Bugzilla – Bug 17272
502 Bad Gateway error if viewing Spotify Starred tracks and list is empty
Last modified: 2016-03-10 08:01:56 UTC
Using Touch firmware 7.6.0 r9444 and Radio 7.5.4 r9408 I got different responses when viewing Starred menu. Originally I had zero tracks that were starred. On Touch and Radio, I saw error message "502 Bad Gateway" I then went to my Spotify account and Starred the Lady Gaga album Born This Way. Went to look again, and still same error message. I will wait awhile and try again later.
Above was seen when connected only to MySqueezebox.com.
Was able to see Starred tracks the next day. Maybe takes awhile to show up. Maybe an issue only if Starred tracks list is empty? Changing title of bug to reflect error if Starred list is empty. Appears to be no issue if Starred list not empty.