Bug 17672 - FreeNAS/SlimNAS - nightly 7.7 does not finish scanning
: FreeNAS/SlimNAS - nightly 7.7 does not finish scanning
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Scanner
: 7.7.0
: Other Other
: -- normal with 2 votes (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
Depends on:
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Reported: 2011-10-18 01:57 UTC by matt.snelling
Modified: 2019-01-25 09:57 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description matt.snelling 2011-10-18 01:57:48 UTC
I'm running FreeNAS/SlimNAS and the nightly 7.7 33609 does not finish scanning for media files. It completes music OK but endlessly scans for (non-existent in my case) media files. Aborting loses the completed music scan.

2nd attempt I created a second folder with one jpeg in it. The scan again finished the music but did not find the jpeg and again was stuck looking for other media.

Incidently, the music scan took 4 hours with 33609 but with RC5 it completed in 1hr10m.
Comment 1 matt.snelling 2011-10-19 11:32:00 UTC
Same behaviour with RC6 (33614).
Comment 2 matt.snelling 2011-10-20 05:50:28 UTC
If a full fresh scan is done it will complete. However, further 'Look for new and changed media files' scans again looks endlessly for non-existant media files.
Comment 3 Michael Herger 2011-10-23 21:35:04 UTC
Could you please provide log files for this failed scan?
Comment 4 matt.snelling 2011-10-24 01:15:45 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> Could you please provide log files for this failed scan?

