Bugzilla – Bug 1938
MMM doesn't generate mixes based on ALAC/AAC tracks where artist, album or track name has accented characters
Last modified: 2008-09-15 14:36:01 UTC
Music Magic Mixer doesn't generate mixes based on Apple Lossless or AAC tracks (.m4a) where the artist, album or track name has an accented character (2005-08-06 nightly) Mixes are generated by clicking the little "m" icon beside the track on the browser interface or holding down the play button on the remote control. MMM can generate mixes based on MP3 tracks where the artist or track name has an accented character MMM can also generate mixes based on an album of AAC/ALAC tracks where the artist has an accented character or the album has an accented character - it doesn't work based upon a AAC/ALAC track where an artist, album or track name has an accented character. See attached file with d_musicmagic debug information enabled. This shows the following attempts to create a MMM mix based upon:- 1. AAC track where artist has accented character (Sin�ad O'Connor) - unsuccessful 2. Apple Lossless track where artist has accented character (DJ Ti�sto) - unsuccessful 3. MP3 track where artist has accented character (Sin�ad O'Connor) - successful 4. Album of AAC tracks where artist has accented character (Sin�ad O'Connor) - successful 5. Apple Lossless track where artist doesn't have accented character - successful 6. Apple Lossless track where track has accented character (Lori�n) - unsuccessful 7. MP3 track where track has accented character (Ti�sto) - successful 8. Apple Lossless track where album has accented character (Coraz�n) - unsuccessful
Created attachment 702 [details] MMM debug info d_musicmagic traces for a variety of tracks
is this a slimserver issue, or musicmagic issue?
I suspect Slimserver - MMM mixes based on tracks with accented characters used to work. MMM hasn't changed for a couple of months while there has been a number of Slimserver fixes recently to deal with accented characters.
Michael - could you upload track #1 to this bug? What version of Music Magic are you using? Thanks.
I am using MMM version I have uploaded file name Mandinka.m4a / artist Sin�ad O'Connor / album So Far... The Best of Sin�ad O'Connor to ftp://electricrain.com/incoming/
Michael - I've fixed this in subversion change 3942. It will be in the 2005-08-12 6.2 nightly.
I loaded the 2005-08-12 nightly, did a clear and rescan and there are still problems generating MMM mixes from tracks with accented characters. I tried the unsuccessful AAC/ALAC tracks listed previously (with accents in artist, track title or album) and they still did not generate MMM mixes. The results were not totally consistent as I did come across 1 ALAC album where the artist had an accent in the title (Sin�ad O'Connor) where I was able to generate MMM mixes but tracks on 2 other AAC and ALAC albums by the same artist did not work (although the album title of the ALAC album also had an accent in the title) The issue where one artist (Sin�ad O'Connor again...) was being displayed once when MMM was on but twice when MMM off seems to have been fixed as the name was displayed once when MMM was on or off.
Michael - can you run with --d_musicmagic when trying to generate a mix with one of these tracks?
Dan, see attached file with -d_musicmagic logs for successful and unsuccessful tracks. Looking at these, I think the problem is being caused by accents in the file path rather than accents in the tag data. I couldn't understand why tracks from one album where the artist had an accent (Sin�ad O'Connor) worked while another album by the same artist didn't work. I then noticed that the album that worked did not have any accents in the file path. To test if the problem was being caused by accents in the file path rather than the tag data, I editted the file path of one of the problem tracks to remove the accent, rescanned MMM and cleared and rescanned slimserver. I could then generate a MMM mix with this track. I think it was just a coincidence that none of the MP3 files I tried with accents in tag data had accents in the file path. The MP3s all worked so I thought the problem was AAC/ALAC specific.
Created attachment 721 [details] musicmagic logs Logs for a selection of successful and unsuccessful tracks when generating MMM mixes.
Mike - would it be possible to get ssh access into your OSX machine to do further debugging? Thanks.
I guess so, although I don't know what I would need to do to enable this... Slimserver is running on a Mac Mini with the music on an external LaCie 320G drive - I on a cable modem connection with a Netgear WGR614 router.
You'll need to create me an account on the Mac, and forward port 22 from the outside of your Netgear to port 22 on the Mac. Thanks!
Fix checked in as subversion change 3692.
I tried the 2005-08-15 nightly and everything seems to work properly. Thanks.
