Bug 1213 - Folders with leading space create "%" in browse musicfolder pagebar
: Folders with leading space create "%" in browse musicfolder pagebar
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Web Interface
: 6.0.0
: PC RedHat Linux
: P2 minor (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Dan Sully
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Reported: 2005-03-27 15:19 UTC by Michael Herger
Modified: 2008-08-18 10:53 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Michael Herger 2005-03-27 15:19:29 UTC
I have some folders with leading spaces. When browsing the music folder 
containing them I get a "%" in the pagebar:

2 A B C D % D E F G H I J K L M N O P % P Q R S T U V W Y Z

This represents the following list:

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Gold
David Bowie   
Dire Straits   
Donald Byrd   
Eagle eye Cherry
Oumou Sangare - Worotan   
P. J. Harvey - To Bring You My Love   
Pandit Hari Prasad   
Paolo Fresu   
Patent Ochsner   
Paul McCartney   
Paula Cole Band - Amen   
Peter Gabriel   
Phil Collins
Pink Floyd   
Pulp Fiction - Soundtrack   

In the web ui the space is stripped and I can correctly browse the folders. In 
the player's ui it's not stripped and I can browse. But pressing D will jump to 
"Donald Byrd" - the first entry _after_ the folder with leading space before the 
Comment 1 Dan Sully 2005-03-27 15:22:48 UTC
Don't do that! :)
Comment 2 Blackketter Dean 2005-04-20 14:53:20 UTC
Fixed for next nightly.  Please confirm.
Comment 3 Michael Herger 2005-04-20 22:55:31 UTC
Thanks, latest trunk is fine for me.