Bugzilla – Bug 4583
Allow knob to control volume by default
Last modified: 2006-12-11 10:59:37 UTC
Currently the default function of the knob is menu navigation. To use the knob as a volume control, you must first press the "volume" button, after which the knob functions as a volume control. After a timeout period, the knob functionality returns to menu navigation. However, as I have now retired my analog preamp and use the transporter directly attached to my power amp, I would really like the knob to default to being a volume control. Other users have echoed this request, see e.g. http://forums.slimdevices.com/showpost.php?p=125312&postcount=113 Dean has indicated that this feature is possible to implement: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showpost.php?p=125392&postcount=114 So, this is an enhancement request -- I would like a configuration option to choose that the knob should default to a volume control, and allow the user to do menu navigation after pressing the "volume" button or perhaps after pressing the knob inward. After a timeout, the function of the knob would then return to being a volume control. As a further example of why this is a good idea, imagine that an insanely loud track comes on the stereo and my wife is frantic. Is she going to run around the room searching for the remote? Will she know exactly where the "volume" button is so she can press it and then use the knob? No, she will run straight for the knob, turn it, and the insanely loud music will continue unabated. Comments?
my comment is that you should have looked at bug 4247. not hard to have found, just search for "knob" see here: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30426 and the bugzilla main page. please make the effort to search, and comment on the appropriate bugs. It makes things ever so much easier to mange, and collects common goals in order to properly set priorities. I know it's hard sometimes, but it makes such a difference.
(In reply to comment #1) > my comment is that you should have looked at bug 4247. not hard to have found, > just search for "knob" Oops, I did spend about 10 minutes searching for "knob" and "volume" but only within the "Transporter" category. I didn't realise this would be a "Slimserver" related enhancement. Is it possible to merge my comments here into bug 4247? If not, I'll add them myself.
Bugzilla does automatically create a link between duplicated bug reports, adds all related email addresses to the cc lists, but doesn't copy comments. I'll mark this as a dupe. Please feel free to copy or rewrite your comments to bug 4247 as you see fit. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 4247 ***