Bugzilla – Bug 4498
Advanced search for compilation album shows all tracks twice
Last modified: 2009-09-08 09:26:20 UTC
When I search for an album which has COMPILATION=1 and ALBUMARTIST=Diverse (German vor Varioius) using the ADVANCED search in the web interface, in the resulting track list all songs are listed twice. This does not happen when I search for a normal album which has not set the two mentioned tags. This also does not happen in the normal search which does not directly produce a track list but only shows a list of matching albums, artists and songs (but not the track list of the matching album). Clicking then on the found album name shows the track list correctly listing each track only once. It does also not happen when I search for an artist or a track. I have the impression that this happens only when MusigMagic is used but have not yet verified that. I use SlimServer Version: 6.5.1 - 10559 - Windows XP - DE - cp1252 and MusicIP Mixer 1.7.1.
Here's one for you, Steven
I am able to reproduce the behavior. I did not require MusicMagic Mixer "MusicIP" present or active to reproduce. To see the behavior the file must have both COMPILATION=1 and ALBUMARTIST tags to be present. For example: I enter San Andreas into the Album search field in Advanced Search and perform a search. The result will show all tracks twice. Remove either COMPILATION=1 or the ALBUMARTIST tag or both and do a server rescan. Once the scan completes do another Album search for San Andreas and the results only contain each track once. From what I can tell it does not matter what is in the ALBUMARTIST tag. Chris, what debugging can I turn to produce a helpful log?
It's a good question, further complicated because scanner logging is in an intermediate state at the moment. There's currently a bug in scanner debugging (I think; it's not listed as fixed: bug 4033)(also yes I see the irony in a bug in debugging). If this bug is really still present, see my workaround at the bottom of the comments on bug 4033 for how to get a log.
Please update this bug with the latest results or close if fixed.
I just installed SlimServer-Version: 6.5.5 - 15567 - Windows XP - DE - cp1252 and the problem is still there.
Sorry, Michael meant to update to the soon-to-be released 7.0 version of SqueezeCenter, available here: http://www.slimdevices.com/dev_nightly.html
Any news on this case? Can anybody still reproduce the issue?
I can't reproduce this. Tried with and without MIP. If there's no news within a few days I'll close this bug as "WORKSFORME"
Feel free to re-open.
I just upgraded to SqueezeCenter - Version: 7.0 - 16146 - Windows XP - DE - cp1252 and the described problem still exists.
Thanks for coming back to this issue. I think I now can _partially_ reproduce this issue: I only get tracks twice which have more than one artist assigned to them, if I define a separator for multiple items, and tag the files accordingly. I then see a line for every artist. I have eg. Macy Gray's "The ID". As a test I tagged it with COMPILATION=1, ALBUMARTIST=Macy Gray, and the track "Sweet Baby" with artist "Macy Gray, Erykah Badu". It's then listed twice, once for Macy Gray, once for Erykah Badu. But I don't see tracks which only have Macy Gray as artist listed twice, though it has the same COMPILATION and ALBUMARTIST information. Can you confirm this behaviour?
I too get the problem with Advanced Search (11th january nightly on XP). My tagging set up is similar. I have: COMPILATION=1 ALBUMARTIST=RECORD LABEL Non of my tracks have more than one artist assigned to them.... sorry Michael! I have never used Music Magic, iTunes or any plugin or facility/plugin that might mess around with this stuff. Dieter, do you by any chance have an unusual character in your directory path for all your Various Artist albums (for instance I have an underscore)?
I'm not sure whether we just see one line per contributor. As in your case the albumartist doesn't match any of the track artists this would result in displaying them all twice. In my case the album artist matches at least one of the track artists, thus "only" two lines in some cases. Does this make sense?
Very likely related to bug 6490. The question is: is the album artist an independant artist to be counted and listed separately?
In any case, the same item shouldn't be shown twice.
Would the following simple patch fix this issue for you? Index: /Users/mh/Documents/workspace/trunk/server/Slim/Web/Pages/Search.pm =================================================================== --- /Users/mh/Documents/workspace/trunk/server/Slim/Web/Pages/Search.pm (revision 16437) +++ /Users/mh/Documents/workspace/trunk/server/Slim/Web/Pages/Search.pm (working copy) @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ ); # Create a resultset - have fillInSearchResults do the actual search. - my $rs = Slim::Schema->search('Track', \%query, \%attrs); + my $rs = Slim::Schema->search('Track', \%query, \%attrs)->distinct; if (defined $client && !$params->{'start'}) {
fixed in change 16471 - thanks Brandon!
Great seems to work now! Thanks.
This bug is being closed since it was resolved for a version which is now released! Please download the new version of SqueezeCenter (formerly SlimServer) at http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads.html If you are still seeing this bug, please re-open it and we will consider it for a future release.