This problem seems to have come back again in the 2005-08-22 nightly. It may not be exactly the same issue - it is possible to generate MMM playlists based on tracks containing accents but artist and albums with accents do not work. I tried creating MMM playlists with a variety of artists, albums and tracks containing accents and got the following errors: 2005-08-23 00:53:43.5872 Musicmagic: request http://localhost:10002/api/mix?artist%3DCaf%E9% 20Mambo&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=12 2005-08-23 00:53:43.8346 Musicmagic Error - Couldn't get mix: artist%3DCaf%E9% 20Mambo&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=12 2005-08-23 00:56:10.8125 Musicmagic: request http://localhost:10002/api/mix?album%3DSteve% 20Earle%40%40El%20Coraz%F3n&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=12 2005-08-23 00:56:10.8192 Musicmagic Error - Couldn't get mix: album%3DSteve%20Earle%40%40El% 20Coraz%F3n&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=12 2005-08-23 00:59:43.9581 Musicmagic: request http://localhost:10002/api/mix?album%3DSin%E9ad %20O'Connor%40%40Sean-N%F3s%20Nua&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=12 2005-08-23 00:59:43.9662 Musicmagic Error - Couldn't get mix: album%3DSin%E9ad%20O'Connor% 40%40Sean-N%F3s%20Nua&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=12 2005-08-23 00:59:12.6368 Musicmagic: request http://localhost:10002/api/mix?song%3D% 2FVolumes%2FMusicServerLaCie%2FSlimserverMusic%2FLossless%20music%2FSinead%20OConnor% 2FSean-No%CC%81s%20Nua%2F05%20O%CC%81ro%CC%81%20Se%CC%81%20Do%20Bheatha% 20'Bhaile.m4a&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=12 2005-08-23 00:59:12.7024 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Sinead OConnor/Sean-No�?s Nua/05 O�?ro�? Se�? Do Bheatha 'Bhaile.m4a : New /Volumes/ MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Sinead OConnor/Sean-No�?s Nua/05 O�?ro�? Se�? Do Bheatha 'Bhaile.m4a 2005-08-23 00:59:12.7032 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Thea Gilmore/Songs From The Gutter [Disc 2]/2-09 Lavender Cowgirl.m4a : New / Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Thea Gilmore/Songs From The Gutter [Disc 2]/2-09 Lavender Cowgirl.m4a 2005-08-23 00:59:12.7037 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Deep Dish/George Is On/11 In Love With A Friend.m4a : New /Volumes/ MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Deep Dish/George Is On/11 In Love With A Friend.m4a 2005-08-23 00:59:12.7046 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Thea Gilmore/Avalanche/01 Rags And Bones.m4a : New /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/ SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Thea Gilmore/Avalanche/01 Rags And Bones.m4a 2005-08-23 00:59:12.7051 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/U2/Zooropa/06 Daddy's Gonna Pay For Your Crashed Car.m4a : New /Volumes/ MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/U2/Zooropa/06 Daddy's Gonna Pay For Your Crashed Car.m4a 2005-08-23 00:59:12.7055 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossy music/Naked Music - NYC/Reconstructed Soul/Reconstructed Soul_Naked Music - NYC_9_Live Today.mp3 : New /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossy music/Naked Music - NYC/ Reconstructed Soul/Reconstructed Soul_Naked Music - NYC_9_Live Today.mp3 2005-08-23 00:59:12.7063 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Compilations/The Best Ibiza Anthems...Ever! [Disc 2]/2-11 Better Off Alone - DJ Jurgen Pres. Alice Deejay.m4a : New /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/ Compilations/The Best Ibiza Anthems...Ever! [Disc 2]/2-11 Better Off Alone - DJ Jurgen Pres. Alice Deejay.m4a 2005-08-23 00:59:12.7068 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Steve Earle/Train a Comin'/07 I'm Looking Through You.m4a : New /Volumes/ MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Steve Earle/Train a Comin'/07 I'm Looking Through You.m4a 2005-08-23 00:59:12.7073 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Tori Amos/The Beekeeper/16 Hoochie Woman.m4a : New /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/ SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Tori Amos/The Beekeeper/16 Hoochie Woman.m4a 2005-08-23 00:59:12.7077 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Underworld/Back To Mine/07 54-46 - Toots & The Maytals.m4a : New /Volumes/ MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Underworld/Back To Mine/07 54-46 - Toots & The Maytals.m4a 2005-08-23 00:59:12.7081 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Tori Amos/Boys For Pele/07 Caught A Lite Sneeze.m4a : New /Volumes/ MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Tori Amos/Boys For Pele/07 Caught A Lite Sneeze.m4a 2005-08-23 00:59:12.7108 