Bugzilla – Bug 9299
ReadyNAS: FireFox 3.0.1: Browser frame goes blank after "F5".
Last modified: 2009-01-29 11:29:36 UTC
Steps to Reproduce: 1. On FireFox 3.0.1, go to ...:9000/classic 2. Go to SqueezeCenter Settings:. 3. Perform a clear playlist and complete rescan. 4. After it is done, press "F5" to refresh the FireFox. 5. The Browser frame should go back to Home page. 6. Notice it is completely blank.
SC version is SqueezeCenter_7.2~22786.bin.
Created attachment 3890 [details] server.log for this issue.
Created attachment 3891 [details] scanner.log
Matt: can you have a look at this
Tried many times to reproduce it. With the release build of 7.2, this bug is no longer seen. SqueezeCenter Version: 7.2 - 22900 @ Tue Aug 26 11:25:48 PDT 2008 - Netgear RAIDiator - EN - utf8 Server IP address: Perl Version: 5.8.8 sparc-linux MySQL Version: 5.0.24a-Debian_3.infrant1 Marking this as "WORKSFORME" for now. If seen again, please reopen.