intervals) 16:36:48 ARP from controller to NAS with response from NAS 16:36:48 2 UDP broadcast packets from Controller (filenet-tms, filenet-rpc). I don't know the purpose of these 16:36:48 UDP packet (filenet-rpc) from NAS to Controller 23 seconds pass, then HD spins up The packets described above also are all found throughout the capture at times when the hard drive did not spin up. I'm at a loss...there isn't any smoking gun here.
That 23 seconds number may be a bit misleading, because if you're basing the time on log entries, it will be off by however long it takes the disks to spin up. With two disks, that could be as long as ~20 seconds.
Created attachment 4773 [details] 02052008 ReadyNAS log
Created attachment 4775 [details] 02052008 ReadyNAS unfiltered wireshark capture
New overnight wireshark capture. The only change I made was to capture without a filter. What I don't understand is that the wake interval has changed. Last nights capture the log shows the drives spun up about every 30 minutes or so and the previous log about every 46 minutes. I'm at a loss.
Created attachment 4787 [details] Archive of Duet and ReadyNAS logs This archive contains server.log, syslog and a wireshark capture. The server.log and wireshark capture were taken with all logging enabled in hopes that they might reveal something and are very large.
Not sure what else I can do about this one. I am open to suggestions.
Andy suggests turning on prefs logging to see if SC is writing information to the prefs file and preventing hibernation.
We are now planning to make a 7.3.3 release. Please review your bugs (all marked open against 7.3.3) to see if they can be fixed in the next few weeks, or if they should be retargeted for 7.4 or future. Thanks!
Justin, do you have any guidance for where we should look next on this bug?
Maybe wait until the disks are about to spin down, and then echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/block_dump to figure out which process is reading from what block to cause the spinup. Thing is, in this case we pretty much know it's squeezecenter.pl. But it might help to see if it's consistently reading from the same block or what. Or... if it's a write that's causing the spinup, that means somebody somewhere is doing a sync().
Moving to the product SqueezePlay because this bug appears to apply to any player based on that application code. Feel free to move it back if it's specific to the single original product.
It this related to bug 8300?
(In reply to comment #62) > It this related to bug 8300? I don't know, I can't see bug 8300 any more, but Briain did say in comment #7 that he thought not, and again in comment #35. As for it being related to a player rather than SqueezeCenter's servicing of players generally, that hasn't been identified either.
Reset priority before triage.
Just to clarify, this only happens when the controller is left switched on. Most people do leave the controller in its base charger and thus this issue will impact on most. I just visited a friends house and discovered they'd left there controller on for over a year (I told them not to, but they like the clock display on the handset); their NAS has spun down and up roughly every hour which is over 8000 disk cycles. I'd have thought this should be raised to a P1 and thus fixed in a timelier manner; it impacts on all ReadyNAS Duo and NV+ installations. This was reported a year ago and that's way too long to fix a major bug like this. I've fitted 3 other Logitech/ReadyNAS systems and need an answer to this soon; the users are really hacked off about this! Energy efficiency is a major issue these days and they are really annoyed at me telling them to leave their NAS spinning 24/7; the NAS hibernation feature was a major consideration when they bought these systems. I know it doesn't save that much power, but the psychological impact seems to be huge. Sonos and Twonky based systems don't cause any hibernation problems, so this really needs to be fixed quickly.
I estimate that having 2 drives spinning for 18 hours/week instead of 168 (24x7) would currently save £14 of electricity per year at UK prices. I think some current consumer-level drives are specced for 8x5 use, not 24x7. Current drives claim a life of 50,000 start/stop or load/unload cycles. Either way - running 24x7 or loading/unloading hourly - is putting a fair dent in the drives' specified life, and it's obviously unnecessary. Please get this fixed asap, it's a silly, irritating flaw in what is otherwise a neat system (by which I mean NAS+Duet).
Agreed on the figures. The customers like that a [hibernating] NAS is approximately equivalent to leaving on a CFL bulb; an upper limit they feel comfortable with, not for cost reasons, but simply for environmental impact. To increase this breeches the waste limit they have deemed acceptable and they end up switching their NAS off. This means the music is no longer instantly available; they have to go to their cupboards and switch it on, then wait for it to boot up before playing music. That significantly detracts from the product concept and is thus something that needs addressed. Incidentally, hourly start stop cycling not only stresses the drives (particularly since they will also be temperature cycling) but puts two surge loads on the SMPS (one to start each drive) which it should handle, but would be better if it didn’t have to do so every hour. This all takes some explanation to the non-technical users; it's just that this is all so unnecessary, and that it has now been an issue for a year that irritates people so much. PS Over this last year, I’ve installed quite a few Sonos systems, but I will certainly not recommend any more Duet systems to anyone until this is addressed; Logitech are loosing money over this.
Can one of the SqueezeCenter developers tell me how to change the period with which the time update and firmware version notificatons - which I noted were hourly in comment #13 - are sent to the Controller? If varying or disabling these updates were found to affect the issue, that might help more clearly identify the problem.
The 'date' query is scheduled based on the call from the Controller. You could disable it by commenting out the following lines in Slim/Control/Jive.pm: # manage the subscription if (defined(my $timeout = $request->getParam('subscribe'))) { $request->registerAutoExecute($timeout, \&dateQuery); } Firmware update is only sent every 12 hours I believe, and only if you need one.
Well, whatever version we were using last August when I traced with WireShark, it was sending a notification of the latest available version every hour, and only setting firmwareUpgrade=1 if it was actually a newer version, and it looks like that's still the behaviour now from looking at the 7.3.3 code today. Thanks for confirming for me that that's the place; I'll try with these commented out. Now where does the $timeout value come from?
$timeout comes from the request from the Controller.
Moving 7.4 bugs to 8.0.