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Thea Gilmore/Loft Music/02 Hide 'n' Seekin.m4a : New /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/ SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Thea Gilmore/Loft Music/02 Hide 'n' Seekin.m4a 2005-08-23 00:59:43.9581 Musicmagic: request http://localhost:10002/api/mix?album%3DSin%E9ad %20O'Connor%40%40Sean-N%F3s%20Nua&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=12 2005-08-23 00:59:43.9662 Musicmagic Error - Couldn't get mix: album%3DSin%E9ad%20O'Connor% 40%40Sean-N%F3s%20Nua&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=122005-08-23 01:00:26.9903 Musicmagic: request http://localhost:10002/api/mix?song%3D%2FVolumes%2FMusicServerLaCie% 2FSlimserverMusic%2FLossless%20music%2FSinead%20OConnor%2FSean-No%CC%81s%20Nua%2F05% 20O%CC%81ro%CC%81%20Se%CC%81%20Do%20Bheatha% 20'Bhaile.m4a&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=12 2005-08-23 01:00:27.0612 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Sinead OConnor/Sean-No�?s Nua/05 O�?ro�? Se�? Do Bheatha 'Bhaile.m4a : New /Volumes/ MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Sinead OConnor/Sean-No�?s Nua/05 O�?ro�? Se�? Do Bheatha 'Bhaile.m4a 2005-08-23 01:00:27.0621 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Thea Gilmore/Burning Dorothy/09 Bad Idea.m4a : New /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/ SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Thea Gilmore/Burning Dorothy/09 Bad Idea.m4a 2005-08-23 01:00:27.0626 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Dido/No Angel [Bonus Disc]/2-01 Here With Me (Lukas Burton Mix).m4a : New / Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Dido/No Angel [Bonus Disc]/2-01 Here With Me (Lukas Burton Mix).m4a 2005-08-23 01:00:27.0630 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossy music/The Streets/A Grand Don't Come for Free/08 Such a Twat.m4a : New /Volumes/ MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossy music/The Streets/A Grand Don't Come for Free/08 Such a Twat.m4a 2005-08-23 01:00:27.0634 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/U2/Zooropa/07 Some Days Are Better Than Others.m4a : New /Volumes/ MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/U2/Zooropa/07 Some Days Are Better Than Others.m4a 2005-08-23 01:00:27.0637 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Tori Amos/The Beekeeper/03 The Power Of Orange Knickers.m4a : New /Volumes/ MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Tori Amos/The Beekeeper/03 The Power Of Orange Knickers.m4a 2005-08-23 01:00:27.0643 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Propaganda/A Secret Wish/05 P_Machinery [album mix].m4a : New /Volumes/ MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Propaganda/A Secret Wish/05 P_Machinery [album mix].m4a 2005-08-23 01:00:27.0647 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Thea Gilmore/The Lipstick Conspiracies/02 The Resurrection Men.m4a : New / Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Thea Gilmore/The Lipstick Conspiracies/ 02 The Resurrection Men.m4a 2005-08-23 01:00:27.0652 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Propaganda/A Secret Wish/06 Sorry For Laughing.m4a : New /Volumes/ MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Propaganda/A Secret Wish/06 Sorry For Laughing.m4a 2005-08-23 01:00:27.0656 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Thea Gilmore/Burning Dorothy/07 Militia Sister.m4a : New /Volumes/ MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Thea Gilmore/Burning Dorothy/07 Militia Sister.m4a 2005-08-23 01:00:27.0661 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Dido/No Angel/09 Isobel.m4a : New /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Dido/No Angel/09 Isobel.m4a 2005-08-23 01:00:27.0686 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossy music/Greenskeepers/Pleetch/07 Keep It Down.m4a : New /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/ SlimserverMusic/Lossy music/Greenskeepers/Pleetch/07 Keep It Down.m4a
I took a closer look at the d_musicmagic traces and there seen to be different encodings of accents used for generating MMM playlists based on album or artist (which don't work) compared to track (which does work). e.g. Album El Coraz�n is represented as El%20Coraz%F3n with � as %F3 Artist: Caf� Mambo is represented as Caf%E9%20Mambo with � as %E9 Album: Sean-N�s Nua by Sin�ad O'Connor is represented as Sean-N%F3s%20Nua Sin%E9ad%20O'Connor with � as %F3 and � as %E9 Track �r� S� Bheatha 'Bhaile from album Sean-N�s Nua is represented as O%CC% 81ro%CC%81%20Se%CC%81%20Do%20Bheatha%20'Bhaile Sean-No%CC%81s%20Nua with � as O%CC%81 , � as o%CC%81 , and � as e%CC%81
Michael - my other fix for the duplicate names might have fixed this for you. Can you give it a go? Thanks.