[11-10-21 18:09:20.4456] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1304) Warning: [18:09:20.4453] Resizing from 336x336 png @ 0 to 25x25
[11-10-21 18:09:20.4596] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1304) Warning: [18:09:20.4591] Cached html/images/ServiceProviders/squeezenetwork_25x25.png (650 bytes)
[11-10-21 18:09:20.4601] Slim::Web::Graphics::_cached (68)   from cache: png (650 bytes for html/images/ServiceProviders/squeezenetwork_25x25.png)
[11-10-21 18:09:20.4636] Slim::Web::Graphics::artworkRequest (83) Artwork request: plugins/InfoBrowser/html/images/icon_25x25.png
[11-10-21 18:09:20.4702] Slim::Web::Graphics::_cached (60)   current mtime 1318845731 != cached mtime 1312967158
[11-10-21 18:09:20.4707] Slim::Web::Graphics::artworkRequest (123)   Resize specification: 25x25.png
[11-10-21 18:09:20.4711] Slim::Web::Graphics::artworkRequest (290)   Looking for: plugins/InfoBrowser/html/images/icon.png in skin Default
[11-10-21 18:09:20.4727] Slim::Web::Graphics::artworkRequest (329)   Resizing: /mnt/USB_SOFTWARE/slimnas/squeezebox/Slim/Plugin/InfoBrowser/HTML/EN/plugins/InfoBrowser/html/images/icon.png using spec 25x25.png
[11-10-21 18:09:20.4734] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1304) Warning: [18:09:20.4731] Loading image from /mnt/USB_SOFTWARE/slimnas/squeezebox/Slim/Plugin/InfoBrowser/HTML/EN/plugins/InfoBrowser/html/images/icon.png
[11-10-21 18:09:20.4741] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1304) Warning: [18:09:20.4738] Resizing from 512x512 png @ 0 to 25x25
[11-10-21 18:09:20.5072] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1304) Warning: [18:09:20.5068] Cached plugins/InfoBrowser/html/images/icon_25x25.png (1074 bytes)
[11-10-21 18:09:20.5078] Slim::Web::Graphics::_cached (68)   from cache: png (1074 bytes for plugins/InfoBrowser/html/images/icon_25x25.png)
[11-10-21 18:09:20.5118] Slim::Web::Graphics::artworkRequest (83) Artwork request: plugins/RandomPlay/html/images/icon_25x25.png
[11-10-21 18:09:20.5183] Slim::Web::Graphics::_cached (60)   current mtime 1318845734 != cached mtime 1312967161
[11-10-21 18:09:20.5187] Slim::Web::Graphics::artworkRequest (123)   Resize specification: 25x25.png
[11-10-21 18:09:20.5191] Slim::Web::Graphics::artworkRequest (290)   Looking for: plugins/RandomPlay/html/images/icon.png in skin Default
[11-10-21 18:09:20.5213] Slim::Web::Graphics::artworkRequest (329)   Resizing: /mnt/USB_SOFTWARE/slimnas/squeezebox/Slim/Plugin/RandomPlay/HTML/EN/plugins/RandomPlay/html/images/icon.png using spec 25x25.png
[11-10-21 18:09:20.5221] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1304) Warning: [18:09:20.5218] Loading image from /mnt/USB_SOFTWARE/slimnas/squeezebox/Slim/Plugin/RandomPlay/HTML/EN/plugins/RandomPlay/html/images/icon.png
[11-10-21 18:09:20.5227] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1304) Warning: [18:09:20.5224] Resizing from 512x512 png @ 0 to 25x25
[11-10-21 18:09:20.5589] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1304) Warning: [18:09:20.5585] Cached plugins/RandomPlay/html/images/icon_25x25.png (978 bytes)
[11-10-21 18:09:20.5595] Slim::Web::Graphics::_cached (68)   from cache: png (978 bytes for plugins/RandomPlay/html/images/icon_25x25.png)
[11-10-21 18:09:28.7003] Slim::Music::Import::nextScanTask (702) remaining scans in queue:()
[11-10-21 18:09:28.8349] Slim::Music::Import::nextScanTask (702) remaining scans in queue:()
[11-10-21 18:09:28.8684] Slim::Music::Import::nextScanTask (702) remaining scans in queue:()
[11-10-21 18:09:47.4017] Slim::Music::Import::nextScanTask (702) remaining scans in queue:()
[11-10-21 18:10:03.4719] Slim::Web::Settings::Server::Basic::handler (63) Initiating scan of type: rescan
[11-10-21 18:10:03.4727] Slim::Music::Import::initScanQueue (683) initialize scan queue
[11-10-21 18:10:03.4732] Slim::Music::Import::queueScanTask (728) full rescan requested, wipe queue
[11-10-21 18:10:03.4736] Slim::Music::Import::clearScanQueue (758) clearing queue:()
[11-10-21 18:10:03.4740] Slim::Music::Import::queueScanTask (740) adding scan rescan|| to queue
[11-10-21 18:10:03.4755] Slim::Music::Import::nextScanTask (697) triggering next scan: rescan||
[11-10-21 18:10:03.4765] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::rescan (147) Rescanning /mnt/STORE3/Squeezebox Music
[11-10-21 18:10:03.4815] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::rescan (171) Discovering audio files in /mnt/STORE3/Squeezebox Music
[11-10-21 18:10:10.7748] Slim::Music::Import::nextScanTask (702) remaining scans in queue:()
[11-10-21 18:11:16.1624] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::Async::__ANON__ (79) Async scanner found 13768 files/dirs in 65.39 sec
[11-10-21 18:11:17.2342] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (254) Removing deleted audio files (0)
[11-10-21 18:11:17.2346] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (332) Scanning new audio files (0)
[11-10-21 18:11:17.2349] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (410) Rescanning changed audio files (0)
[11-10-21 18:11:17.2387] Slim::Utils::Scanner::LMS::rescan (91) Rescanning 
[11-10-21 18:17:45.6434] main::init (354) Starting Logitech Media Server (v7.7.0, r33614, Wed Oct 19 04:11:34 MDT 2011) perl 5.008009
[11-10-21 18:17:46.4567] Slim::Networking::UPnP::ControlPoint::search (71) Warning: Failed to initialize multicast socket, disabling UPnP.
[11-10-21 18:17:46.4589] Slim::Music::Import::addImporter (456) Adding Slim::Media::MediaFolderScan Scan
[11-10-21 18:17:46.4595] Slim::Music::Import::countImporters (525) Found importer: Slim::Media::MediaFolderScan
[11-10-21 18:17:48.8323] Slim::Music::Import::addImporter (456) Adding Slim::Music::PlaylistFolderScan Scan
[11-10-21 18:17:48.8327] Slim::Music::Import::countImporters (525) Found importer: Slim::Media::MediaFolderScan
[11-10-21 18:17:48.8332] Slim::Music::Import::countImporters (525) Found importer: Slim::Media::MediaFolderScan
[11-10-21 18:17:48.8335] Slim::Music::Import::countImporters (525) Found importer: Slim::Music::PlaylistFolderScan
[11-10-21 18:17:53.0083] Slim::Web::Graphics::artworkRequest (83) Artwork request: plugins/UPnP/logo_48x48.png
[11-10-21 18:17:53.0091] Slim::Web::Graphics::_cached (68)   from cache: png (3337 bytes for plugins/UPnP/logo_48x48.png)
Comment 5 Michael Herger 2011-10-26 05:47:23 UTC
what are your media file settings?
Comment 6 Michael Herger 2011-10-26 05:47:43 UTC
what are your media folder settings?
Comment 7 matt.snelling 2011-10-26 05:59:37 UTC
(In reply to comment #6)
> what are your media folder settings?

