Bugzilla – Bug 15502
Strange Status of mysqueezenetwork.com/Last.fm Connection After DSL Force Reconnect
Last modified: 2010-01-23 09:52:46 UTC
When I listen to Last.fm via mysqueezebox.com on my Duet, and my ISP decides to deal out a new IP address in the middle of it, the Duet goes into a strange state of being semi-connected. * Controller and Receiver both show that they are connected. * I can start Last.fm radio again, but it will stop after playing one song. * The "Now Playing" display of the Controller is out of sync with the Receiver. It often skips back to the start of the song while the Receiver plays the song without problems. * Songs are not being scrobbled. * When I try to do simple things like switching the Receiver on or off, the Controller displays "Connecting to mysqueezenetwork.com". Switching Controller and Receiver off and back on again does not help. This first made me think that the problem is between mysqueezenetwork.com and Last.fm, but the Boom plays and scrobbles flawlessly. The only thing I found so far that helps is connecting the Duet to my SqueezeboxServer and playing Last.fm radio from there. Afterwards, I can switch back to mysqueezebox.com and everything is back to normal. see http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=74011 see http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=74147
This may be a dupe of bug 15485 that I fixed earlier today. Let me know if you still see this.
Tested today and deliberately re-set my internet connection twice. It looks like you fixed it, indeed. Thanks a lot.