Bug 14892 - Impossible to log on
: Impossible to log on
Product: MySqueezebox.com
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Signon
: Prod
: Macintosh MacOS X 10.6
: -- normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
Depends on:
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Reported: 2009-10-22 07:37 UTC by James Rome
Modified: 2010-02-08 09:56 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

my server log. You don't seem to accept zipped files (84.61 KB, application/octet-stream)
2009-10-22 18:20 UTC, James Rome
Customers log file (1.09 MB, text/plain)
2009-10-23 06:15 UTC, James Richardson
Can't log in, even from control panel (81.08 KB, image/png)
2009-10-23 06:37 UTC, James Rome

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description James Rome 2009-10-22 07:37:51 UTC
I have two squeezeCenter Servers. One on SUSE, and one on  OS X

The OS X one cannot log into mysqueezecenter.com using the same uid/pwd that works on the linux server and on your web page. I enter it on the MySqueezecenter tab, and hit apply, and it says it is invalid!

And today, after the 3.5.4 Firefix upgrade, the mysqueezecenter page from the Mac is blocked. I got a message form NoScript) about a clickjacking attempt, and I think I answered things to say it was ok, but now the page displays and disappears. It is an interaction with Abine, the identity manager from passwordmaker. But, the same page works from my SUSE server. I tried the same Mac page from my laptop, and see the same disappearance. However, I turned off everything in NoScript, the page displays, and I still cannot get the Mac server to accept the logon. 

It does not work in Safari either. It says the uid/pwd is invalid.

So, as a result, I can't listen to Radioio.com on my mac because you put it into an App, that requires logging into mysqueezecenter, whereas previously, the server entered the information needed directly.

I really think this change sucks. I now have to have the MyApps item on my main menu, which is more crowded than it used to. radioio should be listed under Internet Radio!
Comment 1 James Richardson 2009-10-22 17:25:15 UTC
James: can you please post your OSX Server logs
Comment 2 James Rome 2009-10-22 18:20:02 UTC
Created attachment 6190 [details]
my server log. You don't seem to accept zipped files
Comment 3 James Rome 2009-10-22 18:22:44 UTC
That was Zipped text.
Comment 4 James Richardson 2009-10-23 06:14:00 UTC
Comment on attachment 6190 [details]
my server log. You don't seem to accept zipped files

removing zip file to be replaced by txt file
Comment 5 James Richardson 2009-10-23 06:15:43 UTC
Created attachment 6192 [details]
Customers log file

James: Please try disabling all 3rd party apps.  Start SBS in 'safe' mode and try again.

It looks like weather bug is having an issue.
Comment 6 James Richardson 2009-10-23 06:18:29 UTC
In the SBS Control Panel, stop SBS.  Then check 'Run with no user extensions ("safe mode")' then start SBS, and attempt to put in your MySB user/pass
Comment 7 Michael Herger 2009-10-23 06:34:34 UTC
> In the SBS Control Panel, stop SBS.  Then check 'Run with no user extensions
> ("safe mode")' then start SBS, and attempt to put in your MySB user/pass

I'm sorry to say: there's no such thing in the OSX PrefPane...

But yeah, disable all 3rd party plugins and try again. Also check your networking.
Comment 8 James Rome 2009-10-23 06:37:15 UTC
Created attachment 6193 [details]
Can't log in, even from control panel

Try as I might, I cannot find any place to get to safe mode, whether in the server web page, or in the Max control panel in System Preferences.

It keeps saying my password or uid are invalid.
Comment 9 James Rome 2009-10-23 06:45:13 UTC
I disabled all plugins and restarted. Still cannot get my credentials accepted by mysqueezebox.com, entering them  inside system preferences.
Can you look at your server end?
Comment 10 Michael Herger 2009-10-23 06:48:18 UTC
According to your logs there's a networking problem: SBS can't find the  
mysb.com host. Can you access any of the radio features at all?
Comment 11 James Rome 2009-10-23 07:06:49 UTC
Well, playing radioio works, but only with ads. I wonder if LittleSnitch can be blocking it somehow. I can't find the SqueezeBox Server listed explicitly in the LittleSnitch rules, but perl is allowed any connection.
However, I told LittleSnitch to allow everything, and this still does not work.
Comment 12 James Rome 2009-10-23 07:10:52 UTC
And I can connect to the mysqueezebox.com web page, so DNS is working.
Comment 13 James Rome 2009-10-23 08:31:44 UTC
I emptied the log.
Then I tried the login in both System Preferences, and on the Web page.  No logs. Then I enables logging for mysqueezebox.com and get:

