Bugzilla – Bug 1280
Could we hide Server Settings -> iTunes? Or put it somewhere else?
Last modified: 2005-08-19 16:07:03 UTC
half the time when people call in for support with iTunes problems, it's because options in Server Settings -> iTunes were changed... doesn't really seem to be all that helpful in a lot of cases, but seems to cause lots of harm in others...
reload interval and ignore disabled tracks are useful to everyone, but could go under plugins like all other plugins. prefix and suffix, I'm not sure why those need to be there at all. The find automatic, library file, and folder setting are for people who seem to believe that itunes is useful under linux or have somehow found the need/ability to move where itunes keeps its files. I have tried over and over to relocate the file to somewhere useful to me, but itunes always refuses. you couldmove those settings, but that will result in a very small but embarassingly vocal minority screaming even more than they already do ;)
Maybe an important bit of info here is WHY those users felt that they had to change those settings in the first place. Does automatic not work well enough? Are they just being absurdly anal? which settings are they changing most and which cause the most harm versus the performance when untouched?
Things are OK now. Let's see how it goes...