Bug 12582 - SlimTris crashes SB and SC
: SlimTris crashes SB and SC
Status: NEW
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Player UI
: 7.3.3
: PC Debian Linux
: -- normal (vote)
: Future
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
Depends on:
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Reported: 2009-06-29 08:34 UTC by rhodesda
Modified: 2011-11-06 23:24 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description rhodesda 2009-06-29 08:34:16 UTC
I had a strange problem with my SB3 the other day and thought nothing of it, but the same happened on my Boom yesterday so wondered if it's a bug?

All I did was opened SlimTris and started a game, when the 1st block came down I pushed it all the way to the right with the remote, this then made the SB3/Boom un-responsive to any buttons except holding down the power for 5 seconds. It then tries unsuccessfully to get an IP address. I have to do a reset but once connected it can't find SC until I reboot my server!

So it seems playing SlimTris crashed both my SB's and SqueezeCenter!
Comment 1 James Richardson 2009-07-21 09:24:45 UTC
Dean: Any chance this can get fixed for 7.3.4?
Comment 2 James Richardson 2009-08-24 14:49:50 UTC
This plug-in should be disabled (by default) from SBS and/or moved to community supported if it's not going to be fixed in time for release os 7.4
Comment 3 Andy Grundman 2009-08-25 08:38:48 UTC
I tested SlimTris on SB3 and it actually worked just fine for me.  Is there 
anything in server.log about the crash?
Comment 4 Ben Klaas 2009-08-26 07:52:29 UTC
this is an administrative shuffle on priority fields to help make better judgment on the top end of the priority list. P4->P5, P3->P4, and P2->P3.
Comment 5 Chris Owens 2010-05-06 15:54:27 UTC
Dean doesn't work here any more :)
Comment 6 Alan Young 2011-11-06 23:24:17 UTC
Unassigned bugs cannot have a priority.