Bug 10380 - Audio playback of AIFF fails on Controller (podcasts too)
: Audio playback of AIFF fails on Controller (podcasts too)
Product: SB Controller
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Audio
: unspecified
: PC Other
: -- normal with 1 vote (vote)
: 7.3.2
Assigned To: Richard Titmuss
Depends on:
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Reported: 2008-12-18 07:39 UTC by John Scudder
Modified: 2009-01-06 08:59 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

Sample AIFF file (5.64 MB, audio/x-aiff)
2008-12-22 12:04 UTC, John Scudder

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Description John Scudder 2008-12-18 07:39:35 UTC
With 7.3r3476, audio playback of AIFFs fails.  The same AIFFs play fine through Boom/SB2/Receiver.  MP3s and AACs play OK through the Controller.

I've also noticed that the "Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me" podcast fails although again it plays fine through Boom/SB2/Receiver.  The URL for the podcast is http://www.npr.org/rss/podcast.php?id=35.  I haven't tried other podcasts.  The format of the podcast is MP3 64kbps CBR, nothing exotic.

When the AIFFs fail, there's moderately loud hiss playing as though the Controller is really trying, just not getting it right.  When the podcast fails, it's high-quality silence.
Comment 1 Bob 2008-12-21 12:27:44 UTC
SqueezeCenter Version 7.3 - 24282

PLayback of AIFF fails. Complete SILENCE. 95% of my collection is AIFF so a little awkward
Comment 2 James Richardson 2008-12-22 11:17:13 UTC
Can you please attach a sample file
Comment 3 John Scudder 2008-12-22 12:04:11 UTC
Created attachment 4498 [details]
Sample AIFF file

OK, here's a sample file confirmed not to play on my Controller (like all other AIFFs I've tried).
Comment 4 Bob 2008-12-23 13:17:41 UTC
Have updated to 7.3.1 - 24372 and still not playing AIFF files

[08-12-23 21:11:56.2138] Slim::Player::Song::open (302) file:///opt/music/Bronk/Bronk/10%20Finland.aif
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2175] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (323) rateLimit = 0, type = aif, squeezebox2 = 00:04:20:05:c7:6c
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2183] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (194) Checking to see if aif-aif-*-* is enabled
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2191] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-wma-squeezebox2-00:04:20:05:c7:6c
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2198] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-wma-*-00:04:20:05:c7:6c
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2205] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-wma-squeezebox2-*
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2212] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-wma-*-*
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2219] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-ogg-squeezebox2-00:04:20:05:c7:6c
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2225] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-ogg-*-00:04:20:05:c7:6c
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2232] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-ogg-squeezebox2-*
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2239] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-ogg-*-*
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2246] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-flc-squeezebox2-00:04:20:05:c7:6c
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2253] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-flc-*-00:04:20:05:c7:6c
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2260] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-flc-squeezebox2-*
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2267] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-flc-*-*
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2274] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (194) Checking to see if aif-flc-*-* is enabled
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2281] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (235)    enabled
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2288] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (237)   Found command: [flac] -cs --totally-silent --compression-level-0 --skip=$START$ --until=$END$ -- $FILE$
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2297] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (454) Matched: aif->flc via: [flac] -cs --totally-silent --compression-level-0 --skip=$START$ --until=$END$ -- $FILE$
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2314] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (323) rateLimit = 0, type = aif, squeezebox2 = 00:04:20:05:c7:6c
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2322] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (194) Checking to see if aif-aif-*-* is enabled
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2330] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-wma-squeezebox2-00:04:20:05:c7:6c
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2336] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-wma-*-00:04:20:05:c7:6c
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2343] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-wma-squeezebox2-*
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2350] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-wma-*-*
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2357] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-ogg-squeezebox2-00:04:20:05:c7:6c
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2364] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-ogg-*-00:04:20:05:c7:6c
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2371] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-ogg-squeezebox2-*
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2378] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-ogg-*-*
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2384] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-flc-squeezebox2-00:04:20:05:c7:6c
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2391] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-flc-*-00:04:20:05:c7:6c
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2398] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-flc-squeezebox2-*
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2405] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-flc-*-*
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2412] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (194) Checking to see if aif-flc-*-* is enabled
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2419] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (235)    enabled
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2425] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (237)   Found command: [flac] -cs --totally-silent --compression-level-0 --skip=$START$ --until=$END$ -- $FILE$
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2434] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (399) Rejecting [flac] -cs --totally-silent --compression-level-0 --skip=$START$ --until=$END$ -- $FILE$ because required capability T not supported: 
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2442] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-aif-squeezebox2-00:04:20:05:c7:6c
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2449] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-aif-*-00:04:20:05:c7:6c
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2455] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-aif-squeezebox2-*
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2462] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-aif-*-*
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2469] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (194) Checking to see if aif-aif-*-* is enabled
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2476] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (235)    enabled
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2483] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (237)   Found command: -
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2491] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (399) Rejecting - because required capability T not supported: 
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2498] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-aif-transcode-*
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2505] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-wav-squeezebox2-00:04:20:05:c7:6c
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2511] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-wav-*-00:04:20:05:c7:6c
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2518] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-wav-squeezebox2-*
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2525] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-wav-*-*
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2532] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-mp3-squeezebox2-00:04:20:05:c7:6c
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2539] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-mp3-*-00:04:20:05:c7:6c
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2545] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-mp3-squeezebox2-*
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2552] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (227) Checking formats for: aif-mp3-*-*
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2559] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (194) Checking to see if aif-mp3-*-* is enabled
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2566] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (235)    enabled
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2573] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (237)   Found command: [lame] --resample 44100  --silent -q $QUALITY$ --abr $BITRATE$ $FILE$ -
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2581] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (399) Rejecting [lame] --resample 44100  --silent -q $QUALITY$ --abr $BITRATE$ $FILE$ - because required capability T not supported: 
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2588] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (451) Error: Didn't find any command matches for type: aif
[08-12-23 21:11:56.2596] Slim::Player::Song::open (323) seek=false time=0 canSeek=1
Comment 5 Bob 2008-12-23 13:19:56 UTC
Also can not transcode AIFF for streaming, wither remotely or on SoftSqueeze.
Comment 6 Richard Titmuss 2009-01-06 04:16:52 UTC
I've just tested this with the SqueezeCenter 7.4 and the latest version of SqueezePlay and it seems to be working.

Can QA please verify it works in 7.3.2.

Comment 7 Bob 2009-01-06 08:59:22 UTC
I have done a 3rd reinstall and all is working. 
It seems to be related to having ANY extra software player added (itunes or softsqueeze) which use lame to encode at anything other than unlimited.