I have one folder that is selected (ticked) for just music and a rescan will hang. As soon as the instalation finishes it kicks off its own re-scan so always hangs. Everything is stored Squeezebox Music/Artist/Album with the artwork saved as cover.jpeg within the album folder. All music files are 99.9% FLAC with a couple of AAC and MP3's here and there all correctly tagged (for my uses) with Foobar2000.

If I abort and then complete a complete fresh scan it completes. If I click re-scan it will then fail again - endlessly looking for something new (of which there isn't).

LMS has crashed (seemingly leaving the scanner running) on each occassion.
Comment 8 Michael Herger 2011-10-26 06:04:43 UTC
> LMS has crashed (seemingly leaving the scanner running) on each occassion.

Are you saying when you check the status, the server isn't running any more? Which means you're basically looking at a stale web page which does update a ticker, but not receive any data from the server?
Comment 9 matt.snelling 2011-10-26 06:11:02 UTC
(In reply to comment #8)
> Are you saying when you check the status, the server isn't running any more?
> Which means you're basically looking at a stale web page which does update a
> ticker, but not receive any data from the server?

From memory (I'm at work Michael so you'll need to bear with me) yes, it says something like the server has stopped responding. All connections via the web GUI stop as do the connections to my SBs (i.e. they report LMS is not running). If I reinstal I can get things running again.

If you look at the log above at [11-10-21 18:17:45...] I think it details the LMS restart.
Comment 10 matt.snelling 2011-10-28 09:57:56 UTC
33624 build also crashes the server.
Comment 11 Rob Meerwijk 2012-07-07 02:38:25 UTC
I am running 7.8. The bug is still here. It still goes in an endless loop when scanning movies or pictures (zero found after 115 hours)

Logitech Media Server Versie: 7.8.0 - 1340607538 @ Sun Jul 1 05:01:34 PDT 2012
Comment 12 stevens_pete 2014-03-05 17:26:06 UTC
I've been running LogitechMediaServer-7.8.0-1391769631 for a few weeks on new Windows 8.1 64bit system and have started getting the scan not finishing - however it claims to have finished and taken about 1 and a bit hours. Cancel the scan and all seem OK - set to auto scan @ 1am.

Have just updated to LogitechMediaServer-7.8.0-1393925969 see what happens tonight or over the next few nights as it appears to be intermittent.

I've been running Squeezebox for 5 or more years on various hardware / software and not had this problem before!

Mixture of mp3 & FLAC
JPG for covers
no movies or anything else
Comment 13 stevens_pete 2014-04-03 07:40:20 UTC
Logitech Media Server Version: 7.8.1 - 1396040560 @ Mon Mar 31 03:04:48 CUT 2014

Upgraded to above and still getting the scanning not finishing.

Auto start at 1am states it runs for under an hour now but doesn't finish.

Unable to scan for folders etc. until the scan is aborted.

Turned Auto scan off

What was shown under the information tab:

Total Images: 0
Total Videos: 0
Total Tracks: 56,860
Total Albums: 5,501
Total Artists: 1,932
Total Genres: 337
Total Playing Time: 4292:40:49

Started a manual Scan:

Report back later results
Comment 14 Michael Herger 2014-04-03 10:25:44 UTC
As you are running LMS on Windows, this is not exactly the right bug report. 

I'd suggest you head over to forums.slimdevices.com to ask around. You'll get better help than here, as this is a bug tracker, not a support forum. Thanks!
Comment 15 Michael Herger 2014-04-03 10:29:38 UTC
If somebody wanted to contribute to this bug report, then please provide a copy of your scanner.log file.
Comment 16 stevens_pete 2014-04-03 18:22:28 UTC
Ok so it has been scanning all day and this is the result:

This page shows the progress of each phase of the scanning process.
Discovering files/directories: M:   (64578 of 64578)   Complete  00:02:34

Scanning new music files: M:   (161 of 161)   Complete  00:00:10

Scanning changed files: M:   (12718 of 12718)   Complete  00:10:57

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status on in the control panel has green bar all the way across and states running 13:41

only option is to abort