Bug 16149 - Please honor timeout setting for backup alarm
: Please honor timeout setting for backup alarm
Product: SB Radio
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Alarm
: Include FW version in comment
: Macintosh MacOS X 10.6
: P4 enhancement with 3 votes (vote)
: 7.5.x
Assigned To: Ben Klaas
Depends on:
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Reported: 2010-04-27 06:29 UTC by copperstate
Modified: 2010-09-13 11:27 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description copperstate 2010-04-27 06:29:19 UTC
I have the following (easily reproduced) problem with my SB Radio (7.5.1-r8697):

The backup alarm does not time out after the set time-out interval.

I am running a SBS that is up 24/7 (using MacOS X  10.6.3 on a Intel MacMini). I have set a repeating alarm that uses a internet radio stream as alarm sound. If the internet connection is off (as it often is as I usually turn off the ADSL modem at night) the backup-alarm goes off (as far as I remembered this started with 7.5). 
This is not really a  problem as long as I am there to turn it off, but it is a BIG problem when I have to  leave earlier and forget to disable the alarm as it will play until I come back and turn it off (even if that is days later).

Wouldn't it be possible to synchronize the SBS alarm timeout value at times when the server is still trusted  (as this is afaik  already done for snooze-times)?
Comment 1 copperstate 2010-04-29 17:07:30 UTC
*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***
Comment 2 Chris Owens 2010-06-10 14:42:47 UTC
So, the alarm timeout does seem to work for me.  You are saying it does not work for the backup alarm (probably because the on-device backup alarm function does not currently store the timeout?
Comment 3 Stefan Hansel 2010-06-10 15:15:15 UTC
As written in the original comment, the timeout is not honored for backup-alarms.

Just reproduce a backup alarm (by configuring an internetstream and then disconnect the internat) and the backup-alarm will run for days !

Not nice when one is on holiday and forgot to turn of the alarm.

Yes - its because the timeout is neither synced to the Radio nor is there some default-timeout at all for backup alarms.
Comment 4 SVN Bot 2010-07-19 10:57:12 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #31076 to the slim repo by bklaas ==
 == http://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=31076 ==

Bug: 16149
Description: send alarm_timeout_seconds to squeezeplay in playerstatus notification
Comment 5 SVN Bot 2010-07-19 10:58:59 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #8962 to the jive repo by bklaas ==
 == http://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=8962 ==

Fixed Bug: 16149
Description: honor alarm timeout from server for fallback alarm.
in the absence of the SBS 7.5/trunk checkin r31076, player hard coded to a 60 minute timeout (which is also the server default for a player's alarm timeout)
Comment 6 Chris Owens 2010-09-13 11:27:20 UTC
This bug has now been fixed in a released version of the Squeezeplay firmware (SB Touch, SB Radio, and SB Controller).  If you are still seeing this bug, please make certain you are running firmware 9009 or higher, and re-open it.