[09-10-23 11:28:21.3087] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_players_done (104) Got list of SN players: (
      apps  => {
                 accuradio => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon => "/static/images/icons/accuradio.png",
                       title => "RADIO_PROVIDERS_ACCURADIO",
                       type => "opml",
                       url => "http://www.accuradio.com/shoutcast/accuradio.opml",
                 bbc => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon => "/static/images/icons/bbc.png",
                       title => "RADIO_PROVIDERS_BBC",
                       type => "opml",
                       url => "http://www.slimdevices.com/picks/split/BBC.opml",
                 cbc => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon => "/static/images/icons/cbc.png",
                       title => "RADIO_PROVIDERS_CBC",
                       type => "opml",
                       url => "http://www.cbc.ca/radio2/opml/CBC.opml",
                 classical => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon      => "/static/images/icons/classical.png",
                       plugin    => "Slim::Plugin::Classical::Plugin",
                       title     => "CLASSICAL",
                       type      => "opml",
                       url       => "/api/classical/v1/opml",
                 live365 => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon      => "/static/images/icons/live365.png",
                       plugin    => "Slim::Plugin::Live365::Plugin",
                       title     => "PLUGIN_LIVE365_MODULE_NAME",
                       type      => "opml",
                       url       => "/api/live365/v1/opml",
                 pandora => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon      => "/static/images/icons/pandora.png",
                       plugin    => "Slim::Plugin::Pandora::Plugin",
                       title     => "PANDORA",
                       type      => "opml",
                       url       => "/api/pandora/v1/opml",
                 radioio => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon => "/static/images/icons/radioio.png",
                       title => "RADIOIO",
                       type => "opml",
                       url => "/api/radioio/v1/opml",
      id    => 1123,
      mac   => "00:04:20:05:b8:25",
      model => "squeezebox2",
      name  => "bedroom",
      uuid  => undef,
      apps  => {
                 accuradio => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon => "/static/images/icons/accuradio.png",
                       title => "RADIO_PROVIDERS_ACCURADIO",
                       type => "opml",
                       url => "http://www.accuradio.com/shoutcast/accuradio.opml",
                 bbc => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon => "/static/images/icons/bbc.png",
                       title => "RADIO_PROVIDERS_BBC",
                       type => "opml",
                       url => "http://www.slimdevices.com/picks/split/BBC.opml",
                 cbc => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon => "/static/images/icons/cbc.png",
                       title => "RADIO_PROVIDERS_CBC",
                       type => "opml",
                       url => "http://www.cbc.ca/radio2/opml/CBC.opml",
                 classical => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon      => "/static/images/icons/classical.png",
                       plugin    => "Slim::Plugin::Classical::Plugin",
                       title     => "CLASSICAL",
                       type      => "opml",
                       url       => "/api/classical/v1/opml",
                 live365 => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon      => "/static/images/icons/live365.png",
                       plugin    => "Slim::Plugin::Live365::Plugin",
                       title     => "PLUGIN_LIVE365_MODULE_NAME",
                       type      => "opml",
                       url       => "/api/live365/v1/opml",
                 pandora => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon      => "/static/images/icons/pandora.png",
                       plugin    => "Slim::Plugin::Pandora::Plugin",
                       title     => "PANDORA",
                       type      => "opml",
                       url       => "/api/pandora/v1/opml",
                 radioio => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon => "/static/images/icons/radioio.png",
                       title => "RADIOIO",
                       type => "opml",
                       url => "/api/radioio/v1/opml",
      id    => 183_892,
      mac   => "00:04:20:1a:2a:28",
      model => "squeezeplay",
      name  => "Controller",
      uuid  => "9bd5ca8649c73e99902e4a08dd1980ec",
      apps  => {
                 accuradio => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon => "/static/images/icons/accuradio.png",
                       title => "RADIO_PROVIDERS_ACCURADIO",
                       type => "opml",
                       url => "http://www.accuradio.com/shoutcast/accuradio.opml",
                 bbc => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon => "/static/images/icons/bbc.png",
                       title => "RADIO_PROVIDERS_BBC",
                       type => "opml",
                       url => "http://www.slimdevices.com/picks/split/BBC.opml",
                 cbc => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon => "/static/images/icons/cbc.png",
                       title => "RADIO_PROVIDERS_CBC",
                       type => "opml",
                       url => "http://www.cbc.ca/radio2/opml/CBC.opml",
                 classical => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon      => "/static/images/icons/classical.png",
                       plugin    => "Slim::Plugin::Classical::Plugin",
                       title     => "CLASSICAL",
                       type      => "opml",
                       url       => "/api/classical/v1/opml",
                 live365 => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon      => "/static/images/icons/live365.png",
                       plugin    => "Slim::Plugin::Live365::Plugin",
                       title     => "PLUGIN_LIVE365_MODULE_NAME",
                       type      => "opml",
