Bug 7244 - Bridged MP Duet fails to connect to SqueezeNetwork direct.
: Bridged MP Duet fails to connect to SqueezeNetwork direct.
Product: MySqueezebox.com
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Controller
: unspecified
: Other Other
: -- normal (vote)
: 7.0
Assigned To: Spies Steven
Depends on:
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Reported: 2008-02-20 10:52 UTC by Spies Steven
Modified: 2008-05-15 13:04 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Spies Steven 2008-02-20 10:52:26 UTC
Steps to reproduce:
1 Start with both ray and jive with mp fw, factory reset and deleted from sn with the admin tool.
2 Connect ray to your network using ethernet.
3 Choose "Connect using Squeezebox" on the "Wireless Connection" screen.
4 Select your ray and wait for it to connect then choose SqueezeNetwork as the source.
5 Notice that ray connects and updates fw while jive waits and eventually times out leaving both ray and jive in an unusable state.
Comment 1 Spies Steven 2008-02-20 11:21:59 UTC
I just tried with current fw on both ray and jive and I got the same result of jive timing out after ray connects to sn.
Comment 2 Spies Steven 2008-02-20 13:32:23 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> I just tried with current fw on both ray and jive and I got the same result of
> jive timing out after ray connects to sn.
This behavior may actually be the result of bug 7251.
Comment 3 Andy Grundman 2008-02-20 15:04:37 UTC
May have fixed this one in r17664, please retest in about an hour when service instances have all restarted.
Comment 4 Spies Steven 2008-02-22 09:00:54 UTC
I have tried this a number of times now without issue.  Yea!  Resolving as works for me.  I will reopen if I the issue again.
Comment 5 James Richardson 2008-05-15 13:04:05 UTC
This bug has recently been fixed in the latest release of SqueezeCenter 7.0.1

Please try that version, if you still see the error, then reopen this bug.

To download this version, please navigate to: http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads.html