Bugzilla – Bug 3308
Podcast plugin fails to start when slimserver runs as a service
Last modified: 2008-09-15 14:39:24 UTC
When I run slimserver interpreted using active perl as a service, the podcast plugin fails to load. It is not listed in the server settings -> plugins list. 2006-04-22 22:28:41.1258 Requiring Plugins::Podcast::Plugin plugin. 2006-04-22 22:28:41.1273 Podcast Plugin initializing. 2006-04-22 22:28:41.1275 Podcast Feed Info: 2006-04-22 22:28:41.1275 PodcastAlley Top 50, http://podcastalley.com/PodcastAlleyTop50.opml 2006-04-22 22:28:41.1275 PodcastAlley 10 Newest, http://podcastalley.com/PodcastAlley10Newest.opml 2006-04-22 22:28:41.1276 Podcast Pickle Top 25 Newest, http://www.podcastpickle.com/podPlayer/new/opml25Newest.php 2006-04-22 22:28:41.1277 Podcast Pickle Top 25 Favorites, http://www.podcastpickle.com/podPlayer/new/opml25Favorites.php 2006-04-22 22:28:41.1277 2006-04-22 22:28:41.2869 Initialization of Plugins::Podcast::Plugin failed: Error in tempfile() using \Music\SlimServer\server\Cache\FileCache\5\f\c\XXXXXXXXXX: Parent directory (\Music\SlimServer\server\Cache\FileCache\5\f\c\) is not a directory at P:\Music\SlimServer\trunk\server\CPAN/Cache/FileBackend.pm line 562 I checked; P:\Music\SlimServer\server\Cache\FileCache\5\f\c\ is a directory. Could it be that it's not looking with the full path specification (ie. needs the "P:" disk in front of the path)? When I run the plugin from the command line with perl slimserver.pl --d_plugins, the plugin is loaded. I can see the podcast browser in the web ui, and the podcast pluggin section in server settings.
Well it looks like it is indeed missing the drive letter here. Can you find out what your cachedir preference is set to (open up slimserver.pref to see).
cachedir: P:\Music\SlimServer\server\Cache
Hmm, I will do some testing under Windows.
problem would seem to be in Cache/Filebackend here: my ( $volume, $directory, $filename ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $p_path ); my ( $temp_fh, $temp_filename ) = tempfile( DIR => $directory ); splitpath parses the volume info, and then the failing line above, tries to write to just the "$directory" portion of the path
I've fixed this in our custom lib directory. A fix has also been pending in CPAN RT for several months and should be in Cache::Cache 1.05.