                       url       => "/api/live365/v1/opml",
                 pandora => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon      => "/static/images/icons/pandora.png",
                       plugin    => "Slim::Plugin::Pandora::Plugin",
                       title     => "PANDORA",
                       type      => "opml",
                       url       => "/api/pandora/v1/opml",
                 radioio => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon => "/static/images/icons/radioio.png",
                       title => "RADIOIO",
                       type => "opml",
                       url => "/api/radioio/v1/opml",
      id    => 42_330,
      mac   => "00:04:20:07:1d:9d",
      model => undef,
      name  => "HiFi",
      uuid  => undef,
      apps  => {
                 accuradio => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon => "/static/images/icons/accuradio.png",
                       title => "RADIO_PROVIDERS_ACCURADIO",
                       type => "opml",
                       url => "http://www.accuradio.com/shoutcast/accuradio.opml",
                 bbc => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon => "/static/images/icons/bbc.png",
                       title => "RADIO_PROVIDERS_BBC",
                       type => "opml",
                       url => "http://www.slimdevices.com/picks/split/BBC.opml",
                 cbc => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon => "/static/images/icons/cbc.png",
                       title => "RADIO_PROVIDERS_CBC",
                       type => "opml",
                       url => "http://www.cbc.ca/radio2/opml/CBC.opml",
                 classical => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon      => "/static/images/icons/classical.png",
                       plugin    => "Slim::Plugin::Classical::Plugin",
                       title     => "CLASSICAL",
                       type      => "opml",
                       url       => "/api/classical/v1/opml",
                 live365 => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon      => "/static/images/icons/live365.png",
                       plugin    => "Slim::Plugin::Live365::Plugin",
                       title     => "PLUGIN_LIVE365_MODULE_NAME",
                       type      => "opml",
                       url       => "/api/live365/v1/opml",
                 pandora => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon      => "/static/images/icons/pandora.png",
                       plugin    => "Slim::Plugin::Pandora::Plugin",
                       title     => "PANDORA",
                       type      => "opml",
                       url       => "/api/pandora/v1/opml",
                 radioio => {
                       home_menu => 0,
                       icon => "/static/images/icons/radioio.png",
                       title => "RADIOIO",
                       type => "opml",
                       url => "/api/radioio/v1/opml",
      id    => 65_396,
      mac   => "3b:02:a5:9e:b7:75",
      model => undef,
      name  => "SoftSqueeze",
      uuid  => undef,
[09-10-23 11:28:21.3094] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_players_done (105) Got list of active services: {
  deezer   => 0,
  facebook => 0,
  lfm      => 0,
  napster  => 0,
  pandora  => 1,
  rhapsody => 0,
  slacker  => 0,
[09-10-23 11:28:21.3095] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_players_done (106) Next player check in 300 seconds
[09-10-23 11:28:29.5266] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::PrefSync::shutdown (148) SqueezeNetwork pref sync shutdown
[09-10-23 11:28:29.5283] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::login (280) Logging in to SN as jamesrome@gmail.com
[09-10-23 11:28:29.7469] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::PrefSync::_init_done (54) Got list of SN prefs to sync: 52 prefs
[09-10-23 11:28:29.7580] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::_error (431) Unable to login to SN: Invalid mysqueezebox.com username or password.
[09-10-23 11:28:32.0027] Slim::Networking::Discovery::Players::_players_error (143) Unable to get players: Connect timed out: 
[09-10-23 11:28:34.0008] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::PrefSync::syncDown (174) Requesting sync down from SN: {
  client   => "00:04:20:05:b8:25",
  deviceid => 4,
  model    => "squeezebox2",
  name     => "bedroom",
  rev      => 130,
  since    => "1256311540",
  uuid     => undef,
[09-10-23 11:28:34.0011] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::_createHTTPRequest (377) Logging in to SqueezeNetwork to obtain session ID
[09-10-23 11:28:34.0013] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::login (280) Logging in to SN as jamesrome@gmail.com
[09-10-23 11:28:34.2433] Slim::Utils::Prefs::__ANON__ (763) SN session has changed, removing cookies
[09-10-23 11:28:34.2436] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::_login_done (422) Logged into SN OK
[09-10-23 11:28:34.2438] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::__ANON__ (386) Got SqueezeNetwork session ID
[09-10-23 11:28:34.4867] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::PrefSync::_syncDown_done (220) Sync down data from SN: {
  name => "bedroom",
  next_sync => 268_848,
  prefs => {},
  timestamp => "1256311712",
[09-10-23 11:28:34.4894] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::PrefSync::_syncDown_done (297) Synced prefs from SN for player 00:04:20:05:b8:25
[09-10-23 11:28:37.0008] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::PrefSync::syncDownGlobal (197) Requesting global sync down from SN: { since => "1256311535" }
[09-10-23 11:28:37.2298] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::PrefSync::_syncDown_done (220) Sync down data from SN: { prefs => {}, timestamp => "1256311715" }
So it seems to be connecting. But it is not getting my radioio login, and still says invalid user in both the SysPrefs and the server page.
Comment 14 James Rome 2009-10-29 09:30:09 UTC
This is fixed in 7.4.1 :-)
Comment 15 Chris Owens 2010-02-08 09:56:49 UTC
These are all bugs that have been marked 'fixed' or 'closed' but still have the bug_meeting keyword.  They were not showing up in James's bug meeting search.

Please let me know (chris_owens@logitech.com) if these need to be brought up at the next bug meeting.  In the meantime I will fix the search.