Dan, I tried the 2005-08-24 nightly and the issue still exists. I think there are two separate issues here. a. Can't generate MMM mixes based upon albums and artists with an accent in their title, but tracks with an accent work ok. The d_musicmagic traces look the same as included previously in the bug but I have included these anyway - the encoding of accents appear to be different between albums and artists (which don't work) and tracks (which do work). b. Can't generate MMM mixes from some albums that Slimserver has incorrectly assigned an artist of Various Artists. This appears to happen with albums tagged as Compilations even when all tracks have the same artist (not Various Artists). I believe this happens because MMM stores the album with the correct artist therefore does not recognise the album title with Various Artists. The traces also show an error which is probably unrelated - I think it happened when turning on the MMM plug-in or during scanning. It didn't happen when generating the mixes. 2005-08-24 21:47:34.8436 The following error occurred: Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at /Library/PreferencePanes/SlimServer.prefPane/Contents/server/Slim/Formats/Movie.pm line 44. 2005-08-24 21:47:34.8443 Backtrace: frame 0: Slim::DataStores::DBI::DBIStore::readTags (/Library/PreferencePanes/SlimServer.prefPane/ Contents/server/Slim/DataStores/DBI/DBIStore.pm line 387) frame 1: Slim::DataStores::DBI::DBIStore::newTrack (/Library/PreferencePanes/SlimServer.prefPane/ Contents/server/Slim/DataStores/DBI/DBIStore.pm line 508) frame 2: Slim::DataStores::DBI::DBIStore::updateOrCreate (/Library/PreferencePanes/ SlimServer.prefPane/Contents/server/Plugins/MusicMagic/Plugin.pm line 555) frame 3: Plugins::MusicMagic::Plugin::exportFunction (/Library/PreferencePanes/SlimServer.prefPane/ Contents/server/Slim/Utils/Scheduler.pm line 97) frame 4: Slim::Utils::Scheduler::run_tasks (./slimserver.pl line 622) frame 5: main::idle (./slimserver.pl line 581) frame 6: main::main (./slimserver.pl line 1187) 2005-08-24 21:47:34.9556 The following error occurred: Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at /Library/PreferencePanes/SlimServer.prefPane/Contents/server/Slim/Formats/Movie.pm line 44. 2005-08-24 21:47:34.9564 Backtrace: frame 0: Slim::DataStores::DBI::DBIStore::readTags (/Library/PreferencePanes/SlimServer.prefPane/ Contents/server/Slim/DataStores/DBI/DBIStore.pm line 387) frame 1: Slim::DataStores::DBI::DBIStore::newTrack (/Library/PreferencePanes/SlimServer.prefPane/ Contents/server/Slim/DataStores/DBI/DBIStore.pm line 508) frame 2: Slim::DataStores::DBI::DBIStore::updateOrCreate (/Library/PreferencePanes/ SlimServer.prefPane/Contents/server/Plugins/MusicMagic/Plugin.pm line 555) frame 3: Plugins::MusicMagic::Plugin::exportFunction (/Library/PreferencePanes/SlimServer.prefPane/ Contents/server/Slim/Utils/Scheduler.pm line 97) frame 4: Slim::Utils::Scheduler::run_tasks (./slimserver.pl line 622) frame 5: main::idle (./slimserver.pl line 581) frame 6: main::main (./slimserver.pl line 1187) 2005-08-24 22:13:26.8237 MusicMagic: read cacheid of 1124822760 2005-08-24 22:13:26.8319 MusicMagic: got status - idle Album: A Tori Amos Collection - Tales of a Librarian by Tori Amos (Various Artists is incorrect) 2005-08-24 22:54:04.8396 Musicmagic: request http://localhost:10002/api/mix?album%3DVarious% 20Artists%40%40A%20Tori%20Amos%20Collection%20-%20Tales%20of%20a% 20Librarian&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=12 2005-08-24 22:54:04.8465 Musicmagic Error - Couldn't get mix: album%3DVarious%20Artists%40% 40A%20Tori%20Amos%20Collection%20-%20Tales%20of%20a% 20Librarian&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=12 Album: Caf� Mambo Ibiza 2004 [Disc 1] by Caf� Mambo (Various Artists is incorrect) 2005-08-24 22:14:02.6673 Musicmagic: request