Bug 3961 - Add countdown at Welcome message on startup
: Add countdown at Welcome message on startup
Product: SB 2/3
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Setup
: 43
: All All
: P2 enhancement (vote)
: Future
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2006-08-17 17:51 UTC by Dan Evans
Modified: 2010-05-07 10:20 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Dan Evans 2006-08-17 17:51:20 UTC
Currently, when the Squeezebox starts up it displays, "Welcome to Squeezebox.  (to begin setup press the right arrow.)"  
However, if you do nothing it attempts to configure itself and connect to the last known Slimserver. (which by the way is wonderful)  

But from a Support standpoint it's tricky to explain to people what they need to do and when.  Or conversely, sometimes in order to setup they need do nothing. (as in the case of a soft or hard reset.)

Can we change that opening message slightly?  To something like: 

"Welcome to Squeezebox.  
(to begin setup press the right arrow ... 
 or setup will continue automatically.)" plus a 5 sec countdown
Comment 1 Chris Owens 2006-08-18 12:46:11 UTC
What do you think, Dean?
Comment 2 Blackketter Dean 2006-08-18 15:13:44 UTC
interesting idea.  I'd like to look at this after 6.5 goes out...
Comment 3 Chris Owens 2010-05-06 15:54:18 UTC
Dean doesn't work here any more :)
Comment 4 Alan Young 2010-05-07 10:20:08 UTC
All new Squeezebox products are likely to be based on the SqueezePlay platform.
We do not plan to implement any further enhancements to the ip3k firmware or
which are targeted specifically at ip3k-based products.