Bug 14730 - Service runs at 50% CPU of server
: Service runs at 50% CPU of server
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Windows Service
: 7.4.0
: PC Windows Home Server
: -- normal (vote)
: Investigating
Assigned To: James Richardson
Depends on:
  Show dependency treegraph
Reported: 2009-10-12 11:15 UTC by Arnon Meshoulam
Modified: 2012-02-27 17:18 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

Log Files (4.55 MB, application/x-zip-compressed)
2009-10-12 11:15 UTC, Arnon Meshoulam

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Arnon Meshoulam 2009-10-12 11:15:32 UTC
Created attachment 6089 [details]
Log Files

Service is running as a dedicated user on WHS. After a few days, runs at 50% of
server CPU
Comment 1 Arnon Meshoulam 2009-10-12 11:27:41 UTC
Squeezebox Server Status 
Version: 7.4.0 - r28672 @ Mon Sep 28 19:51:11 PDT 2009 
Hostname: homeserver 
Server IP Address: 
Server HTTP Port Number: 9000 
Operating system: Windows Home Server - EN - cp1252 
Platform Architecture: 586 
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - MSWin32-x86-multi-thread 
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt 
Total Players Recognized: 2   
Library Statistics 
Total Tracks: 7,949 
Total Albums: 784 
Total Artists: 1,622 
Total Genres: 76 
Total Playing Time: 564:02:54   
Player Information 
Information on all identified devices connected to Squeezebox Server   
Player Model: squeezebox 
Firmware: 40 
Player IP Address: 
Player MAC Address: 00:04:20:05:8b:14 
Wireless Signal Strength: 50%   
Living Room 
Player Model: squeezebox 
Firmware: 40 
Player IP Address: 
Player MAC Address: 00:04:20:05:5a:ac 
Wireless Signal Strength: 30%   
Cache Folder 
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Squeezebox\Cache 
Preferences Folder 
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Squeezebox\prefs 
Plugin Folders 
C:\PROGRA~1\SQUEEZ~2\server\Slim\Plugin, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Squeezebox\Cache\InstalledPlugins\Plugins, C:\PROGRA~1\SQUEEZ~2\server\Plugins 
Squeezebox Server Log File 
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Squeezebox\Logs\server.log   
Scanner Log File 
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Squeezebox\Logs\scanner.log
Comment 2 James Richardson 2009-10-12 11:46:42 UTC
Arnon: Did you install the Windows XP build of 7.4.0 or the WHS build?  Please post the location of the file you downloaded, as WHS has not been released for 7.4.0 yet.

How are you determining that SBS is taking 50% of the CPU?

Is this repeatable and if so, after how many days?

What triggers the behavior?  I.E. streaming local content, alarms, streaming remote content (internet radio, rhapsody, pandora, etc..)

What Hardware are you running WHS on?  Manufacture & Model of your box

What 3rd party WHS plug-ins do you have currently installed? Please list them all
Comment 3 Arnon Meshoulam 2009-10-12 13:28:10 UTC
Arnon: Did you install the Windows XP build of 7.4.0 or the WHS build?  Please
post the location of the file you downloaded, as WHS has not been released for
7.4.0 yet.
[Arnon] - I installed SqueezeboxServer-7.4.0.exe from the main download. File version: 28672               
I installed in logged in to Remote desktop as an Administrator and have it running as a service with a named user.

How are you determining that SBS is taking 50% of the CPU?
[Arnon] - once the service lows down, I log in locally and fire up task 
It shows the SqueezeSrv.exe with 50% CPU, and about 200,000K of memory.It orginally starts up running with about 2% and 44,000K

Is this repeatable and if so, after how many days?
[Arnon] - so far this has been consistent after a few days. I will track now how long it takes. This generally happens after a few days of idle - I don't see a pattern yet.

What triggers the behavior?  I.E. streaming local content, alarms, streaming
remote content (internet radio, rhapsody, pandora, etc..)

What Hardware are you running WHS on?  Manufacture & Model of your box
[Arnon] - It is a Vanilla box, running a dual core Intel CPU, with 4 GB memory

What 3rd party WHS plug-ins do you have currently installed? Please list them
Comment 4 James Richardson 2009-10-12 13:38:55 UTC
I would like to have you try the latest BETA version of the WHS version of SBS.

Please download it from here: http://downloads.slimdevices.com/nightly/7.4/sc/28811/SqueezeboxServer-7.4.1-28811-whs.msi

You will want to UNINSTALL the current version, and delete all preference files when prompted.  Then download the above .MSI file.

