Bugzilla – Bug 15304
"Play Other Songs In Album" doesn't work for "All Songs" of an artist
Last modified: 2011-05-11 16:03:05 UTC
If I go to an artist and scroll down to select "all songs", then press play on one of the songs, only this song is played - in spite of having the server set to play all songs of an album or directory. This, for me, doesn't work as expected. It should play all songs in a list of songs regardless whether it's an album or a virtual folder (like the "all songs" folder) or a directory.
what player are you using? Discussing with the developers, it's not actually clear to us that it SHOULD work this way.
I can see your point. But then, an additional option should be implemented where if you press play on a song in a virtual folder (like e.g. the "all artist's songs" folder) for more than 3 secs, all songs are played.
I agree with Till's view on this - 'All Songs' should be treated exactly like an album in this context. There's no need for additional options.
In onebrowser this is fixed, with behavior as suggested. I'm guessing the change may be a side effect of some other change, but hopefully it will be retained. In both SqueezePlay and the ip3k UI playing the nth song of 'All Songs' enqueues all songs and begins playback at the nth song. The web UI behavior is unchanged - only the selected song is enqueued.
This bug is fixed on the onebrowser feature branch. That branch may be folded into 7.6/trunk. Leaving open, target for 7.6, and reassess this once we know the fate of onebrowser
7.6.0.r32393 Select All Songs by an artist, then select one of the songs it cues-up all the songs.