Bug 14918 - Facebook Plugin feature enhancements/requests
: Facebook Plugin feature enhancements/requests
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Plugin
: unspecified
: All Other
: -- enhancement with 3 votes (vote)
: Future
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2009-10-23 22:44 UTC by Simon Chester
Modified: 2013-10-11 14:05 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Simon Chester 2009-10-23 22:44:58 UTC
From thread:

...I have some questions (regarding the functionality of the Facebook plugin):
1) Why does the icon on Facebook show up as an original Squeezebox, and not the Squeezebox Classic it was posted from? Wouldn't it be better (for promotions) to have a more appealing looking model? Or at least the correct one that it was posted from? When I post from my Boom, it displays a Boom, so I guess this is a bug?

2) Is there any chance I can add a touch of personality to the default message? for example, instead of "I'm listening to 23 Seconds by Cobblestone Jazz." I would like to say "I think 23 Seconds by Cobblestone Jazz is an awesome album." or something like that.
I'd just like to be able to customise the template. And why not set up a link to Amazon or iTunes or YouTube or last.fm to have a listen to (or purchase?) the album I'm listening to? I'd like my friends to be able to hear it, too, is all: spread the love. Could be a good revenue source for Logitech, too.

3) Why, when posting an album (not song), does it post the track artist, and not the album artist? It would make more sense to me to post the album artist.

4) Why doesn't the post differentiate between songs and albums? I'd kinda like it to say "listening to the album x by xx" rather than "listening to x by xx" as readers can't be sure if it's a song or album I'm talking about/recommending. This would obviously be addressed by feature two.

So, those are my requests. The plugin is *this* close to being awesome.
Any chance they will be implemented?
Comment 1 Simon Chester 2009-10-29 00:19:08 UTC
Further to my point 2) above, maybe clicking on the artist/song could start a Google music search. Google have just launched the feature, and details are here:
Could work very well, I reckon.
Comment 2 Chris Owens 2010-02-02 15:08:20 UTC
Matt Weldon doesn't work for us any more.
Comment 3 Kiruban 2011-08-01 08:58:13 UTC
Case # 110801-001463

 Customer not able to access the Facebook Profile Images if the Security settings on the Facebook is enabled via the Squeezebox Radio.

 Customer has to turn off the Security features on the Facebook account to access the images on Facebook App via the Radio.

 Customer requesting to get this feature fixed to allow for the security to be enabled and still be able to access the Images.
Comment 4 Michael Herger 2013-10-11 14:05:22 UTC
Facebook is gone.