Place it in in the Add-Ins folder, then using the WHS Console, install SBS 7.4.1
Let me know if this version is any better for you.
Comment 5 Michael Herger 2009-10-15 23:08:23 UTC
Please remove/update SuperDateTime - it's causing error messages every second, leading to excessive logging:

[09-10-12 18:25:24.8407] Slim::Buttons::Common::pushMode (2083) Error: Couldn't push into new mode: [IDLESAVER.superdatetime] !: Can't locate object method "vfdmodel" via package "Slim::Display::Squeezebox2" (perhaps you forgot to load "Slim::Display::Squeezebox2"?) at C:\DOCUME~1\UTORRE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\par-utorrent_service\cache-1735677bd746e6661c2fa5bd4ea2d360c323ff0a\276782a2.pm line 4996.
[09-10-12 18:25:26.0909] Slim::Buttons::Common::pushMode (2083) Error: Couldn't push into new mode: [OFF.superdatetime] !: Can't locate object method "vfdmodel" via package "Slim::Display::Squeezebox2" (perhaps you forgot to load "Slim::Display::Squeezebox2"?) at C:\DOCUME~1\UTORRE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\par-utorrent_service\cache-1735677bd746e6661c2fa5bd4ea2d360c323ff0a\276782a2.pm line 4996.
[09-10-12 18:25:26.9578] Slim::Buttons::Common::pushMode (2083) Error: Couldn't push into new mode: [IDLESAVER.superdatetime] !: Can't locate object method "vfdmodel" via package "Slim::Display::Squeezebox2" (perhaps you forgot to load "Slim::Display::Squeezebox2"?) at C:\DOCUME~1\UTORRE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\par-utorrent_service\cache-1735677bd746e6661c2fa5bd4ea2d360c323ff0a\276782a2.pm line 4996.
[09-10-12 18:25:27.9148] Slim::Buttons::Common::pushMode (2083) Error: Couldn't push into new mode: [OFF.superdatetime] !: Can't locate object method "vfdmodel" via package "Slim::Display::Squeezebox2" (perhaps you forgot to load "Slim::Display::Squeezebox2"?) at C:\DOCUME~1\UTORRE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\par-utorrent_service\cache-1735677bd746e6661c2fa5bd4ea2d360c323ff0a\276782a2.pm line 4996.
[09-10-12 18:25:29.1780] Slim::Buttons::Common::pushMode (2083) Error: Couldn't push into new mode: [IDLESAVER.superdatetime] !: Can't locate object method "vfdmodel" via package "Slim::Display::Squeezebox2" (perhaps you forgot to load "Slim::Display::Squeezebox2"?) at C:\DOCUME~1\UTORRE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\par-utorrent_service\cache-1735677bd746e6661c2fa5bd4ea2d360c323ff0a\276782a2.pm line 4996.
[09-10-12 18:25:30.0747] Slim::Buttons::Common::pushMode (2083) Error: Couldn't push into new mode: [OFF.superdatetime] !: Can't locate object method "vfdmodel" via package "Slim::Display::Squeezebox2" (perhaps you forgot to load "Slim::Display::Squeezebox2"?) at C:\DOCUME~1\UTORRE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\par-utorrent_service\cache-1735677bd746e6661c2fa5bd4ea2d360c323ff0a\276782a2.pm line 4996.
[09-10-12 18:25:31.6699] Slim::Buttons::Common::pushMode (2083) Error: Couldn't push into new mode: [IDLESAVER.superdatetime] !: Can't locate object method "vfdmodel" via package "Slim::Display::Squeezebox2" (perhaps you forgot to load "Slim::Display::Squeezebox2"?) at C:\DOCUME~1\UTORRE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\par-utorrent_service\cache-1735677bd746e6661c2fa5bd4ea2d360c323ff0a\276782a2.pm line 4996.
[09-10-12 18:25:32.5460] Slim::Buttons::Common::pushMode (2083) Error: Couldn't push into new mode: [OFF.superdatetime] !: Can't locate object method "vfdmodel" via package "Slim::Display::Squeezebox2" (perhaps you forgot to load "Slim::Display::Squeezebox2"?) at C:\DOCUME~1\UTORRE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\par-utorrent_service\cache-1735677bd746e6661c2fa5bd4ea2d360c323ff0a\276782a2.pm line 4996.
[09-10-12 18:25:33.8947] Slim::Buttons::Common::pushMode (2083) Error: Couldn't push into new mode: [IDLESAVER.superdatetime] !: Can't locate object method "vfdmodel" via package "Slim::Display::Squeezebox2" (perhaps you forgot to load "Slim::Display::Squeezebox2"?) at C:\DOCUME~1\UTORRE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\par-utorrent_service\cache-1735677bd746e6661c2fa5bd4ea2d360c323ff0a\276782a2.pm line 4996.
[09-10-12 18:25:34.7689] Slim::Buttons::Common::pushMode (2083) Error: Couldn't push into new mode: [OFF.superdatetime] !: Can't locate object method "vfdmodel" via package "Slim::Display::Squeezebox2" (perhaps you forgot to load "Slim::Display::Squeezebox2"?) at C:\DOCUME~1\UTORRE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\par-utorrent_service\cache-1735677bd746e6661c2fa5bd4ea2d360c323ff0a\276782a2.pm line 4996.
Comment 6 Arnon Meshoulam 2009-10-18 06:00:49 UTC
I have done both: upgraded SuperDateTime and upgraded the server to the WHS version. So far no issues.
One thing I did notice is the disappearance of the SoftSqueeze link from the main menu.

Comment 7 James Richardson 2012-02-27 17:18:52 UTC
Closing resolved bugs - if you feel this bug still exists please first re-test with the latest SW/FW version.  If you are able to reproduce then feel free to reopen and attach new logs / steps to reproduce.