http://localhost:10002/api/mix?album%3DVarious% 20Artists%40%40Caf%E9%20Mambo%20Ibiza%202004%20%5BDisc%201% 5D&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=12 2005-08-24 22:14:02.6751 Musicmagic Error - Couldn't get mix: album%3DVarious%20Artists%40% 40Caf%E9%20Mambo%20Ibiza%202004%20%5BDisc%201% 5D&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=122005-08-24 22:14:26.8405 MusicMagic: read cacheid of 1124822760 2005-08-24 22:14:26.8478 MusicMagic: got status - idle Album: El Coraz�n by Steve Earle 2005-08-24 22:14:51.3122 Musicmagic: request http://localhost:10002/api/mix?album%3DSteve% 20Earle%40%40El%20Coraz%F3n&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=12 2005-08-24 22:14:51.3214 Musicmagic Error - Couldn't get mix: album%3DSteve%20Earle%40%40El% 20Coraz%F3n&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=122005-08-24 22:15:26.8580 MusicMagic: read cacheid of 1124822760 2005-08-24 22:15:26.8653 MusicMagic: got status - idle Artist: Le Ch�ile 2005-08-24 22:16:19.8559 Musicmagic: request http://localhost:10002/api/mix?artist%3DLe%20Ch% E9ile&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=12 2005-08-24 22:16:19.8637 Musicmagic Error - Couldn't get mix: artist%3DLe%20Ch% E9ile&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=122005-08-24 22:16:26.8741 MusicMagic: read cacheid of 1124822760 2005-08-24 22:16:26.8806 MusicMagic: got status - idle Artist: DJ Ti�sto 2005-08-24 22:16:40.1034 Musicmagic: request http://localhost:10002/api/mix?artist%3DDJ%20Ti% EBsto&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=12 2005-08-24 22:16:40.1105 Musicmagic Error - Couldn't get mix: artist%3DDJ%20Ti% EBsto&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=12 Album: Sean-N�s Nua by Sin�ad O'Connor 2005-08-24 22:17:05.5231 Musicmagic: request http://localhost:10002/api/mix?album%3DSin%E9ad %20O'Connor%40%40Sean-N%F3s%20Nua&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=12 2005-08-24 22:17:05.5305 Musicmagic Error - Couldn't get mix: album%3DSin%E9ad%20O'Connor% 40%40Sean-N%F3s%20Nua&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=122005-08-24 22:17:36.0195 MusicMagic: read cacheid of 1124822760 2005-08-24 22:17:36.0268 MusicMagic: got status - idle Track: 05 �r� S� Do Bheatha 'Bhaile.m4a from Sean-N�s Nua by Sin�ad O'Connor 2005-08-24 22:17:39.6898 Musicmagic: request http://localhost:10002/api/mix?song%3D% 2FVolumes%2FMusicServerLaCie%2FSlimserverMusic%2FLossless%20music%2FSinead%20OConnor% 2FSean-No%CC%81s%20Nua%2F05%20O%CC%81ro%CC%81%20Se%CC%81%20Do%20Bheatha% 20'Bhaile.m4a&variety=5&style=0&sizetype=tracks&size=12 2005-08-24 22:17:39.7508 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Sinead OConnor/Sean-No�?s Nua/05 O�?ro�? Se�? Do Bheatha 'Bhaile.m4a : New /Volumes/ MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Sinead OConnor/Sean-No�?s Nua/05 O�?ro�? Se�? Do Bheatha 'Bhaile.m4a 2005-08-24 22:17:39.7522 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Deep Dish/George Is On/11 In Love With A Friend.m4a : New /Volumes/ MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Deep Dish/George Is On/11 In Love With A Friend.m4a 2005-08-24 22:17:39.7531 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/U2/Zooropa/07 Some Days Are Better Than Others.m4a : New /Volumes/ MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/U2/Zooropa/07 Some Days Are Better Than Others.m4a 2005-08-24 22:17:39.7541 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossy music/Faithless/Reverence/Reverence [Disc 1]/1-07 Dirty Ol' Man.m4a : New /Volumes/ MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossy music/Faithless/Reverence/Reverence [Disc 1]/1-07 Dirty Ol' Man.m4a 2005-08-24 22:17:39.7549 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossy music/Faithless/Outrospective (Reperspective the Remixes)/Outrospective [Disc 1]/1-02 Not Enuff Love.m4a : New /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossy music/Faithless/Outrospective (Reperspective the Remixes)/Outrospective [Disc 1]/1-02 Not Enuff Love.m4a 2005-08-24 22:17:39.7560 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Underworld/Back To Mine/07 54-46 - Toots & The Maytals.m4a : New /Volumes/ MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Underworld/Back To Mine/07 54-46 - Toots & The Maytals.m4a 2005-08-24 22:17:39.7567 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Thea Gilmore/Loft Music/07 Sitting In Limbo.m4a : New /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/ SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Thea Gilmore/Loft Music/07 Sitting In Limbo.m4a 2005-08-24 22:17:39.7574 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Greg Sullivan/Accent on Life/01 Wesley Beats - RSL.m4a : New /Volumes/ MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Greg Sullivan/Accent on Life/01 Wesley Beats - RSL.m4a 2005-08-24 22:17:39.7580 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossy music/Bebel Gilberto/Bebel Gilberto Remixed/Every Day You've Been Away (Monoaural Mix).m4a : New /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossy music/Bebel Gilberto/Bebel Gilberto Remixed/Every Day You've Been Away (Monoaural Mix).m4a 2005-08-24 22:17:39.7587 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Portishead/Roseland NYC [Live]/03 All Mine.m4a : New /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/ SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Portishead/Roseland NYC [Live]/03 All Mine.m4a 2005-08-24 22:17:39.7593 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Tori Amos/Strange Little Girls/03 Strange Little Girl.m4a : New /Volumes/ MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Tori Amos/Strange Little Girls/03 Strange Little Girl.m4a 2005-08-24 22:17:39.7599 MusicMagic: Original /Volumes/MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/ Lossless music/Thea Gilmore/Burning Dorothy/03 People Like You.m4a : New /Volumes/ MusicServerLaCie/SlimserverMusic/Lossless music/Thea Gilmore/Burning Dorothy/03 People Like You.m4a
Ok - I think this has finally been nailed - subversion change 4052 & 4054.
Dan - I tried the 2005-08-25 nightly and this appears to work properly. Thanks,
Created attachment 3642 [details] alternative 1 - fix decoding for (utf-8) linux, too
Created attachment 3643 [details] alternative 2 - fix decoding for (utf-8) linux, too
After having updated my linux box from 8859-15 to utf-8, i ran into this bug. See forum: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?p=321489 database is ok: mysql> select url from tracks where id=4789; +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | url | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | file:///data/common/All%20Music/S%C3%B6hne%20Mannheims/Noiz/11%20-%20Dein%20Leben.mp3 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Decoding fails in the MusicIP-Plugin: [08-07-21 23:24:12.4179] Slim::Plugin::MusicMagic::Plugin::getMix (754) Creating mix for: song using: /data/common/All Music/Söhne Mannheims/Noiz/11 - Dein Leben.mp3 as seed. [08-07-21 23:24:12.4184] Slim::Plugin::MusicMagic::Plugin::getMix (771) Request http://localhost:10002/api/mix?song%3D%2Fdata%2Fcommon%2FAll%20Music%2FS%C3%83%C2%B6hne%20Mannheims%2FNoiz%2F11%20-%20Dein%20Leben.mp3&variety=1&rejectsize=10&mixgenre=0&style=135&sizetype=tracks&size=50 [08-07-21 23:24:12.4221] Slim::Plugin::MusicMagic::Plugin::getMix (780) Warning: Couldn't get mix: song%3D%2Fdata%2Fcommon%2FAll%20Music%2FS%C3%83%C2%B6hne%20Mannheims%2FNoiz%2F11%20-%20Dein%20Leben.mp3&variety=1&rejectsize=10&mixgenre=0&style=135&sizetype=tracks&size=50 both patches will do the same for linux what they are already doing for mac + windows.