Bugzilla – Bug 4546
documentations needs updating to reflect recent changes (plugin api, web interface & more)
Last modified: 2009-09-08 09:12:00 UTC
From bug#4543, the web interface is apparently deprecated as a mechanism for controlling the player and the CLI is now recommended. The documentation, at present, insists that all the web interface (/status.*) requests are expected to be supported. The documentation should be updated to reflect the fact that the interface is now deprecated.
Do you recall where in the documentation you saw this info?
It wasn't in the documentation that it's deprecated - that's why the documentation needs to be updated :-) KDF explained that the status.txt interface (ie the web interface, because all those operations run through the same code) was deprecated in comment #1 of bug#4543. Comment #3 specifically cites a section of the code that deprecates status.txt (without deprecating the others) but as all the other web interfaces cause the same problem (ie mis-selecting the player to use), I presume that it means the entire interface is deprecated (see comment #4). If status.txt is deprecated, as KDF pointed out in the documentation, then I think the document that needs to be updated is... http://server:9000/html/docs/http.html If it's not deprecated then this bug can be closed as invalid, and the comment in the source removed. I think.
Chris, this has to do with the p# headers that are currently only officially used by Salling Clicker. These were removed, wiht the idea that CLI should be used going forward. Salling resisted, and the expected user acid welled up. Thus, as a "temporary measure" the p# headers were added back in, but Salling was going to (in theory) move to using CLI. There is a comment in the code that marks these as basically 'not good for new designs'. I don't know why every decision needs to be documented in code, wiki, manual, forum, bug reports etc...but not my show.
okay so that's in /server/HTML/EN/html/docs/http.html. Also, you left off that it needs to be documented in the spec!
That's why you get paid the big bucks (I hope)
Reminder to myself, look at this to see if it got fixed.
Should there be no mention at all of status.txt in \server\HTML\EN\html\docs\http.html ?
status.txt and the returned p=? parameters are disused. They were removed once, but put back as an interim measure to keep Salling Clicker functioning while they reworked to use the CLI. HTTP interface is at a point where it really only belongs to the browser world as it requires support for javascript and cookies.
We should move the technical docs to the Wiki where they can be kept up to date. Michael, were you going to look at this?
Dean - doesn't make sense moving a lot of content to the wiki as long as the new wiki isn't available. We would have to redo the formatting and everything.
*** Bug 6644 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I'll probably replace the plugin section with a bunch of links to the appropriate wiki pages.