Bugzilla – Bug 9185
Displaying Thumbnails when browsing music by folders
Last modified: 2009-06-28 13:18:31 UTC
I would like to be able to see the artworks when I browse the music folders from the controller (or the squeezecenter) in the same manner as it is displayed in the album browsing view. In windows explorer it is possible to do so assuming there is a folder.jpg file representing the folder. This is of special interest, as I mostly use Music folder browsing to listen to my collection.
Will consider this for a future release. Please comment and/or vote for this enhancement.
Hello, Is there a plan built to add this? Thid would unify the way the browsing is displayed. The reason why it is important for me is that I do not use Album browsing since the Album tags (eg downloaded automatically from cddb by the ripper) in my collection (mostly classical) are not reliable. I've given up for the time being to re-tag all the music since it is a very time consuming activity. So I use a folder structure (classified by Publishers) to browse my music and it is good enough for me. But I miss the visual identification that would bring the disc thumbnail!