Bug 8368 - Update Snooze Button Test to Match Hardware
: Update Snooze Button Test to Match Hardware
Product: SB Boom
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Front Panel
: 11
: PC Windows XP
: -- normal (vote)
: MP
Assigned To: Caleb Crome
Depends on:
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Reported: 2008-06-09 13:35 UTC by Mickey Gee
Modified: 2008-08-28 16:58 UTC (History)
0 users

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Category: ---


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Description Mickey Gee 2008-06-09 13:35:26 UTC
From Caleb:

There are 2 rows of 6 buttons.

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6

But there are only 5 electrical positions.

T1 and B1 are physically 2 switches, but logically 1 switch (called L1)
T2 and B2 are logically 1 switch. (called L2)
T3, B3, T4, B4 are logically 1 switch (called L3)
T5, B5 are logically 1 switch (called L4)
T6, B6 are logically 1 switch (called L5)

Unfortunately, we didn't update the snoozebutton test in the latest firmware, so they are out of order.  

When you push L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 in that order, the buttons DISPLAYED on the screen are D5, D4, D3, D1, D2, in that order.

Since there are 12 physical buttons, but only 5 logically, you need to do the snoozebutton test on the top row, then a totally separate test for the bottom row.
Comment 1 Caleb Crome 2008-06-09 16:28:36 UTC